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Everything posted by Goku213

  1. ok, thanks. Does anyone else know though? It wont take long to check. :)
  2. Juss uppin this, cuz from that link, and it giving out the episode list, anyone who's seen goku come back for goos should almost know from that link what episode it is he comes back for good in. Thnx.
  3. This is kinda interesting, cuz at the board i was at before i came here, pretty much 90% of the replies was Piccolo Vs Android 17. Anyway, my favourite fight was Freiza Vs Goku on Namek. I hadn't read any summaries on any sites, so i didn't know what was going to happen. Goku about to die, then he throws the bomb, everything thinks Freiza is dead, he's back, kills Krillin, Goku goes SSJ, Freiza goes to blow the planet, Goku ends up killing Freiza, but still has to escape. ****, the tension. lol. Freiza is the best bad guy, everything about him was perfect for a bad guy, voice, everything. So that's my favourite battle. Went on for ages too which was a good thing.
  4. I just found a episode list. From the list at this link...... [url]http://members.fortunecity.com/yankees1mlb/dbzepisodes.htm[/url] Which number does Goku come back, [b]for good[/b]?
  5. K, thanks to everyone who replied. I juss missed the episode after Cell regenerates from a brain cell because the TV repair man came over and was playing around with the TV & Video, so i missed it, and couldn't record it :(
  6. Cool. Thanks. :) Anyone know the answers to the rest?
  7. [font=comic sans ms][color=red]Ok, there's a few people round here that have asked me questions about DBZ, but i've not had the answers. So i remembered them and thought i'd come here with them. Also, 1 of the questions is mine that i had on another DBZ board, but nobody answered it right (by not right, i mean they was real confusing in their answers), that question will be the first one. 1) Goku is now dead over here. My question was, how long is it (in episodes, roughly) before he comes back, properly? I know he does it for 1 day, and i know he fights in Hell i think it is, but when does he come back to stay - how long is it from now until then?? If you can't answer in epps, cuz it could be a while, then a rough estimate would be appreciated. Like, is it longer than the whole time he was fighting Freiza? Cuz that lasted a looooooooong time. Is it longer than when he was training in the Caps Corp ship & fighting Freiza, or what? Cuz it wont be the same without him, and i'd like to know roughly, but as accurate as possible, how long it'll be before he comes back properly. I know that whats-his-name gives his life for Goku to come back for good, i juss wanna know how long it is from now until then. 2) Cell has juss regenerated himself from his brain cell. It shows what happens on tomorrows epp, and Gohan looks in a real bad way. Vegeta was firing blasts to stop Cell, Gohan's clothes were ripped & he was bleeding more, but Cell looked fine. I've read on many sites, and though they give different readings, they all have SSJ2 Gohan as being more powerful than Ultra-Perfect Cell. So why does it seem that Cell is giving Gohan such a beating? When Gohan, according to these readings, is better? I also noticed the SSj2 electricity around Cell. Hmmm. :confused: 3) Vegeta sacrifices himself somewhere along the line. Does he get wished back? How long does it take for him to come back? 4) Where, when and what makes, Goku turn SSJ2 and SSJ3? 5) Goku fights Pikkon, and i'm told he ends up in Hell with Freiza, Cell etc. Is that shown on TV? Are they seperate things (Hell & the Pikkon thing)? There's more that i've forgotten, but it would be appreciated if someone could come and answer those 5. Thanks[/color][/font]
  8. I always wondered when/where/how he turns SSJ2 & 3. I heard he goes 4 in GT, but when/where/how SSJ2 & 3?
  9. K, thanks for lettin me know. When it shows what's on the next epp, it makes it look like Cell's hit Gohan and he's on his knees in a bad way. lol. Oh well, Goku is gonna day within the next 2 epps then i guess. :( So that means that DBZ is gonna be Goku-less for a long time from what i'm told :(
  10. Ok, people may not want to know what happens next, so either don't read on if you don't wanna know, or could anyone answering this PM me. Today, Gohan juss kicked '18 out of Cell. It says what happens tomorrow, but i have 2 questions (yes, i am impatient :D) 1) Does Goku die tomorrow? Cuz it showed him puttin his 2 fingers to his head as though he's gonna transport Cell to Kai's place. But he was doin it with a smile on his face :confused: and 2) How does Cell take Gohan by surprise? It said that he does, and then it showed Gohan being hit pretty bad. Incase anyone answering this decides to do it by PM, could you post up saying that you've answered so that lots of people don't waste their time PM'ing me plz :) Thanx
  11. Ok, thanks bout clearin the first thing up. It's not really important what Morpheus is (Napster clone). I downloaded a clip of Goku turning SSJ for the first time from some site, quite a while back though. Does anyone know of a site that has a clip of him turning SSJ?
  12. Nobody can help me out here?
  13. WinMX is pretty much a Napster clone. Except, you can get vids etc from it. Nah, i wasn't saying WinMX wasn't working. Ok, my questions were this 1) There's a vid i seen saying Goku SSJ4 killed by Buu. I thought that he doesn't die against Buu? I downloaded the vid, and Buu (i assume it's buu, it's some big ape) punches Goku into the floor and Goku spits blood and then it ends. So is this true? I thought he only died way back, then in the Cell games thing and also in Trunks timeline? :confused: And the other question was could anybody link me to a video of where Goku goes SSJ for the very first time. Y'know, when he does it against Freiza. I tried Morpheus and it wouldn't let me get it. I found 1 link somewhere, but it wouldn't work. Thanx
  14. I'm new here, so i don't know if this has been done before, but i was lookin through WInMX and Morpheus yesterday, and i saw 1 vid Goku SSJ4 dies or something to that effect. By Buu. :confused: Also, does anyone knows where i can get the video for the first time Goku goes SSJ, against Freiza? Morpheus has it, but it never connects, always times out. If a link could be thrown up it'd be appreciated. Thanks.
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