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Shinichi Kudou

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Everything posted by Shinichi Kudou

  1. ...it was animated in Korea...but it was based on Anime art styles... >> so I wouldn't call it a 'real' anime...but thats what I call it..
  2. Well...he is real close to Cherrise. But he cares for Mimori more, relationship wise.... Personally I think Mimori should have gone with Cougar... but [spoiler]he died[/spoiler]... T-T I've thought ever since 2003, and I ain't changin' it now!
  3. [QUOTE=Tyler Koregaten]I read about an interview with Vic Mignona(he does the voice of Ed in the English version of FMA) that Funimation had told him that they planned to release the movie after these things happen: 1: All 51 episodes air on television 2: All of the video games are translated 3: All of the episode DVD's come out 4: When all of the FMA merchandise(toys, posters, etc.)become available. 5: The movie versions of the video games(Broken Angel, Curse of the Crimson Elixir, etc.) are released on DVD 6: When new actors are hired to fill in some new characters who weren't from the series. :animestun They estimate it'll make it to theaters sometime in either late Winter 2006 or early Spring 2007. Wow. :animedepr Long wait.*falls asleep :sleep: *[/QUOTE] Wow...the movie will be catagorized as 'Old news' by then T___T I should've been born in Japan... I dont time to type a long message, so I'll make it short for now. Fullmetal Alchemist in an awesome series. I havent seen all of the anime yet, but I have the entire manga series, and damn it was good! Awesome series. Awesome characters. Awesome plot-line.
  4. [COLOR=Navy]As for the name changes, alot of the time with dubs, the Japanese company chooses to hold copyright laws for the character names and the anime's title. Therefore the dubbing companies have to change them... Though, other companies do choose to americanize the names themselves. -_-; As for the Anime being different then the Manga.... it has to different. It can't be exactly the same, also...it would be kind of a drag if it was. Originallity is good. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]For me, it really depends on the series, even though I do tend to like the Japanese Audio better.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Two words for you. Fushigi Yuugi.[/COLOR]
  7. I've looked into a few times, but never considered seriously studying it.
  8. well...theres already alot of hentai for almost every single anime thats been released. So, in that way, more anime probably would mean more hentai. Which sucks... but, what can you do? And, on the topic of parents and Hentai. My friends mom forbid them from watching SailorMoon, because when she was looking it up she found a whole bunch of SailorMoon hentai, and though that was basically what the real SailorMoon was. ...eventually though she found out otherwise... but for awhile there...eeh ....x_x
  9. [quote name='Turdle]here you go, if you want something changed let me know.[IMG']http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20144[/IMG][/quote] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=Navy]Wow. Awesome avatar. I wish I could make avatars like that T_T[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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