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Everything posted by Howlingvampire4

  1. [quote name='TailTactics']befor the resident evil apocalypse movie came out, i was sure to play all the games and read all the books. what im getting at is maybe you should play the games before the movie comes out that way you have total understanding of whats going on and would be able to relate them to each other...and i should play the first one.. :animesmil[/quote] yea, well the first one was very good, but I can't really compare it to the others. I've only played a little of prt 2, and seen a bunch of creepy screenshots of prt 3, and seen A LOT of crazy trailers of prt 4. O, and by the way, did u check out that link that other sent? I saw it, and OMG there IS gonna be a movie! :wow: I can't wait for that movie. I read the plot though, it sucks that they aren't gonna really stick to the game. Instead of a guy searching for a daughter, it will be a woman. :animeangr
  2. [quote name='TailTactics']in matter of fact, the summon ability was available ever since FFIV. what i meant about summoning was a new style was introduced. They would show Yuna summon an aeon and the characters would run off the screen instead of vanishing in thin air like in the previous titles. Also she was able to fight beside the summoned aeon, which added an unique affect to the series.[/quote] o, ok, now I see what you mean. Now that I think about it, I did used to wonder where the characters went when you summoned something :animeswea
  3. yea, you're right, resident evil 2 was a little bad, I think part one was better, it stuck more to the game. Also, the silent hill movie SHOULD be good, I mean, with all of the new technology, and graphics, they shoulde be able to make some decent looking creatures. And, in prt one, they had some weird looking creatures.(including mutant doctor and nurses) There was one prt where some girl's face started to get all bloody, and that prt was crazy in the game, I can only imagine what it would look like in a movie! :animenose And, I'm not really sure if I'm right about this baby part, but I do remember seeing footsteps and hearing something like an infant, I think THAT is what you're talking about. I remember really freaking out at that part, because you say black footsteps, but that you saw like a sorta invisible, but faded little baby sorta walking and crying. That part creep the heck outta me. If they were to include that, that would probably the freakiest thing in the movie. :animestun
  4. I have tons of them! :animesmil Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, Samurai Champloo, S-CRY-ED, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Saiyuki, Naruto, Paranoia Agent, Inuyasha, DBZ, and well there are more, I just can't think of them right now :animeswea
  5. Actually, I don't think the summoning in ffx was new, because you could summon monstors in ff7. I've played ff x and ff x-2, I didn't play ff7, but I watched my brother play the whole thing, so I know a lot about it. I tried playing prt 1 a long time ago, but I never finished. :animeswea My favorite Final Fantasy character of all time is vincent. :animesmil I'm into dark characters, and vincent is dark, and he's just plane AWESOME! Auron would have to go second on my list though.
  6. [QUOTE=TailTactics]Im not sure but i would be psyched if there was. It seems true for now, all i did was google Silent Hill Movie. For the record i played all the silent hills except the first one..huh. :animeswea[/QUOTE] :animesmil That's funny, I didn't play any of the silent hill games EXCEPT for the first one. I've seen lots of trailers on prt 4:the room though, I gotta get it. I played a little bit of prt 2, but I never got to finish. :animecry: Anyways, back to the topic, if there IS a movie how do you think It'll look?
  7. I've heard that a silent hill movie is being created, you know, sorta like they did resident evil. Does anyone know if this is possibley true?
  8. :animesigh well, I guess you're right, I'm just wondering how much people know about it, cuz right now, I know squat. :animeswea
  9. thnx, but I've been to that site before. You see, I'm a huge FF7 fan, and one night, that's all I was looking for on the INternet, so I found a lot of sites on the MOVIE, but nothing on the special edition pack. I was just curious to see why it costs so much!
  10. [quote name='Cerias']ya love Hellsing, I've watched the whole series! Alucard the ultimate vampire ...shweet! I just wish they'd make more of the series >.
  11. wow, I understand what you mean, I USED TO have a pet pit bull, and it was just a puppy, so it was hyper. It would go anywhere in the house and do its business :mad: So we kept him on a leash in the kitchen, over some newspapers, but he still always managed to use the "bathroom" off of the paper. :animeangr When I tried to play with him, he BIT ME! He put his freakin tooth in my arm. :animenose After that, my parents sold him to someone else. :animesigh I'm more of a huskey or german shepard type of person anyways. :animeswea
  12. Does anyone know what exactly is in the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children special edition pack?
  13. I'm just making a statement about Final Fantasy VII being on PS3. :animesigh
  14. :animedepr well, I didn't see closed anywhere, so I decided to post. :animeswea
  15. I'd have to go with Alucard from Hellsing. :D He's just so cool. He's powerful, and he's doesn't care what anyone thinks. He's a vampire, and he accepts that, and he can't die. He's just awesome! :animesmil
  16. [QUOTE=Osaka]I just read in one of my gameinformer magazeins and the article that I read said that square-enix is planning on remaking FFVII for the Ps3!!! BUT :shifty: there is a rumor going around that it's just a demo. the author said it was some video previwe at E3. so I think that might raise sum questions. I dunno :huh:[/QUOTE] Yea, I heard about that too, but what I know is that they're not even gonna make a ffvII for PS3 the footage that they showed was just to show what the graphics would be like for new final fantasy games on PS3. That SUCKS! why do they have to go and tease the Final Fantasy VII fans. :mad:
  17. [QUOTE=Osaka]Maaaaaan! thats one thing I cant stand about squar-enix! every time they announce a new final fantasy coming out I get my hopes all up and that next thing I know they delay it!!!!! :mad: :animesigh Well anyways if you dont know what it's about you can go to the offcial web site. :catgirl: It has previews of it and everything!!!! :D check it out. :animesmil[/QUOTE] Yea, I completely agree with you, this movie was supposed to come out sometime last year, I think, but then they delayed it. :animeangr I've been waiting a long time for this movie, and I hope that it's TRUE that it's coming out next month. But, I also heard that it would be 200 and somethin bucks if you wanted to get extra features, or somethin like that. :animestun
  18. Yeah, I agree with that person who said that at the end of Kikaider [SPOILER]when Jiro ended up killing everyone.[/SPOILER] I also thought that was very sad too. [color=#6699CC]EDIT: Spoilers! Use the [SPOILER] tag, [i]please[/i]. -Lore[/color]
  19. I think you should have a villian that is like a rebel, with long black, hair, who is also a samurai. Well, that's the type of villian I think is cool. :animeswea
  20. Okay, I couldn't find a thread about this movie, so I decided to make one! Well, my favorite character is Vincent Valentine. If anyone has a pic of him with his gun, Cerberus, it'd be awesome if you could send it to me, thnx! :animesmil
  21. I think the saddest part in anime was in Saiyuki when,[COLOR=Black] [INDENT][CODE][spoiler]Kanan was kidnapped and none of the villagers bothered to help her, and Hakkai came home to find out what happened, and when he tries to rescue her, she kills herself right in front of him because she was pregnant with her kidnapper's child[/spoiler][/CODE][/COLOR]. :animecry: [/INDENT] Also in Samurai X when, when [COLOR=Black][CODE][spoiler]tomoe was killed by Kenshin, after he went to rescue her[/spoiler][/CODE].[/COLOR] sorry, I don't know how to black out the words, so I tried this. :animeswea [color=#6699cc]It was a good try. The first post explains how to use the spoiler tags. I've done these ones for you. -Lore[/color]
  22. I heard that they're making a Dragon Ball Z movie, but then I heard that they're not. Does anybody ahve any REAL info about this? I mean, they made Kung Fu Hustle, and they had similarities to DBZ, they SHOULD make a DBZ movie, I have no idea who would be the cast though.
  23. I would recommend Hellsing, that is an awesome and dark vampire manga. It is by the company dark horse.
  24. WOW?! Really? Me and my brother just thought of that recently, we can't think of who should play Victoria, or Walter though.
  25. Hey, if you wanna know how to start a manga, message me, I got a perfect site for you! :animesmil
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