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Everything posted by Howlingvampire4

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Does anyone out there know who are the characters in The Full Metal Alchemist 2:Curse of the Crimson Elixir game? If you could tell me, you'd be a big help, Thanks[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :animesmil
  2. well, for me, I heard about it from my brother and my cousin. They said that it was popular, so I thought I'd check it out. I bought the first one, and I wanted more. I've read the first 9 books too, and I'm trying to save up to buy the series. I can't wait for Saiyuki reload to come out. :animesmil
  3. Saiyuki Rocks!!!!!!!!! I think Hakkai is HOT!!!! :love:
  4. Okay, since I can't call it Saiyuki, new Topic! I like this one better! :D The Saiyuki guy that I think is hot is Hakkai! :luv: thank you to that last person for replying on my other thread, I thought we could talk about Saiyuki here instead! :animesmil
  5. I hope somebody somebody out there has heard of Saiyuki! I can't find anyone to talk to about it :animecry: everyone around me is still reading the manga. I'm gonna start the thread off with hakkai(he is my favorite character). Hakkai is sooooo handsome! :D
  6. [quote name='nobuT']I would date... Kyo from fruits basket. Or maybe not, because he and Tohru belong together. Not Yuki! Yuki belongs with Haru. Heh.[/quote] OMG, u must really love this person, cuz I saw u in faborite anime character too, and u weret alking about whoever that person is, i don't know if it is a guy ort a girl.
  7. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Jake, you came into this thread and started attacking people because their opinion of metal differed to yours. Then you start trying to pointlessly telling people nu-metal isn't even remotely metal, even though it has 'metal' in the name and has obvious roots in the metal genre. Personally I don't see why you care so much. What other people think about a genre shouldn't matter to you in the slightest, it's only an opinion afterall. I suggest if you have a differing opinion of metal or nu-metal or whatever you just deal with it and move on. Noone's forcing you to accept these people's more blanket definitions of music, geez. Anyway, yeah. To the thread point. Personally, my favourite kinds of music can be summarised in two words: [b]hard[/b] and [b]fast[/b]. As such you'll get a lot of hard rock and punk in my playlist, as well as copious amounts of KoRn and Manson. Things with a slower beat tend to depress me, so I like things with nice fast tempo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yea! I completely agree with this person! :D
  8. [quote name='Jake of Bodom']Yup, you were mocking me. :animesigh That's a relief.[/quote] ?????????????????????????????????????? uh :animestun me?
  9. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom]Please please please please PLEASE tell me you're just mocking me. I'd be really relieved if you were making fun of me. If not, you're a disgrace, and should slap yourself. In other words, I take it you're joking to try to get me to flame again... :animeswea[/QUOTE] :animeangr You talkin to me or the other guy? Cuz I didn't do nothin' :animeswea :angel:
  10. SUP!!! :animesmil Well you guys seem to like metal, so I'd thought I'd say I like Korn, Slypknot, Disturbed, and Marlyn Manson! \m/ (:D that last little smybol after "Marlyn Manson" is a rock on symbol I made up)
  11. [quote name='Gnostica']My favorite anime has to be Inuyasha of course and then I like Elfen Lied. I love Nyu, she is soooo adorable!!![/quote] Uh who is Elfen Lied or Nyu??? And what animes are they from? Well, my favorite anime is Wolf's Rain, :catgirl: and my favorite anime character is Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki. He is handsome and strong(The perfect guy) :love2:
  12. If I could date any anime character I would date Cho Hakkai form Saiyuki. He is just sooooo hot. :luv: He is extremely careing and generous too. He has amazing power too. :blush: Or I would date Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin because he is also handsome :love: , and he would protect me through anything, and he is strong too. :love2:
  13. I hav a favorite character like every time I see a new anime. #1 My number 1 will have to go to Hakkai from Saiyuki, just because he is hot :luv: :blush: #2 My number 2 is gonna go to Kakashi form Naruto, just because he is such a bad dude, and he is just awesome! :cool: #3 hmmmm number 3...... :rolleyes: I would hav to go with Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin because he is so kind, and yet you wouldn't wanna mess with him. And he is kinda cute :love:
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