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Everything posted by Onizuka_Ra2

  1. You can ask Ruki bout this one, I am very much like Eikichi Onizuka (Great Teacher Onizuka) Let's just say, for the sake of making the people that produced GTO some money, that you should go out and buy the series so they can see how I am. XD
  2. I live in Texas. In a very stereo-typical town..
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman]Well, this is interesting. And yes, the art style is very much different. It's weird though, if they made such great succes with TOS, why didnt they just keep the art style the same at least?[/FONT]
  4. [quote name='Baka Ruki-Chan']Me and Onizuka_Ra2, who both know each other in real life and stuff, are going with a couple of other friends.. But if you see a 15 year old with glasses cosplaying human Alphonse.. that's me.[/quote] Yep, it's in Houst, Texas, and it's going on in October 21-24 or 23rd I believe. Don't quote me on that though. Anyway, I'll be Eikichi Onizuka from the anime Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO)
  5. [quote name='IceRose']As long as creative minds like Miyasaki keep working to give a good influence to people with anime it will not die. But as long as people keep producing and directing anime not suitable for people of all ages, it will be banned from all places to the point where anime will no longer be allowed to be distributed world wide[/quote] Yeah, I very much agree. Although there has to be anime for the maturer viewers. You know, like Excel Saga, not much for the younger viewers.
  6. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Um, well, hey I guess. A friend showed me this forum, don't know what her name is though, since she hasn't registered yet.. But yeah, um, nice forum, and I hope it's going to be a place I can call a "Forum Home"...[/FONT]
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