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Forever Frozen

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  1. uh...i don't know how i'm suppose to do this but Amy was attacked and raped and is in a coma. (however thos are spelled) :sigh: so uhm no one expect her to do what she's supposed to do here she'll be gone for a long time she's whomever this name is, forever frozen or whatever pray for her please, she's mysister
  2. Alright Well awsome, i'm back and able to work my character *dance* I was really scared i was going to miss out on my RPGs o.0
  3. Gah I have bad news guys! I'm gunna be gone all night and until evening tommarow...so...if you start the thread I guess either leave me out or control my character for me until I get back. Sorry guys...
  4. Name: Keith Merae Age: 18 Appearence: Always wears some kind of button up shirt and jeans. Almost pretty-boyish. keeps a mirror and a comb in his pocket just incase he runs into a pretty lady. blonde hair blue eyes. perfect teeth. Gender: Male Bio: Keith is just an "innocent" civilian. Althoguh he always seems to be getting in some kind of trouble. loves girls and is constantly flirting. Watch out girls cause his hands aren't always in check and once he gets his eyes on you he just may get a little more than that. Even if he is a dirty little pervert he's still sweet though and when he makes freinds he makes them for life. He's not all that bad... position: Civilian
  5. I guess i'll sign up for Ranifa if its okay. Since no one else has yet... Name: Ranifa Age: really old (appears about 25) Race; demon of course Appearance: Ranifa has cold blue eyes that turn red when he is angered or using any kind of power. His hair is silver and extreemly long. Sometimes its pulled back but most of the time it hangs freely and there is always a bit of it in his face. Ranifa is well built and taller than a normal male human. he wears a black cloack over black trousers and a midnight blue tunic. he takes the cloak off to fight or if he feels very comfortable. Bio:What can you say about the king of demons? not much is known about him. What is known is he has a fasination with the human/demon halfling child and wants her captured or destroyed. Many fear him including those who work for him. he rarely acknowladges them though and has been know to kill his own in random outbursts of anger.
  6. Name: Anileah Age: appears 21ish Gender: Female Race: Demon Appearance: Tall and slender. Her hair is auburn and her eyes are golden. Her skin is very very pale and her makeup is a pale blueish color with black heavy eyelines and designs under her left eye. She wears a Black ninja-like dress (think something off of street fighter) and uses daggers as weapons which are strapped to her thighs that show through the slits i her dress. Reason: After seeing the demon king she was smitten by him and fell in a hopeless love with him devoting herself to always do his bidding in turn for being in his presence... Bio: Born a demon she has lived the life of a demon child learning to fight like her father and his father before him. Is a bit love-crazed and sometimes has a weaknessfor her victims who are in love.Even though she loves Ranifa she feels she is not worthy of love from him and therefore has a bit of an angst aproach to life. How: When doing a job for her father she caught a glimpse of the demon king and immediately fell in love with him. (feel free to tell me if i messed anything up)
  7. Name: Maya Age: 28 Appearence: Feminen yet at the same time a bit muscular. Her hair is always tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of her way when she works, always seems to have some kind of tool in hand and a smudge of grease on her cheek. Green eyes, red hair. Gender: Female Bio: raised by a mechanic she herself became one and loves the sound of an air wrench or the clank of a tool on metal. Has a fasnation with old age automobiles position: Mechanic/ engineer
  8. Name: Atsuna Miormi Age: 21 Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese Appearence: Brown eyes, Black hair with red streaks, nose peircing, eyebrow peircing, left ear peirced twice, right ear peirced 3 times, wears alot of mesh and baggy black pants. Personality: Hates anything that even sounds popular, comes from a wealthy family but has been cut off from the money, can sometimes weasle some cash out of her father. Occupation: No one knows, but alot of weird people keep coming from her room... Biography: Was raised in a wealthy southern home, picked on by others for being diffrent it drove her to become even more diffrent and now she bases her whole life on it. Characters Intrests: Black and making people feel uncomfortable Room number: 20 is this okay? I'm new so i don't know how much detail and whatnot to use...
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