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Kyo's Babe

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  • Biography
    I'm a redhead, and that means that I am clueless. Not dumd, but clueless.
  • Occupation
    School*curse school*

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  1. At mt school there is the populars(hate most of them), semi-populars,the skaters, the nerds(scary most of them), the losers(yes, difference between them and nerds), the detention gang(guess what they always have), and then there are the drifters who can be anything at any time as long as they benefit from it. Me...I am a drifter. Mostly I stay witchin the bounds of semi-populars and skaters, even though I can't skate. I only hang with them cause I have a friend who used to be a drifter. but is now a skater.
  2. My fave would have to be either Kyou Sohma or Sesshomaru. They rock my sox!!! :p
  3. [quote name='immortALdeath']My parents hate anime because they thinks it's childish, my mum can't understand why I like or how it's different. My theory is, adults are just hopeless.[/quote] I think that that is absolutely true...my dad does the same friggin thing. I mean, if me like, why the hell do they critisize it! It makes me so mad! :animeangr
  4. I likes to do either, even though I like the english voices more...but I like dem both :D
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