Name: Atsuna Miormi
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Appearence: Brown eyes, Black hair with red streaks, nose peircing, eyebrow peircing, left ear peirced twice, right ear peirced 3 times, wears alot of mesh and baggy black pants.
Personality: Hates anything that even sounds popular, comes from a wealthy family but has been cut off from the money, can sometimes weasle some cash out of her father.
Occupation: No one knows, but alot of weird people keep coming from her room...
Biography: Was raised in a wealthy southern home, picked on by others for being diffrent it drove her to become even more diffrent and now she bases her whole life on it.
Characters Intrests: Black and making people feel uncomfortable
Room number: 20
is this okay? I'm new so i don't know how much detail and whatnot to use...