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Everything posted by xXAngelic1ZXx

  1. Continuing down the hall, ViViaqn turned to the left and went down a brightly painted corridor. The walls were gree, but very subtle shades, both lighter and darker, swirled in for the design. The effect caught everyones' attention so she waited a few seconds before opening the door. "This, as you might guess, is our design network. These geniuses work on everything from the logo that comes out next week to the backgrounds you lay against." Holding open the door for everyone to enter, "Clothing that hangs on the rack? Well they have blessed us with the textiles. Basically, these people are gods here. If their coffee boy want you to bring the whole placce coffee, I'd suggest taking orders." A man of slight build came up to the group. "Ah! Apherion, ViVi, my darlings... How are you? There is this new print you [I]have[/I] to see. Straight from Dion's mind... It would really compliment your hair, you know Vivi?" Picking up a lock of it, The man ran it through his fingers. "So soft. Give my compliments to Nanita the next time you get it done." "Don't worry I will," She said as she bent down to hug him. "Ok everyoone, this is Chris- now he is God." laughing at her joke, she was pleased to see a few smiles and a giggle or two. "Don't worry; I'm only half joking. Chris runs the entier design network for his blackberry. He is boss." Looking around at the bobbling heads, ViVian wanted to sigh. [I]This is going to be one tough group... Especially that Kaleb... I wish eyeliner was everything.[/I] "Alright, we'll take a tour through here nad then break for lunch." "This place is that big?" Tea asked, still trying to hide behind her bag. "Very much so... Intresting too... Don't worry, it will fly by." So the group followed behind ViVian, Apherion, and Chris.
  2. "I'm not really sure," ViVian replied, pushing the button for the 23rd floor. "George didn't actually say why he needed all staff to come in. All he told me was that I needed to check in at noon for some briefing.... lunatic. I don't know why he is the principal at Everlasting..." Turning to watch the little numbers above the door light up as the desended. She was eager for their ride to stop. Both her and Apherion had been up the previous night, trying to decide which of the applicants to accept and where to place them. It hadn't really been hard they just didn't make it easy. "Oh! darn..." She exclaimed. Digging through her purse, ViVian searched for her tiny cellphone. As Always it seemed to fall straight to the bottom so they had traveled 4 floors while she had been getting it. Flipping it open she jabbed at a few numbers and held it to her ear. "Ah! There you are, could you send the two people waiting in your office down to the 8th floor conference room? Yes, that's right," ViVian comfirmed, "Sora and that Tea girl.... I hope she doesn't mind me calling herTea. Ok!Thanks! Yeah, you too. Byee!" Clicking off her phone, ViVi grimanced, "I need a seceratary with less formality. She is driveing me nuts." Dropping the device back into her bottomless pit, She followed out Apherion and Valerie. Stepping onto the 8th floor was like walking into a magizine. Everything was derocated with coordinating and warm colors. The entier atmosphere was comforting, down to the smile on the door man's face. Giving him a polite nod, She continued on into a smaller room that was set in blue tones. There were small couches everywhere, so ViVian and Apherion took a seat facing the door. "Please," ViVian said motioning to another couch, "Take a seat while we wait for the others to arrive."
  3. ((sorry I wasn't here for the start of the post)) "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... I know Pheri- heck I'm already here!" ViVian muttered into her phone while sipping coffee as she parked. "That's right, I'm walking in the back doors, so no- I won't be late. Geeez... so much faith in me." Sticking her tounge out at the phone, ViVian pulled her keycard out of her purse and swiped itnear the doors scanner. Hearing the locks disengage and the door beep it's way open, She started her way up the back staircase, hoping to avoid the overly eager interviewees ((Lol, thats looks funny! oh-heehee, sorry)) that loved to flock in the lobby. "So anyways, Miss. Punctual, who are we putting where?" ViVian asked as she rounded the first flight of stairs.
  4. ::Character Sheet:: Name: ViVian Dl`Emorna Age: 20 Sex: F Organization: One of E/A's presidents Appearance: 5'8" 126lbs. Curvy figure, mostly legs, Larger Bust. Dark auburn hair that falls to her butt with redish highlights (it looks natural). Hazel eyes with a indigo rimming. ViVian is usually seen in a skirt and stillettos with a button up shirt. In fact- she is always in stillettos. Bio: She is A Teacher's aide at Everlasting High. Has several jobs on the side that she... doesn't... discuss with her students. She is best friends with Apherion, and lives in their loft.
  5. Um hey KitsuneGirl14, sorry buy Kola is taken. Um, i'm not sure when Aperion will show up, but thats her's. So if you could pick another charater, srry.
  6. [U]ViVian[/U] Race- Nekoyoukai Description- 5'8" 126lbs. Curvy figure, mostly legs, Larger Bust. Dark red hair that falls to her butt with black highlights. Yellowish eyes with slash markings on the edge. Outfits- Black mini skirt with 3" stillettos, Dark green silk shirt, reveals a little middrift. Plunging V-neck and 3/4" sleeves - Black Halter bikini with Boyshorts. White trim runs along the edges while silver buckles keep the top closed and a belt on the bottom. - Nusre outfit has a white mini skirt that ends 2" below butt. Red belt has a "First Aide" kit. Shirt is a short sleeve bottom-down that is tied beneath the bust. Has a red lined collar and sleeves. Personality-playful and sweet. Usually acts Innocent. Give her alcohol and your asking for entertianment. Trys to comfort everyone, but even ViVian has her naughty side...
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