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About lilyholic

  • Birthday January 1

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    being a nerd in techno-orientalisml

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  1. I like joey's white mask, very gothic!
  2. Hiei is the coolest one in yu yu and he is definitely not a gay. Personally, i think kurama is perfect to be a gay. He is too beautiful!!!
  3. Their music just like their masks. Pretty kool! I like them!
  4. How do u think ghost in the shell? both debut and innocent. give some comments please :animesmil
  5. i want to be a goth but i dont know how to make up. i want to be a punk but i dont know how to assault. so i only want to be a nerd because i do know how to use my brain!
  6. i found it by searching "otaku" on google. pretty simple. ;)
  7. If japanimation can be more accepted by western world. im sure that it won't die!
  8. it is not bad actually. a beautiful story with a happy ending. just like myizaki always do.
  9. Animation OST:cowboybebop... japanese visual rock mad capsule market DJ krush hooverphonic nine inch nails lydia lunch radiohead fear factory aphex twin cibo matto ...... too wide to list all :animenose Children of Bodom! luv it! finland devil
  10. I like watching SF+Psycho!!! ghost in the shell, Lain, Evangelion,appleseed... and cowboybebop is also awsome!
  11. u know in japan, subbed voices av been playing a very important role in animation. they r well known just like movie stars ! i prefer subbed anyway. :sleep:
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