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Shinichi Kudou

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Everything posted by Shinichi Kudou

  1. Well, okay.. it gets points for being kind of cute. >A>
  2. [quote name='chibi-master' date='17 May 2010 - 06:21 PM' timestamp='1274134900' post='693791'] The first three pics kind of make it seem like the game might be hard to navigate, what with all the confusing angles... [/quote] I thought the same thing, but it also makes the maps/towns look so awesome. Just based off of that, the games look pretty cool in my opinion. Also, I hated the starters at first. HATED. Now Tsutaja and Mijumaru have grown on me, but I still dislike Pokabu. Fire pig, really? wth.
  3. It's funny that you mentioned the Minnesota thing. My friend Haru lives in Minnesota, and about a year or so ago I was talking to her, and said "Hold on, I'm gonna go grab a soda". She went "Soda? SODA? People actually it that? o__o I've never heard that outside of movies before!" & then she went on about how it was 'pop', and 'soda' was a weird word. It's soda. D< -shot- Edit: and thanks to poll, I forgot about the original topic.. XD my favorite soda is Mountain Dew.
  4. While I almost like Basic the most, just because it has more black, I'm using Wet Paint. It definitely has a friendly, more lively feel to it, which is nice. Although, like others have said.. having a dark theme to pick from would also be cool. -loves dark themes-
  5. actually likes the vB4 update.

  6. Aw, I like Miki's Mustang. xD Then again, I thought his voice in the original anime was [I]too[/I] authoritative, so I was actually pleased that they toned it down, somewhat. When I read the manga, I pictured him sounding pretty calm, and then I'd watch the anime it was like " O__O; ... " So yeah. Just my opinion. Scar's voice sounds too gentle at times, but I still like it. I really don't have any complaints about Brotherhood just yet. I'm just happy the FMA is still getting love.
  7. Oh man.. while it doesn't directly effect me, or any of the sites I visit, it's still a shame to see Geocities go. I remember when most of the websites were Geocities. All those old Sailor Moon webpages, and such.. with those good ol' error pages. ; ; Times are 'a changin'. xD
  8. Best Buy is far enough away from my house that I don't head over there too often, but one of the main things I do while there is browse the anime section. I couldn't tell you if the one's in Kansas were kicking out their anime, though. D: Due to this thread, I might have to go check it out. After the SunCoast stores around died out, FYE is all that's left as far as big stores that carry anime. That place won't last, I have a feeling. I tend to buy my anime from Borders, or a cheapy store close to my house called Vintage Stock.. it's a pretty darn good anime supplier.
  9. Well, I dunno if I'd shoot myself if Vic didn't return as Ed, but I would rage. Rage a LOT. & then probably cry after I was done raging. >_> I don't think there's much hope for Aaron voicing Al again, though. Apparently a lot of people on the actual FUNi boards think it's pretty impossible. However, I'm sticking to my theory until it's proven wrong. Which is that Aaron is a voice actor for a reason. There's been plenty of conventions where he's had to quote FMA lines, same as Vic, and he can still pull off Al's voice perfectly fine. D: I really hope Funimation at least considers keeping him as Alphonse, instead of just going 'Nope! Too old,'. I guess that depends on whose casting the VO's this time around.
  10. I'm saddened over the loss of Mustang's original seiyuu, but I know Miki will do good. As for the others, I feel bad for the seiyuu's who may have wanted to return to their roles, but other than that, the changes don't bug me. Honestly, I'm just glad that Ed and Al's will remain the same. Romi's Edward voice has gotten a lot better since the start of the original. xD
  11. Shrimp is my favorite flavor actually.. >>; It's the chicken that doesn't have much flavor in my opinion... xD; Weird how that works out. Either way, a few years ago I used to eat raman quite often.. maybe not everday though. Never done that. I think I got burnt out on it though, because these days I hardly ever eat it. Every few months it'll sound good to me, then I'll eat a cup of the Shrimp ramen, and not want it for another few months.
  12. Oh my god, I love the entire cast of that show.. o-o Still, Edward is my favorite character, and always has been. I can relate to him in a lot of ways, and plus he's just so awesome. I love his character. He's one of my favorite anime characters in general, not just one of my favorites in FMA. He's so neat. Plus... he's tiny and adorable. -shot- xD; & Wow.. o__o @ Silicium. I've honestly never heard anyone say that they hated FMA before. That's a first for me.. nn;
  13. Whoah, never knew gas was that high in London. x_x; That bites.. Over here it's around $4 a gallon, and it's going up rather quickly. [I]Here[/I] being Kansas, by the way. xD; Fun times. Sooo many families around here share one car, it's not even funny. But whatever works, and it's cheaper that way. I hate that gas is rising so fast. -sigh-
  14. Ah really? I've seen some of the Tales episodes, and played the ToS game as well. Loved it. I suppose then I would like Druaga. o-o I'll try it, and see how it goes.
  15. In all the series that I watch, if a character dies, or is thought to have for awhile.. I always find it sad. >>; Almost always makes me cry, too. So I won't name all of them. nn; But I'm with MajorSarcastic on the Naruto [spoiler](Itachi being killed)[/spoiler]thing. That really sucked. I was so happy at first.. but then there's a twist to it, and it totally left me speechless. That just.. oh man.. curse you Kishimoto. T___T; I also hated that [spoiler]Cougar died[/spoiler] in Scryed..
  16. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] [spoiler]So you're going to become the neighborhood cat lady? ;)[/spoiler][/font][/QUOTE] Oh my god.. xDD; A family friend actually met someone like that once.. >_>; [spoiler]She was in her 40's, and was still a virigin.. she lived all alone, and had mulitple cats.[/spoiler] Really. Not lying.
  17. I'm more of a soda person, instead of drinking energy drinks all the time. However, I've had my share of them. Bawls is probably the one I've had the most, because a friend of mine used to buy them all the time. Haven't had any in a couple years though. I've had Amp Mountain Dew a few times, as well as Rock Star. There's also a Rock Star energy drink thats a Coffee-based one, and I've had that a couple times before at work.. because it get's tiring. x__x; But all those I just mentioned, were over a period of the last 5 years.. so I don't drink them too often, at all. None of them are good for you, so I try to only drink them occasionally. I've also tried Monster, but... pixie stix and water. Oh my god.. ==; Ugh. My favorite was the Rock Star mocha drink, and it's not even a normal energy drink. xD;
  18. This series got a whole of hype it seems.. before and after it's release. Yet I never really see any disscusions about it, so it is really as awesome as all the hype makes it seem? Months back I remember seeing the art for it, and thinking it would be cool. I still haven't bothered watching it yet, because now it doesn't look too interesting to me. Someone said it was like Slayers.. if that's really the case, then I should give it a shot, I guess. I love Slayers. xD; So many anime series these days are bland, or so similar to other series.. that's how this one looked to me. I could be wrong, though. Judging from some of the replies in this thread.. it seems to be pretty good. I'll give it a chance sometime soon, and then post here again. nn;
  19. Haha, I love Furuba. Back when it first came around in 2002 it was one of my favorite anime series.. actually it still is, really. I don't watch it all the time or anything, I used to.. xD; but I think it's awesome. All the characters are so likeable.. I'm also really into the manga. Well.. I finished it awhile ago, due to internet scanlations. The ending really surprised me.. who Tohru ended up with, and all. I won't spoil it, but I was really happy with the ending. Awesome series, both the manga and the anime. It's just a shame that the anime didn't go past.. what..? volume 8 of the manga. ;~; Still good though.
  20. Neptune pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.. xD; I feel like there isn't much left to say now. Still, I love this game. I got in back in late '07.. but due to work I still haven't beat it yet. Not too mention I don't normally play too many videogames. When I first got Persona 3, though.. it was basically my life for the first week or so. It's rare for me to get hooked on a videogame, but Persona 3 is definately one of them that had me stuck in my room for hours at a time. I had never played any of the Shin Megami series.. actually when I was first told about Persona 3, I wasn't aware that it was part of that series. I've been hearing about Persona 4 lately.. I really wanna play that one, as well.
  21. I've no idea how many people actually like this band.. but I recently got the Tokio Hotel CD. I swear they remind so much of a J-Rock band. Anyhoo, I've been listening to that CD mostly. Normally, I listen to Dropping Daylight, Breaking Benjamin, or Evan's Blue a lot.
  22. Well, alot of people think it can happen.. but I don't know, really. However, I had someone who said they fell in love with me at first sight. They've been trying to get me to be with them for five years now.. and that person claims to have loved me since they first saw me. Someone else in this thread said that 'love at first sight' isn't really LOVE, just infatuation. I agree with that.. because love goes deeper than sight, I don't believe you just fall in love with someone so quickly.. With that said, the person who's been in love with me.. I don't really think it started out as 'love'. Nah.. maybe just a really big interest, or crush. So I guess I don't really think it can happen.. I mean, I've never had it happen with anyone I've had feelings for.
  23. Omg.. I'm not even name manga, it's too many. Some of them are the same as some of the anime, though. Still gonna finish up Ouran Highschool Host Club sometime.. ==; Sad really, since I started watching it in 2006. Dunno why I haven't finished it. Side-tracked, I suppose. Other than that one.. Wagaya no Oinari-Sama, Detective Conan, Pokemon ( I was D/P occasionally..), Shugo Chara, Saiunkoku Monogatari, Eye Shield 21, Vampire Knight, Hana Kimi, Candy Boy ONA, Tokimeki Memorial, Ginga Densetsu Weed, Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora.. and there's probably some others, that I can't think of right now. >_>; I'm also watching some Drama's.
  24. [COLOR=Navy]Its over now...T-T At least the anime is anyway... *sobs* But I LOVE Ouran! Its my current favorite series. ^^ I havent been this into a series for awhile now... theres nothing about that I don't like, actually! x3 *Squwee*[/COLOR]
  25. I've read the manga... it was amusing, but as for the anime...I've only seen the opening. I havent been able to get ahold of it yet.
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