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Everything posted by Goku213

  1. I've just thought............i've only ever seen Goku as a child ONCE in GT, and that was the clip mentioned all the other times (other clips), i've seen him "old" like in your avetar
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic_SSJ2_Goh [/i] [B]I am the gohan master any questions ask me Gohan Does not become weaker in the buu series because you cannot lose power you have already gained got it good... and the only reason everyone THINKS hes weaker is because hes lost his fighting sence (if you recall the episode where gohan fights Debora Goku says that gohan should know the a direct attack shouldnt work on debora, and then Vegeta says He completly lost his fighting sence. make sence to all of you good... [/B][/QUOTE] thats what i've been meaning to ask.............what was a direct attack? And how else could Gohan attack him?
  3. doesn't Goku fight him as a child? :::SPOILER:::: sort of i saw a clip of this fight. I was looking around for clips and came across it somewhere and downloaded it. 17 is there saying he can't be destoryed or something like that and that he'll just absorb any blast, which must be them things in his palms, but Goku just blasts right through him with some big blast, possibly a Kameameha, i can't remember
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B] freiza's voice in his last form sounded way to femanin!(so what if i can't spell!) when i first started watching dbz freiza was on his last form and i literaly thought that he was a girl. [/B][/QUOTE]oh, maybe i'm thinking of the wrong transformation? I know that early on he sounded like a female. I thought he was female until i found out that he wasn't either male or female. LoL @ me calling it "he" after i just said that. haha
  5. LoL, buu is very VERY annoying with that voice. All the other bad guys had decent voices, especially Freiza's last form, but not this Buu guy anyway, i thought i'd ask another question here rather than make a new thread for it, even though it has nothing to do with the Buu saga :::::::::::: does Vegeta ever call Goku......Goku? I've only ever heard him call him Kakarott
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]try [url]www.gkworld.com[/url] i'm not sure were they ship to but the have a lot of movies(but i don't remember if they're dvds or not). sorry but thats the only place i can think of. some times they ship it in two days. sorry if it doesn't work out. [/B][/QUOTE] K thanks for the link. I doubt (if they do ship to England) that it'd take just 2 days cuz a letter takes at least 7 days from America to England. I remembered that cdnow.com don't only do music CDs, so i checked that and i found they sell a region 1 Bardock DVD, so i might buy that. It was about $22 or something i think. I have a DVD player on my comp, but it isn't multi-regional, so all i need to do now, is find someone who has a multi-regional DVD player:worried:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B] Goku says, (on the dub,) "Well at least he gets straight A's." [/B][/QUOTE]Why, what does it say in the original version and this has probably been noted, but Trunks, the little one, has the potential, over time, of being the strongest fighter. Trunks and Goten both turned SSJ before Gohan did (in terms of age not in terms of time) and Trunks is slightly more powerful than Goten, so it would be Trunks who potentially could be the strongest, but like i said, that would only be over time as he's so young saw him rescue Vegeta today Vs Buu, i thought he was going to go SSJ2 cuz of how mad he was, lol. I'm disappointed with that now, LoL
  8. I checked that ebay thing. I checked ebay.co.uk as i live in England, and i was right, it is that bidding thing Thanks for the help, but i'm really not into bidding for something. I'm deserate for the movies and that trunks one, but not THAT Desperate to start bidding. I'd much rather it be like an online shop i buy from, not an online auction, because then prices can start getting pretty stupid and i dont know if i can trust something like that where money is concerned, you understand? :) Anyway, like i say, thanks for the help, but can anyone give any links for sure that ship to the UK & aren't bidding sites?
  9. K, thanks for the answers. I had an idea that was the answer to #1 but #2 i had no idea
  10. The Buu saga has pretty much just started out over here, so expect me to be coming here once gaain regular with questions :D I only have 2 this time :)..... 1st one is.....why was Vegeta, when he thought Gohan was dead, upset about it? He said "I'm sorry Gohan". He usually doesn't care. And then he was talking in his head to Goku saying that he might not be around when Goku wakes, but the Earth still will be and he'll stake his life on it. Why was he caring so much when he never really does? 2nd question is.....how was Buu doing that thing where he was changing into Goku when Buu & Vegeta first faced off? Buu had never even seen Goku before at that point
  11. True, nowhere, especially not in my little area, sells any DBZ VHS or DVD. If somewhere in England does sell it, then it'll be a big area like London or Birmingham or something ebay? Isn't that like a bid site? I'm really not into bidding for something. I just want a simple site where i can put in card details, make the order, wait a week or so for the ship and then it arrives. I'll give that other site a try again for the members checkout In the meantime, does anyone know a site that sells [b]&[/b] ships to the UK for sure?
  12. Yup, Gohan took one as Goku & Vegeta were about to square off, but when Vegeta knocked out Goku, just before he did that, he told Goku to get out his senzu beanS. Still, only 3 sensu beans? They usually take more with them
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1][color=royalblue][b]I'm not sure if they have those but heres a link----->[url=http://www.zstore.com/StoreFront.bok]CLICK HERE FOR LINK[/url]
  14. I remember a similar post being made about DBZ clips online that got closed up, but i can't see what would be wrong about wanting to buy some DBZ DVDs. If any rules are being broken here can a mod PM me or somethin? Anyway, i want to buy some DBZ DVDs. I want the [b]History of Trunks[/b] DVD and i want the movies. Speaking of the movies, which are the better ones? I've heard the Bardock one is good. The thing is, i live in England, so i need wherever it is online to be able to ship them out to England. VHS isn't any good as Americans run by NTSC and we run PAL and i dont have anything that could play an American VHS, but i can get my hands on a multi-regional DVD player so DVDs are ok. Does anyone know anywhere online then where you can buy the movies and the trunks DVD that ships out? Help would be appreciated
  15. thanks for the info on mystic Gohan Sepiroth, i didn't know anything about that level. How does he manage to do that? And when does he change clothes to look like Goku?[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B] I've just seen it said in some post that Buu deals with the Grand Ki. Now i'm guessing that GK is very weak compared to the likes of Goku, Buu, Vegeta etc, so what happens when Buu deals with Ki? Does he die at all? [/B][/QUOTE]^^ ??
  16. oh, future Trunks was a good character anyway. I liked him when he first came to bring the news I've just seen it said in some post that Buu deals with the Grand Ki. Now i'm guessing that GK is very weak compared to the likes of Goku, Buu, Vegeta etc, so what happens when Buu deals with Ki? Does he die at all?
  17. oh yea, they met in the cell saga. I forgot about that, but i was meaning when little trunks is older, y'know........when he actually understands things, not as a baby who would know nothing. It showed what happens in tomorrows show. Showed Vegeta having a fit. lol. But with the tourny over with, it's kind of pointless Vegeta and Goku fighting. And i have read on here that when Goku comes back, a lot of people were saying that the better fighters goes like..... Goku (can go SSJ3) Gohan (can go SSJ2) Vegeta (cant go SSJ2 until he's posessed) But in the ship, Vegeta constantly goes on about how he is the strongest. Well Goku is stronger than him, so he's wrong about that, but is he stronger than Gohan then? Even though Gohan can go SSJ2? I didnt think SSJ1 could be stronger than SSJ2, no matter how much training is done?
  18. 2 questions..... 1) do Big Trunks (the Trunks who comes to deliver the news about Androids cming) and Little Trunks (the one who fought Goten in the tourny) ever meet each other? 2) Gohan and everyone knew that he was having more trouble than he should against Daburah (sp?) so why didn't he go SSJ2? :confused:
  19. ahh, ur talkin about Vegeta going SSJ4...right? I've read about that :D
  20. k, thanks for replyin. Vegeta looks totally different there. I've seen a few DBGT pictures and i dont like the drawings at all. Goku doesn't look the same without his trademark battle clothes. lol
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyangohan2002 [/i] [B] thats exactly what i was thinking, and where goku is fighting pikkon in the afterlife, you can see : a "gohan with a piccolo-type hat on : a blue pikkon : many Muten Roshi look alikes and that purple dog-like guy from the north side of the universe has exactly the same voice as the supreme kai weird.... :hippy: [/B][/QUOTE]lol, yea, they do that a lot. Some people do a few characters voices. I dont know if your version is the same as ours, but the guy who did the oldest Trunks voice has done a few characters, and the guy who does piccolo also does a few character voices. I think that the black guy in the tourny battle royal was done by the piccolo voice guy. anyway, BROLLI, what happens in that DBG Goku Vs Vegeta match? Is it the one where that monkey thing stands on Goku and he spits blood? If not, thats not important, i was just wodnering about the goku Vs Vegeta match
  22. lol @ lookin for the senzu bean in his pants. hahaha anyway, the M thing. They should have noticed it, like at the tourny and what-not. It's not like it's a usual thing. i know this isn't the real dragonball (at least not in my mind bcuz the original guy never created this) but do Vegeta and Goku ever fight in DBGT? If so, who wins?
  23. Goku gets knocked out? Damn, thats pretty weak. lol. Goku could've easily beaten Vegeta. He should've just done enough to beat him, and not hurt him real bad or something. There's no way he should've let himself lose to Vegeta when he was stronger
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ4BROLLI [/i] [B] in stage 2 goku fights yakan( sorry about spelling). goku is a bit much for him so babidi sends them to the planet of darkness. this is yakan's world, he thinks he has the upper hand and they fight. goku goes ssj and lights up the room/cave. yakan sucks goku back down to his normal state. the supreme kai tells goku that yakan feeds off of light energy. goku goes ssj again and again yakan feeds off of goku but powers up and makes yakan explode. on to stage 3......gohan and dabura fight it's pretty evenly matched, matching eachother blow for blow. that's when vegeta starts complaining. [/B][/QUOTE] Cool, thanks. I've seen some clips of the Buu saga. I seen one where Goku turns SSJ3 and grabs Buu by some thing on his head and uses him like some punch bag on elastic. lol. And i've seen another where Buu and Gohan fight, but Gohan is wearing the clothes that Goku wears, or something like that. :confused: And his hair is black so obviously he isn't a SSJ in it. I'#ve not seen any clips where Buu is beating on people though, even though i know he does do it at some point oh, and i dont think i've asked this before. Vegeta gets posessed, but how does he become, "un"posessed?
  25. lol, yea, i knew about the whole Vegeta thing. I'd read that in summaries what i was asking tho, was what happens in stage 2 and stage 3? I hate not knowing. LoL. Of course, everyone knows who wins as most of us know how DBZ pans out, but it's [i]how[/i] they win that i wanna know about bcuz it wasn't in the summaries that i've read. & it's kinda funny to me how when Vegeta and Goku fight, Vegeta seems to have the upper-hand, but Goku is always (apart from most of the Freiza saga) stronger than Vegeta
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