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Shadow Hikari

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About Shadow Hikari

  • Birthday 03/03/1990

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  1. I think I'd be Lina from Slayers because she is one hell of a sorceress. She can make new spell by tinkering with old ones, and she has the power of the Giga slave. If not her, then I'd be Sasuke because he is smart, tough, skilled, calm, cool, and collected.
  2. I'd chose my dreams over love. Love can hurt you in ways your dreams will never touch you. I think both are very valid, but right now in my life, with the way I'm thinking now/today, I'd save my dreams and give up love anyday.
  3. I would probably be constantly depressed because even though you can buy the ones you haven't seen and read and watch those you have it would get to the point it would bore me. I would have nothing to do, my inspiration would be gone, my life would probably get really chaotic. I'd most likely become more rebellic than I already am. So I would definitely have to be put in the loony bin.
  4. Anime is appealing to me because like SaiyanPrincessX said it looks better than the American cartoons and comics. For me, it is easier on the eyes and more believable in the sense that not all superheroes are muscular brutes, don't get me wrong, there were characters that used brains more than brawn like Xavier, but the fact remains that they all were pretty muscular. NE way.. I like anime because it adresses more realistic situations without the grueling morality and brainwashing tactics that they put into American cartoons. They have to some degree stopped that for the newer cartoons, but they still continue to do that and they censor it, which is what really urks me. I personally believe that we in America, have become morally dead, but I don't think that everything we do, read, write, or watch should reflect that always. At the hours of ten o'clock and later, TV shouldn't still be censored, we should be allowed to curse a little to make the feeling of reality more apparent, but the whole Toonami and Fox thing with making shows like One Piece super censored, make those certain animes less appealing if the only access you have is watching it one tv. (I read it). Like last Saturday I saw some navy captain on One Piece with smoke comming out of his mouth, but no cigarette. I say if things like that don't want to be shown, don't liscence it for children's tv, although I saw all that stuff and more when I was younger and I turned out fine. (I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs).
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] For people I would room with I'd probably choose Makoto and Rei (SM), Yuki Haru and Rin(FB), Zelgadis (SL), Rikku and Lulu (FFX), and Riku (KH). [I]Rei, Yuki, Zelgadis, Lulu, and Riku:[/I] I'd room with them because they're kind of quiet, which I am, and because they'd probably give you encouragement or knock you down a peg when you need it. Also because they'd most likely be more willing and able to help you with your work. [I]Makoto:[/I] Because she could teach you how to cook, and would most likely cook for you if you got lazy. [I]Rikku:[/I] Because even though, even I don't really like to [B]room[/B] with perky, happy people, it would be nice to have at least one optomistic person in the place. [I]Rin:[/I] Because we're alike so we would know when to and when not to give each other space. People I could not room with are Vash (TRI), Lina and Amelia (SL), Inuyahsa (INU), Usagi and Minako (SM), Kyo and Hiro (FB), and Kaiba (YGO). [I]Usagi and Minako:[/I] I could not room with them because they can be way too perky at times, we are too alike (opposites attract), and they'd probably end up distracting me during important study time. [I]Vash and Lina:[/I] They cause too much destruction and I wouldn't really want to pay for new furniture and stuff. [I]Amelia:[/I] She would tire me out with her justice speeches, or drive me to kill her or myself. Love her but can't stand the justice speeches. [I]Kyo and Inuyasha:[/I] They're too hot headed and we would end up fighting everytime we saw each other. [I]Hiro:[/I] Would drive me to kill him with his sarcasm and cynisism. He would get on my nerves to no end just for the fun of it. [I]Kaiba:[/I] Would cause me to beat the ******** out of him with his air that states "I'm so better than you". But I probably kick his ***** anyway because he says everything supernatural is some trick.[/COLOR]
  6. Well I guess my favorite characters are Usagi (SM), Miaka(FY), Tohru(FB), Yuki(FB), Sasuke(Nar), and Kai(BB). I like Usagi, Miaka, and Tohru because inspite of everything that's happened to them, they can still smile and forgive people. Even though they act ditzy, they see through everything and act like they know nothing. So I guess I like them because that's the kind of person I want to be. I like Yuki because we are alike in that we have a lid full of things we don't like, that we can't talk about to people, but that we're slowly opening anyway. I like Sasuke and Kai because I agree with their motives and how they does things. I have a lot in common with them as well because to some people we may come off as too serious and uncaring, but under all that we would do anything for our friends.
  7. I'm 15 and I'm proud to say I watch and enjoy Beyblade. I look beyond the childishness of the spinning tops and into the passion that the characters have for the tops. That's why I like it. Even though they probably are over conserned with the tops, the characters say and do things that I can say I can identify with. The characters are more than one dimention and I think it's unfair to say that it shouldn't even be considered an anime. People have to remember that when something's been dubbed, the content has been changed for the audience that that certain country thinks it was originally intended for. Don't be so quick to judge.
  8. [quote name='Ryu Uchiha]The character that relates to me is[COLOR=Red] Tohru Honda from Furuba[/COLOR']! It was a little shocking once I found out her personality was a nice person..... apologizing too much.... :animeswea and being clumsy. Her personality is just like mine! My friends say I'm just like her! Though I don't have brown hair. :animeswea[/quote] Me too. Although personally, I like to think I'm more like Shigure or Hiro, since I'm so cynical and can get under people's skin. I'm sooo glad to know that I'm not the only one with a room that looks like Yomiko's. :animeswea Other than that I can really relate to Yuki, cause I too have a lid that I'm slowly opening.
  9. I like both subs and dubs, but for me it really depends on how I saw the series first. Like I saw the slayers sub first, so naturally when I go to my Dvds I tend to lean toward watching it subbed rather than dubbed, but for sailor moon, since i saw it dubbed first, i tend to go more with the dub than the sub.
  10. The perfect villian naturally must be calm, cool, and colloected, and he/she must also be cold, calculating and uncaring. Yet most of all they must speak the truth about things. They must cause us to rethink our definition of what is right and what is wrong. They don't neccessarily have to kill people without remorse (good tool), but they have to use actions that the average person might think twice about using. A good example is Sephroth. He made sure to get what he wanted, and he killed and used people so that he could. "What I have shown you is reality, what you remember, that is the illusion." -Sephroth. He made Cloud think about the way he moved in the world, made him realize that it's not that easy. (Although Cloud kind of already knew that). But basically, the perfect villian has to break the hero or protaganist's way of thinking and going through life. the villian shouldn't be confused with the antihero/protaganist, who is merely there to challenge everything the hero does regardless of where he/she stands when it comes to motivations.
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