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Pumpkin Head

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Everything posted by Pumpkin Head

  1. Yay! I really can't wait for the Game,And Metal Gear Solid 4 Too next Year,YAY! ^_^ The Online Thing is Awesome and it's better than that Stupid (Yet Not Funny,I guess..)Apes. I thought it would be like Ape Escape,Oh Well,Can't Wait! YAAAAAAAAAAY! ^.^ Cheers, Pumpkin Head
  2. [COLOR=Red]Hi Everybody, ^_^ Well,I read this doujin from a while ago and believe me,It is AWESOME! I didn't see anyone write about this,so you HAVE to read it (Or die!!) And then we disscus about...So here it is,Remeber to check the next page press "Next" on the bottom of the Doujin Pages,You Will Love it![/COLOR] [URL=http://bleedman.snafu-comics.com/?strip_id=0] [COLOR=Blue](Click Here!)[/COLOR] [/URL] [COLOR=Red]And the people at new Grounds gave this a 10/10 ! ;) [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]P.S: I would say that i didn't see any threads talking about this Doujin,but if there was I'm Sorry,And as a Man,i would say that everyone would like this Doujin. ^^[/COLOR]
  3. Well,This Summer might be the best ever! :catgirl: We went to diffrent places and we will soon go to Lebanon.My brother went to London (Luckily he choose 3 days after the thing with the Bombs..Phew!) and i'm gonna get a PSP,DVD'S and lots of stuff from my big sister who is in Maylasia on a trip.And i can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 2.Cuz i'm gonna buy it while i'm in Bahrain Visiting Relatives..YAY! :animesmil [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  4. Well the sports I'm into are: 1- BasketBall, i always get it inside the basket,but there are sometimes where i miss..Alot! :p 2- Soccer,Well i'm good at Defence..Oh well,I'm Good anyway! :animesmil And i like something new to do..Like Martail Arts and Gymnastics.That would be kinda Cool!! :excited: [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  5. Well, i was gonna write this stuff down,but i just want to make sure if this thread is right, Well,i will begin putting the stuff (Which you just said also..And Thanks,I have some stuff which i didn't think of ^^) This might take 3 days or less..So I'm gonna write everything down soon.. Cheers, Pumpkin Head P.S: Thanks again ^.^
  6. Hi Everybody, Well this is my first Thread and i was thinking of making an RP about the populer game on the PC and it is The Sims (I love the game ^^) I don't know if it's okay,but i need as many people want to join, but it has to be more than 2 and Highter...The RP will contain VLS like any ordinary life, There could be Romance,Fighting and Everyone has his home,Friends,Family and this could be where you could ask each other stuff like if you wanna get Married (In the RP ofcourse..) or be like in the same house,Move in, Meet Neightbors and things like this.. I hope this is the right place to write this,I'm kinda scared if i get it wrong! :animeswea Let me know if you wanna join (And if this thread is Right :sweat: ) [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  7. Well in my School there are: The Losers (Which in the class we insult him and laught at him,i do to to make myself populer because they are So annoying,i kinda feel bad about them..Oh well). and there are the Populer Ones (Which i hang out with,We Often get into lots of troubles like getting late to class or eat in the class or make noises and laught..Etc.) and there are the Geeky Nerds (Uhh...They always get 98% and they are always Answering Hard questions..Some of them are Scary too!) and their are the sport type people (Kinda all of the school,all of them play Basket Ball and Soccer..). Well, i fall in the Middle Section, Semi-Populer. I have lots of friend and hang out with people my friends interduce me too,I do some Sports and people sometimes need my help,We make troubles and by trouble i mean alot of trouble,,Oh,thank god school's over ^^ [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  8. Mine are: Bleach - Yonuha (Closing Theme) Bleach- Oramge Range-Asterik (Opening Theme) Bleach - Life is like a boat & Thank you (Closing Themes,Well ALL bleach Songs) Naruto - Fighting Dreamers (I guess.. ^^) Cowboy Bebop- Opening Music Detective Conan (Case Closed) - All Songs Both *** and ARB Cheers, Pumpkin Head
  9. [QUOTE=Shinichi Kudou]well...theres already alot of hentai for almost every single anime thats been released. So, in that way, more anime probably would mean more hentai. Which sucks... but, what can you do? And, on the topic of parents and Hentai. My friends mom forbid them from watching SailorMoon, because when she was looking it up she found a whole bunch of SailorMoon hentai, and though that was basically what the real SailorMoon was. ...eventually though she found out otherwise... but for awhile there...eeh ....x_x[/QUOTE] i would say the same as Shinichi Kudou , But not even just Anime, there is also Hentai for Games...Which Sucks! When i was searching for my little brother son (His favourite is Digimon) and i searched it on Google (With the filter On!) and there were some Hentai and it scared the death out of me, Luckily i had to close the window very fast (Cuz my brother's Son was with me) And that was something i won't forget..Boy,thank god he didn't see anything :animesigh [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  10. These are my Favourites Ones ^^ : 1- Edogawa Conan (From Case Closed),it was my first Anime that i watched and i really Like it so much,i saw the first 8 movies and i want to watch the 9th movie and the rest of 300 episodes which i want to see :D 2- Kurosaki Ichigo (From Bleach), Bleach and Naruto are one of my favourite anime's too,i really had a hard time choosing between Rukia and Ichigo,So i choose Ichigo since he is Cool (and Rukia is Hot :love: ) 3- Garaa (From Naruto,just like gaarasgirl90 ^^) well,I really think Garaa should be the lead character insted of Naruto and we should call it "Garaa" (Hmm..i think it's a good idea..I guess!!!) 4- Rukia (From Bleach), she is a Death Godess,And HOT too :love: :love: :love: [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  11. Well my Favourite Character is: Hmm...it's very hard to choose but i go with Lu Bu, Because he is the most strongest person in the game,Beleive me,He is very Strong with his Long Spear..He's a Monster! (I LIKE THAT ^_^) Cheers, Pumpkin Head
  12. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]My favourite RPG battle system is the one in Final Fantasy Tactics, although I wouldn't go so far as to call it the best. I mainly like the fact that the system makes you think ahead, and that you can't just get away with constantly selecting the standard "Attack" option without getting punished severely for it. The style of its battle system is mostly based around skill, where the character's levels play a minor role. Another thing that I like about the system is that it doesn't make random battling a chore as it usually is in other RPGs. The layout of the battle perimeter is very lively and colourful (well, in FFTA, anyway), and the skill aspect involved leads to less slacking off, which means the player is more and more aware of what's going on. Also, the different job classes available for each race or character -- though this mainly accounts towards character customisation -- give them different abilities which prove useful in different positions and circumstances, thus keeping the game balanced and less tedious. Anyway, I find it fun to try and master all the abilities for each job class... all these little things add up. :D Moving on, third person battle systems in RPGs aren't really my cup of tea. Many of them are pulled off badly and just let the game down in whole. Zelda has a great track record for good battle systems. Some of them are with their flaws, but they're still worthy. PSO's battle system on the other hand, was awful. My major argument against it, amongst other things, is that the movement just felt too stiff despite the fact that I was playing on 60 hertz mode, so I didn't really enjoy it because I felt somewhat restricted. In general, I'm not overly fussy about battle systems. Just as long as they're kept glitch-free, then I'm happy. Innovation isn't a major issue, as I tend to use most RPGs as time killers.[/color][/QUOTE] Well,i would say the same about PSO and RPG's like Zelda, The ones i really like is Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy Tactics, these are one of the best but unlike FF X the second one (which is FF X-2) the battle system got much more faster but in that thing you must act fast and choose before your opponent hits you but in FF X every one has to take his turn. and as bombu said about FF tactics,but sometimes i wish there weren't any rules at least for once in other lands like the jungle and what so ever... But some of the RPG's are the worst ever, i played Unlimited Saga and it has this wired system which i didn't figure out,i didn't know how to hit even! :animeswea Anyway,my vote goes to Final Fantasy X (Which is one of my favourite RPG's ^^ ) [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
  13. Well,my Favourite game is: 1- Kingdom Hearts,Some of few may already know it and some of you don't.Kingdom Heart is my favourite game i ever played on the PS2 and i'm waitting for the second game to come and i can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 and i really like the Manga, Action figures and lots of stuff from Kingdom Hearts,it has 4 games,Manga, Action figures,Wallpapers and posters..Etc. I really don't know what to say exactly but it really really LOVE IT!! :love: 2-Final Fantasy (All Series,And my favourite is..Well,All of them ^^).Square Enix does a very good job,I really like their games and Final Fantasy is one of them, :cool: And lots of other games...And by lots i mean LOTS OF THEM!!! :animesmil but i don't like Unlimited Saga,which is sadly from Square Enix -_- [COLOR=DarkRed]Cheers,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Pumpkin Head[/COLOR]
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