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Everything posted by Goku213

  1. K, thanks that will probably answer anything i have in the future too one last Q though, for now....... [b]what would be a more powerful fusion........ Goku and Mystic Gohan or Goku and Vegeta?[/b] i'm guessing Goku and Gohan as Mystic Gohan was unbalivably powerful. But it could never have happened as it would be called something stuypid, like, Gohak, or Gokan or somethin :|
  2. Well, now Buu came back, surprising the others as he hasn't improved, and he's desperate to fight Gotenks again. WHY? my guess is that he knows he cant beat Gohan, so he went away to think about it, and he wants to fight Gotenks to eat him (and maybe Piccolo and Hercule too, though Hercule wouldn't make much difference) and that extra power would be enough to wipe out Gohan. I know Gohan doesnt win, and thats the only thing i can think of. But if thats the case, why was Buu allowed to fight the others? Gohan should;'ve just destroyed him. How close to what happens is my guess?
  3. yeah, that was good, thanks. I'll wait until it takes us up until that point and i'll probably come back with more Qz. Just one more though, how do some of the people on the board know what happens from start to finish if they haven't been shown yet? How do they (and you) get access to these epps?
  4. ok this is a [b]*** spoiler REQUEST ***[/b] so if you read on, it's up to you what i was wondering is, Mystic Gohan has just come back and is kicking 10 shades of **** outta Buu. Now we all know that Mystic Gohan isn't the one who beats Buu, so something obviously happens for the control balance to shift. All i was wondering is, how does Buu get the upper hand on Mystic Gohan? I'm guessing he either does a Freiza and destroys the planet (but surely Gohan would still stay as powerful as he is in the next world, come back, and kick Buu's ***** again? when the world gets wished back) OR Mystic Gohan loses energy kinda like Gotenks did with the fusion? Can someone fill me in on what happens please
  5. damn, a whole year? thats crap. i hope i dont have to wait a year. They were supposed ot have them ready for the start of the month. Oh well, i guess i'll have to keep checkin
  6. when does the new shows start? IT's been months since i saw one i hadn't seen before. I think Buu's dog got shot or crushed or somethin like that in the last epp. I just wanted to know when they're going to start up again. Withdrawal symptoms :( lol
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Anyone who boxes should be in a cage. [/B][/QUOTE]that's your opinion. But boxing is safe to watch. It's not like they're going to break out of the ring and go shooting everyone watching. Nobody FORCES them to be boxers, and anyone who doesn't like it, well, nobody FORCES them to watch/read it
  8. no offence, but i really don't think you know what you're talking about P. Diddy doesn't write his own rhymes. I'm on many rap boards, i mod on most of them, i know what i'm saying. Like on that bad boy for life track. It was a load of crap, bad beat and everything, but in it he says something like "dont worry if i write my rhymes......i write cheques". He's basically admitting it right there that he doesn't write his rhymes, he's just in it for the cash. Anyway, it's a known fact that he used to get B.I.G. to write his rhymes for him. Now that BIG's gone, he'll have other people ghostwriting for him how can i call Dre crap? Well let's see, he is HIGHLY overrated. As far as producing goes, which is what he's best at, he is far from the best in the game. Daz Dillinger has a similar style (dunno if u know who he is) but he's so much better. Primo (DJ Premier) is also a lot better. Dre also doesn't write his own raps. He gets ghostwriters to do it for him. Remember Still D.R.E. ?? Well guess who wrote that? Dr. Dre? hahahaha, dont make me laugh. It was Jay Z who wrote that. Dre even admitted that he doesn't write his own rhymes, he gets others to do it for him. Dre is a REASONABLE producer, but he is overrated and there are many who is better. Just cuz Eminem works with him, that doesn't mean anything. So yea, i know what i'm talkin about, so any other doubts u have, you can post back :)
  9. P. Diddy is crap, plain and simple. He was never good, he's just crap. He gets other people to write his raps for him, just like Dr. Dre does. Crap Snoop is one of the biggest sellouts in the game. Anyone who has heard his new "[b]Paid the Cost to be the Boss[/b]" album (isn't out yet) will see what i mean. It's straight wackness. Since he has this new pimp image, he's just so damn commercial now. Ludacris, damn, you hear one song you hear them all. Money, houses, cars, women, drink, jewlrey, etc etc. BORING so many people bein played on the radio are crap. Thats why i dont listen to many of them. I listen to underground artists, netCz too
  10. oh right. I don't count Devils Night as an Eminem album because it goes down as a D12 album. It's like calling it a Proof album, or a Swifty album etc, which it isn't. Like calling a Beatles album a John Lennon album, or a Ringo album etc. I put it down as D12 :)
  11. really? I like Superman cuz it's pretty much the only old style Eminem funny track on there. And i notice you didn't list #7 (Soldier)? That's a tight as hell track. Each to their own i guess :)
  12. i got the limited edition, it's good. I'm a mod on a few rap boards & i gotta say that nobody thinks MMLP is that good. They be saying it's too pop-appealing and i've got to agree. I don't really like that album all that much. There's a couple decent tracks, but overall, it can't compare to his others. SSLP is really good, funny as hell. It was something new when it came out, loads of the songs had me rollin laughin When i heard TES, i thought it was just behind SSLP, but after a few listens, i like it even more. The lyrical content is just quality. Rappin about deep stuff, troubles in his life etc. I can see the change from his last two. #3 #4 #5 #7 #8 #12 #13 #16 #18 those are my favourite songs with #4 #7 #13 #18 being the main ones. The only one i dont really like is Hailie's song, and Drips is kinda, blah
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyangohan2002 [/i] [B]ISenegal, if they try really hard, could take the cup, [/B][/QUOTE]lmao, nice joke :)[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Padme Amidala [/i] [B]Brazil for you other ppl[/B][/QUOTE]lmfao & also lol @ the word "soccer" anyway, i don't think Brazil will win it this time round. Why? Because they had so much trouble qualifying. They're not on form. Argentina, Spain, Italy, those are the 3 most likely IMO. Brazil could make the semis, and there's always one no-no team that seems to make the semis as well. Bulgaria in 94, Croatia in 98
  14. thanks, i didn't understand all of your post but i caught parts, The camera i have now really doesn't have many features at all, it was pretty cheap. It's a Kodak EZ200. The one i'm looking at now is a DX700 or something like that, DX700, DX500, one of them. I don't really need many flashy gadget things, i just want something that takes decent quality pictures at a reasonable price :) Anyway, thanks for the reply
  15. ^^^^^^^upping. Not sure if upping is allowed on this board, if not, my mistake
  16. Senegal will be lucky to get to the next round My tip before the competition was Argentina, though i feel Italy could possibly take it
  17. it sounds a lot easier to get your liscence in America than it is here in England
  18. i think i'm best saying that i'm not into any professional photography, so i dont need anything that is PERFECT quality :) lol. Also, i'm not loaded at all, so i can't really afford any of that. I would never blow £3thou on a camera at all. I'd just use it for any old photo taking, y'know? What would 3.1 and 2.1 photos look like in terms of quality? Rate them on a scale of 1-10 if you can't think of how to describe it. If you'd rate the 3.1 an 8 or something, and the 2.1 a 6.5, then i'd go for the 2.1 as there's not enough difference to make me shell out the extra cash, which i could do with right now
  19. ^^ that ^^ is the view my mum has. She thinks rap is so big because of the swearing in it. To me, it isn't about the swearing. Let's take LL Cool J's debut album for example. No swearing. It went platinum. He's done others where there is no swearing, they've gone platinum. It's just that most rappers include swear words in their music that that is what rap is seen as. I see no problem with swear words in rap, if the artist swears in real life, then why not put them in their music? Making sure they don't just to be "politically correct" or whatever would be fake. Anyway, rap music, when you listen to the lyrics, isn't just "a load of crap" like what a lot of anti-rap people think. A lot of tracks are just stupid, but if you listen to a lot of the deep tracks that artists make, check the imagery they use, the deepness oozing from it, you can feel what they feel, the metaphors, multi-syllable rhyming, the way one thing links with another in the rhyme, it's complex (but like someone said here, not as complex as real poetry). But anyway, like someone else said here, it's music. People are gonna be fans of one thing, people are gonna hate one thing, it's the same with everything:box:
  20. i bought one a while ago, and i didn't know much about them, it was cheap and really basic. I've taken a look and it's a 0.3MP camera. What i want is a camera that gives out good quality pictures, like a good quality normal camera would. I've been looking around and saw some Kodak one at £299 that gives 3.1MP. I've seen splenty of £250 ones that give 2.1/2.2MP. So, for anyone who knows anything about these, of course the 3.1 will be the better camera as far as picture quality goes, but my question is...is it worth it? Is 2.1MP real good quality anyway? Just looking for a bit of advice before i buy. Thanks
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]where we will sh*t out whatever's popular over and over till it gets overplayed and people move to the next fad [/B][/QUOTE]unfortunately, i have to agree with you, and it's like that in this country also. Gets on my damn nerves. Thats why i try and listen to the radio as little as possible and try to watch as little music TV as possible as they just play the same songs over and over and eventually i will stop liking them because they keep being shoved down my throat. I hate it when an artist i like becomes "big". Because they get so overplayed, they get rich, then their performing gets lazy and they put out songs that aren't as good as they could be. I remember being a fan of Eminem before he made it big, then he got famous, and i can see the difference in his rhymes now. Same with other artists. And as for pop, rap is pretty much now pop, rock is pop. Pop is just a short term for popular. When someone says pop we automatically think of teeny-bopper music, dance music, Nsync "music", but anything that is popular, is pop music really. At least in America, you are having half decent music shoved down your throats by the looks of your charts. Here in England it's just dance music which takes up about 80%, acts like Nsync which take up 15% and then rock/rap and anything else like that which takes up 5% of our charts.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueGender [/i] [B]Eminem is a white rapper who with the help of Dr. Dre has three albums which have all gone platnuim multiple times. [/B][/QUOTE]I never noticed this thread before, anyway, there's a lot of pages on this so i don't know if it's been mentioned, but this is not his 3rd album, it's his 5th. Infinite The Slim Shady EP The Slim Shady LP The Marshal Mathers LP The Eminem Show I have them all, the first 2 are reasonable, the first is a different style, less "shock rap". The new one is better than MMLP (a lot better) but slightly worse than SSLP in my opinion
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Music is an open-for-interpretation topic. [/B][/QUOTE]Couldn't have said it better myself[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]The fact is, I said rap wasn't music.. and it's not... It's talking really fast.. sure it does have music in the background, but rapping itself IS NOT music... and I can assure you that that is 100% true... Here's the deffinition of music: 1) The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. 2) Instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm. 3) A musical composition. ....The written or printed score for such a composition. ....Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a stack near the piano. .....A musical accompaniment. 4) An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines. [/B][/QUOTE]First of all, i wasn't dissing rock music, just saying i dont really like it. Some acts are ok, but most don't appeal to me. Thats a different note though.... rap really isn't "talking fast". I honestly have no idea where you got that idea from. The only way i think you did is 1) by listening to rappers like Twista or 2) you speak extremely slowly. I doubt it was either of those so i don't understand why you thought that lets take the song i'm listening to right now for example "White America" off Eminem's new album, that's far from fast. Most rap songs are not "talking fast" though admittedly, SOME (minority) are i'll take your #1. Isn't speaking arranging sounds? Don't we produce sounds when we speak? And unless you try writing a rap song, you wont understand, but you need to have very similar syllable sounds in your bars to have the flow (the rhythm). So there's your sound and rhythm. Your #2 would be talking baout the beats in rap songs. But yea, #1 would be that rapping is music. And again, unless you've tried writing rap songs you wont understand, but it's actually pretty difficult (to make good ones that is. Anyone could string some words together, but quality is pretty difficult). Getting the syllables right in your bars is something that the artist needs to do, and to advance they could try multi-syllable rhyming which is pretty damn hard to do Anyway, it's pretty obvious that we're not going to agree on music, so i guess we should just agree to disagree :)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Exactly... you just prooved my point about rap not being music... wow... thats so the best deffinition I've ever heard of rap... and it goes well with my theory that rap is not music... just another art form of talking.... with noise... [/B][/QUOTE]actually, you're wrong. it's an art form, a form of music. I dont know what music you like, but i'll take a guess at rock music, or if you don't, let's just say that you do for arguments sake. To me, that isn't music, that's just a load of screeching shouting, bawling, shouting. Like i say, TO ME it isn't music. But i'm not denying it isn't music if you understand what i'm trying to say? Because i know that it is just another form of music as it comes in many forms Like when Rock N Roll was emerging. People were saying it wasn't music, it was noise, it should be banned, but hey, it took over the world. You see what i'm saying? And as for this whole female moaning and repetetive stuff etc. The MC rapping does so over a beat. If the beat is not somewhat repetetive, then how can he flow properly on the mic? It has to have some repetivness in it. Also not all rap songs have a female in it moaning. You're probably thinking of commercial rappers who only rap about women, money, alcohol, mansions, cars etc, people like Ludacris would be a good example of that, boring people rapping over a pop beat to make some quick money because the pop beat appeals to all the teeny-bopper fans. Any more questions or things u wanna clear up or whatever, holla back
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