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Everything posted by TigerFantasy17

  1. [COLOR=Orange]kyo from furuba..#1determined/short-tempered..like me...#2.hair ORANGE XD i LOOOVE orange..#3.martial arts yaaaaa..wel he's a guy...so iz that..?ok?cuz..wel..haru maybe..#1jewelry!!yaaaa gota love it..#2bipolar???wel wen i'm mad i'm REALLY mad..#3.layed back personality...ok maybe..i'm describing weirdly..i shod say if i was a guy anime character..[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Orange]bad boys...kyo(furuba) kenshin(rurouni kenshin)...i also like bad boyish...bishounen...yuki(furuba..)sesho(inuyasha),haru(furuba..kiba(wolf's rain..)and all the guys from furuba!!i like anime guys who..hav mysterious pasts..or som kind of sorow..and i also like people..who r determined..or smile wen they really mean...it...kyo...haru..yuki..[/COLOR]
  3. ya..kenshin..from rurouni kenshin..thatz all i hav 2 say..
  4. oh..wel first u should start with the plot and lay it all out..than characters and personalities.. then design..and plan it along the way..uummm..er...maybe this sounds like a lecture wel good luck..
  5. [QUOTE=mistyrays] [I heard that Yuki is voiced by a girl! :eek:] [/QUOTE] yes.Yuki is voiced by a girl..but it's very common in japan..It's not strange for a girl 2 do a guy voice...
  6. [COLOR=Orange]one peice...but itz realy popular in japan....gachaman 2 and mew mew power all the showz like that..i think mew mew copied sailor moon...o.O[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=leecwen]Hi, I'm actually a student doing a japanese popular culture module with the focus on anime. I'm not a huge fan of anime so I need help with my project. The theme is GOOD AND EVIL. so far what my group has thought of include portraying (1) the different kinds of good and evil or (2) perhaps finding characters that struggle between being good or evil. so far recommendations for characters with internal struggles include the 1st OVA for RYONIN KENSHIN. actually i do read some manga. and i think that the character KIRA in DEATHNOTE is a conflicting character of good and evil. but there is no anime version for that too! i have tried to watch X: The movie but i really bored me as i had no idea what was going on in the storyline. SO CAN ANY KIND SOUL GIVE SOME ADVICE? any anime that depicts good and evil, or has characters with internal struggles or anyone has suggestions of what other point of views for GOOD AND EVIL? thank you so much!!! :animeblus[/QUOTE] wat ur doin a project i sssoooooo wana do that..even tho i alredy kno 2 much cuz i ammm japanese!!!and soooo obsesd..!!!n e wey itz not ryonin kenshin itz rurouni kenshin..translation..kenshin the wanderer..wel kenshin..also known az harakiri battousai..sori i hav 2 corect that cuz itz one of my favorites..um kikyo from inuyasha...akito from fruits basket..ur not a fan of anime???once u reed one manga or watch anime u r gona wnt 2 watch another one or reed..and ur hooked...sooo i'm warning u dont turn in2 an otaku..like me....i had 2 suffer..muahaha
  8. [QUOTE=Hinata]Actually her first English album has been released in the states, under her fist name Utada/ I heard it and it took me a while to get used to it. But I then remembered the style she has grown into thru her profession as a Japanese singer and it reminds me alot of that style. I love it.... Ohh if you want to check out some of her songs for yourself I suggest you look these up. Easy Breezy Devil Inside You make me want to be a man Exodus '04 The Workout P.S its released in Europe the 26th of this month. YAY![/QUOTE] sori i'm spaced out..she goze to university rite now in the U.S. so....i like deep river and hikaru...japanese version..don na toki date..
  9. [COLOR=Orange]o yaaaay i loove this topic buy the soundtracks!!buy the cdz i meen ovr here cuz in japan they r expensive..but all the japanese people think itz normal..even me..well anyway...tamaki nami!!she singz the gundam seed opening i looove the song believe i also like t.m revolution!!his song meteor(gundam seed)iz awesome..but wenevr i hear it i feel like beating somthin up!!heart of sword iz good to(rurouni kenshin..)utada hikaru iz goin 2 debut in north america soon..shez ok..how bout otsuka ai???happy dayz and sakurambo r my favz....um...hamasaki ayumi iz a hit!!no more words and dearest(inuyasha)r the best!!j-rock iz gr8 2!!gackt!!!!!!!!!every little thing!!!!!sori i get so hyper and j-rock/j-pop iz al i listen 2..cuz it remindz me of japan...[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='lumpy3922']INUYASHA, I love the Inuyasha songs." Fokai Mori" and "I Will" are the best. I just love them. Theirs a ummm Kenshin that I really like but i dont know the name of it. It's one of the opening songs. I love the opening song for Evangelion, and Saiyuki. Also I like the opening of Samurai Deeper Kyo. I love the opening and ending songs to Spiral. Oh, and Esca Flowne opening and ending. And more I just can't think of them.(lol).[/quote] ya dearest iz good so iz fukai mori...rurouni kenshin iz good 2...that song...from t.mrevolution..same with gundam SEED!!!Tamaki nami iz the best!!!go for the soundtracks people!!!like me!!and sing along...!!!do~ushite kono chiisanatede~lalalala-gundam seed...find the way.. [color=navy][size=1]Whoa, there! Before you continue posting, please take a moment to note that OtakuBoards places a strong emphasis on clarity. I'm afraid this post doesn't quite merit that adjective. In the future, please avoid tossing in useless misspellings ("iz"?) and try to adhere to the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and so forth. Complete sentences are a must. Thanks! - Dagger[/size][/color]
  11. [color=ORANGE]wel actualy i love my last name and hate my first name my last name is nakajima..yup i'm japanese!!and it's i gess common(in japan..)the problem my first name isn't japanese!!ok..my mom,dad,sister..me all hav names that start with T..so all our initials r T.N..and Nakajima has different meenings..it depends on how u rite it.. 中島=nakajima..naka=in...jima=island..people who hav the last name nakashima hav the same meening if they rite it somwat like that..[/color] [quote name='CowTipper']My last name is Shoga. It means ginger in japanese. I'm not japanese though, I'm muslim.... People always ask me if I'm japanese and it's really annoying. My first name is weird too. It's Janty. My math teacher pronounces it "Yantee", my japanese, spanish and tech teacher prnounce it "Jontee", but it's pronounced "JANTEE". Then when it comes to spelling it.... OMG... my own relatives can't even do that...[/quote] ur last name is shoga??wel it wod only be ginger if it'z pronounced..sho-u-ga..so don't feel 2 bad!! and n e way no japanese person wod hav shouga az a last name..my last name is nakajima and if i transl8 it from japanese piece by piece it wod be in-island naka=in island=island..it depends on how u spel it and wat kanji characters u use!! [color=DarkGreen][size=1][b]TigerFantasy17, if you read our Rules (there's a link on the left sidebar) you'll see that double posting is not allowed. If you have something to add to your post, then just hit the "EDIT" button in the bottom right. In the meantime I've merged together your two consecutive posts. Also, it wouldn't hurt to up your post quality a little. Small things like using paragraphs, spelling correctly and avoiding abbreviations like '2' for 'to' can make your post tons clearer and easier for others to understand. Any problems, private message me. [/b][/size][/color] [right][color=DarkGreen][size=1]- Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right]
  12. [COLOR=Orange]anime=japanese animation...so if u cal it american anime it would be american japaneses animation..anime is a japanese word 4 animation...anime=animation from japan..so if its just anime like then no!!#1.)anime has a technique#2.)no matter how similar it may be it has 2 be from japan 2 be anime#3.)anime is a japanese word for japanese animation...sori 4 my speling..doz this sound 2 political?[/COLOR][quote name='Little Slugger']I luv Avatar on nickelodeon. its awesome but made by an american dude. its just as good as an anime by a japanese dude though..Shinzo is also pretty good, besides martin mystery and totally spies. what do u think? are these titles real anime?i think they are cuz of their anime designed style and storylines that are veerryyy similiar to some of the anime we already have.[/quote]
  13. well the plots good!it's pretty deep and all that but it's just the whole love triangle hate/love that gets me..kikyo and kagome i meen maybe thatz the only thing i h8..kikyo and kagome and inuyasha..if u kno wat i meen..
  14. [quote name='XxmagentaxX']i will throw eggs at the Viz communications building if they even consider putting it on Adult Swim....I have Viz they are a bunch of morons....They have no idea how to translate things properly.... they screwed up Inu Yasha royally....I love Inu Yasha but i hate how viz flipped the manga so everythign is backwards.... the arrow is supposed to be on the other side....and I dont want to think about the dub.. I saw the subs and it was pretty good... it was almost identical to the manga.... except less blood...[/quote] ya i totaly agree viz SUCKS!!!i meen thatz y i started 2 transl8 inuyasha myself cuz viz messed it up!!i meen y not let tokyopop or delray do it?reeding right to left is way better and plz just leeve the sound affects n just hav a glossary @ the back or somthing viz is the only reason i don't like english translated mangas i only reed japanese one day i wish i could transl8 my self n sue viz..ok im over exager8ing..wel nuff bout that...sory i can't sey n e thin else..
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]hi!! well i'm not experienced in making banners but i know som sites where they hav gr8 furuba picz!!;)go 2 animegallaries.com or i duno 4got the site therez another site [url]www.lunaregina.com/furuba/[/url] sory if this info iz not wat u r looking 4...:animeswea[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='mmmmpizza!']does it have to be official?[/quote] no it dozent it can even be a crossover pairing!!but just tell me wich anime they're from cuz i mite wana chek it out..Btw do u meen the non official wich iz like one sided love or love triangles n al that?
  17. [COLOR=ORANGE]YO,people!!Well here's a question,what is your most favourite anime pairing?It can be manga also.So what is it?It can be weird or unusual just don't make it too weird or unusual if you know what i mean.WEll my favourite has to be Kyo and Tohru from Fruits Basket.They're so cute!!I also like Kenshin and Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X.Well tel me what you guy's think cuz i want to know!![/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='egutsu']Hey i just wanted too know others opinions on what anime has the best story. I think in my opinion berserk the anime has a good story and great character devolopment. Im hoping for a second season.[/quote] wel if ur talkin bout the STORYLINE then i woul say Inuyasha.itz pretty deep..but i would say the best anime iz probably ruroni kenshin/samurai X cuz the storyline iz great!!n i like th way they put some history of japan in 2 it.itz pretty cool n i hav watched som japanese history dramas in japanese cuz im japanese n RK/SX plot rely fits!!Fruits Basket iz great 2 made me cry n Gundam Seed made me cry so does that mean they're good? or iz it jus me?
  19. [QUOTE=animebitch01]:( This is been on my mind lately, before i thought nothing but to make my animation come to life. and this is been concerning me, how much do the average anime/manga get paid? i'm wanting to be an anime artist ever since i found out it was called anime. but to become rich to do so is been worrying me that, is this the right route to take? i've been searching in the internet for this answer, so far the average anime/manga artist get paid less than the average japanese labour worker?/ but what about clamp? and other major artist? what do you guys think? :catgirl: what do you think is important, money or to be able to do what you like as an occupation? :animedepr[/QUOTE] well I could say that me being japanese( im a bragger/show offer) can tel u but..i duno..i think it dependz on the salez of the manga n the publishing company n how popular it is n stuf but wel my mom haz a frend who ownz a manga shop caled mandarke(hav u herd of it?) in osaka n her huzband iz the president of the company n shez the vice-prez..wel he rote a few manga n i could say that they r prety rich(jus lerned al of this recently) n wel i duno if i waz the manga sales but i think ownin the store n all that..wel i think doin wat u like iz the most important thing cuz if u r enjoyin ur work it wil be like ur makin mor money..n i hope 2 be a manga-ka someday n liv in japan but i also want 2 be a interior designer so wel i hav 2 much dreams...N E way it al dependz som people start off az assistantz or get there work in magazinez n stuff like shonen sunday then they can relly be a manga-ka..if there work getz a lot of peoples attention..(doz this sound 2 formal?)
  20. [COLOR=ORANGE]Well have u red chobits? it has som uh..p*rn in it but itz mysteriously funny..wel furuba(fruits basket) is a total recomend..ranma1/2 is good to u will rofluao..well..yu yu hakusho iz pretty good..n to much more to mention..[/COLOR]
  21. Well hi to all you guyz who have been replying to my thread!!Much appreciated..well i got this warning and sorry for my spelling..and grammer!!wel i dont like to spel..er ..type.. cuz the shortend way waz faster for me...ok somtimz i mite not spell correctly since i was to used to my old way so sue me..it was spam..wel i would just like to add to my appearence..if i lived in the past..i would wear a orange-pink kimono with flowers and cherry blossomz on it and i would carry a katana and bow and arrowz to fite(oopz sory) err..fight my enemies and other creaturez..wel now i would be just a normal skool girl with a nice uniform..dark blue skirt with a white blouse and a short sleeved sweater..o ya a red little ribbon/bow tie would be nice too!!wel i would be reincarnated from my past self to present then future..in the future well i'll wear dark jeanz and a top which iz longer at the back then it iz at the front and it would be sleeveless and little ribbonz that you have to tie at the shoulder part..it would be a light blue and the top part would be ruffled..actually i hav that kind of shirt already..o ya i forgot to add my past self..hair..would be tied up in a bun and i would have these chopstick thingyz sticking out of it.now self wel..i hav a pretty basic japanese style hair..in one of those cutz where itz short at the front and long at the back and in layerz..wel in the future i would hav an side pony tail with some hair hanging from the front and in som clipz...wel ok i think i wrote too much sory!! i write a lot so sory..ciao!!!!!!!!
  22. [COLOR=Orange]hey i just want 2 now..if u were an anime character how would u want 2 look? hair colour..eye colour..etc.wel i wod want 2 hav orange hair cuz i hav a thing 4 orange n orange hair n characterz with orange hair like kyo n kenshin..:drool i also want purple eyez cuz i did this quiz n it sed thatz my ideal colour 4 anime eyez n orange hair goze wel with purple anime eyez..like lacus clyne(gundam seed) n asuna(negima) wel how bout u? u can add other stuf 2..n giv examplez n reezonz wel wat wod u want 2 look like?[/COLOR]
  23. furuba iz jus sssoo cuteu guyz jus hav 2 reed the manga..wel there r so far 17 volumez in japan..n e 1 reed it?(if u r japaneses like me)sory :animeswea ever sins i got like obsesd with evrythin ive been boastin..actualy i show of 2 much hehe wel kyo iz sooooooo cute i jus hav a thing 4 orange n orange haired dudez..wel if u want kyo he iz mine so bak off... :animeangr hehe wel if u havent red it u shod..cuz it iz so good :animesigh wel ciao n don 4get me ;) [CODE][QUOTE=TokiOsaka][color=darkorchid]Hey, Toki here, just wanted to let everyone know.....[spoiler]Akito is a girl, not a boy.[/spoiler] I know this for a fact, I know the author of Furuba personally. She's quite nice![/CODE] ya itz wen he haz ***** rite? r u japanese if ur plz let me now ive been lookin 4 japanese people 2 chat with cuz..i jus mis japan..i went 2 japan last summer..al my relativez liv ther..every single one of them..wel did u reed furuba vol.17 do u rely now takaya natsuki in person like hav u met her tel me plz!!! [/color][COLOR=#503F86]I merged your two responses together- don't double-post in future. If there's something you want to add to your original reply, you can use the 'Edit' button located in the lower right corner of the post. -Solo[/COLOR]
  24. [color=orange]I'll go 4 Lacus..major iz wel...uh letz jus say i don like galz with muscelz...they look 2 uh..watduyucalit uh2 muscular n intimid8in n 2 playerish hehe wel lacus she singz n wen she singz itz not like she iz singin n she alwayz singz the same song..cuz time passes by..alalalal..wel motoko iz stronger but lacus iz cute..n i like the song especialy the wordz..but time cant erase..trililialala...i like cute anime bishoujoz..not 2 bishoujoish though cuz thatz a i duno im weird..im crazy...ok..wel 4giv me..[/color] [color=#ffa500][/color] [color=#ffa500][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try not to use so many abbreviations, TigerFantasy. Using too many counts as spam, and is against the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL]. Full words, proper grammar and punctuation is always appreciated. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color]
  25. [COLOR=Orange]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT]i like Kyo Sohma from fruitz basket he iz so cute with the orange hair n bad boy rep..under al that short tempered atitude..he iz a big softie.. n he iz soooooooooooo in lov with tohru :catgirl: like me im in lov..i also like tohru...happy n kind...hehe n kenshin..mysterious n cool...kaoru..spirited n nice..fav paringz..fav animez..im in lov with kyo n kenshin :animeshy: orange hair :animeswea QTz.. :animesigh
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