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Everything posted by botoman

  1. [QUOTE=Otaku America][COLOR=Navy] The manga was based off a legend? How so? [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [quote]Son Goku, the central character in the Japanese manga Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z and anime Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT, is partly based on Sun Wukong. Other parallels can be seen in Goku's telescoping staff and Oolong, the shape-changing pig.[/quote] [URL=http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/s/su/sun_wukong.htm]Source[/URL] I feel Berserk may be a little underrated, or maybe just unpopular.
  2. botoman


    [QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess] In one scene [spoiler]the guy gets the tape recorder by taking off his overshirt and and dragging the recorder to him. However, later, when the other guy wants the cell phone, he doesn't take his shirt off and drag it to him (it was his idea in the first place!). Another scene, where the doc's wife get's control of the situation and holds the guy up with a gun... she's just like "Freeze!". Man, I would have shot him right there, he tried to kill me, right?[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] I just watched the movie again last night with a few friends and I always wonder the same thing. That wolf thing that kidnapped Dr. Gordon was probably [spoiler] Zep using that pig-looking mask that was found in the warehouse Jigsaw was using until he was discovered by those two detectives.[/spoiler] When I first saw this movie, it just blew me away. It was just...awesome.
  3. Mainly basketball and volleyball for me, but when I was in high school I got into a little bit of soccer. And recently, going with a friend to some Jiu-jitsu classes to stay in shape.
  4. I returned home from studying abroad in Japan on the 31st of May, and then on June 26th I went to Las Vegas with my parents. Don't have any other trips planned, except maybe to Canada if I have money.
  5. I just finished a Korean drama this past Saturday. It was called Glass Slipper (I think). I only watched the last two episodes though, but I understood the whole story for the most part because my auntie explained who the characters were and their relationships. It was a really sad story, and I can tell why she's (and other people) are addicted. I have My Sassy Girl on DVD and that movie is hilarious, and a little romantic. I've also seen My Sassy Girl 2 (I only know the Japanese title: "I Want to Introduce My Girlfriend"), but the first is still better IMO. I know that it's not officially My Sassy Girl 2, but that's how I first heard about it so I call it that. I usually don't watch much drama, except for a little Japanese drama every now and then, because I can never seem to catch one that's just starting. My gf, on the other hand, loves anykind drama: J, K, and HK drama for example, so now I'm more open to watching whatevers.
  6. The first thing I did when I went to Japan was walk around one of the malls. Me and some of my friends were on Rokko Island for an orientation and across from our hotel was the Kobe Fashion Museum. And then the first thing we did on our first night in Japan: get drunk with cheap 124Y beer.
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