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Everything posted by Lafleur

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]This here's a lil' diddy 'bout a place they called Dildo... [I]Umm, so this is a song about newfoundland and we wrote it about the place names and all you have to know is that all the place names in this song are real place names that we found in an atlas, E we can read! Yeah, we can read! Yeah, literacy! Oh newfoundland, oh newfoundland, ya island in the sea I love you oh so very much, I joined the ministry To show you people ?round the rock when tourist season?s here Although in my opinion it? s a gem throughout the year Well if you?re one for swimming, don?t think it?s outta reach You can go and take a dip along groswater beach I know the name?s misleading, that?s quite a problem here Instead let?s go to goobies and have ourselves a beer From woody point to come-by-chance to good ol? ferryland Come take a look at gander, blackhead?s mighty grand Don?t let the names deceive you, newfoundland?s mighty fine So spend a night on dildo if you think you?ve got the time Well you can go to blow-me-down before it get?s to dark (gasp) Oh sorry ma?am, I should have said, that?s our provincial park There?s also whippet harbour, or maybe butter pot Or maybe I?ll just hit the pub I?m feeling like a shot Well you can sail on quidi vidi, or look at joe batt?s arm There?s placentia and there?s cow head (mooo!), they?re so full of charm Get married down in kilbride, have a party in hate bay Or have some screech in fogo and forget about the day From woody point to come-by-chance to good ol? ferryland Come take a look at gander, blackhead?s mighty grand Don?t let the names deceive you, newfoundland?s mighty fine So spend a night on dildo if you think you?ve got the time Okay, the drinkin? verse *sing drunkenly here* From woody point to come-by-chance to good ol? ferryland Come take a look at gander, blackhead?s mighty grand Don?t let the names deceive you, newfoundland?s mighty fine So spend a night on dildo if you think you?ve got the time So spend a night on dildo if you think you?ve got the time So spend a night on dildo if you think you?ve got the time Cod! [/I] The Arrogant Worms... love them dearly I do. Here's another song... great little tune about why Toronto blows. [I] here was an old farmer who lived on a rock, He sat in the meadow just shaking his... Fist at some boys who were down by the crick, Their feet in the water their hands on their... Marbles and playthings, and at half past four, There came a young lady, she looked like a... Pretty young creature, she sat on the grass, She pulled up her dress and she showed them her... Ruffles and laces and her white fluffy duck, She said she was learning a new way to... Bring up her children so they would not spit, While the boys in the barnyard were shoveling... Refuse and litter, from yesterday's hunt, While the girl in the meadow was rubbing her... Eyes at the fellow, down by the dock, He looked like a guy with a sizable... Home in the country with a big fence out front, If he asked her politely, she'd show him her... Little pet dog who was subject to fits, And maybe she let him grab hold of her... Small tender hands, with a movement so quick, And then she'd bend over and suck on his... Candy, so tasty, made of butter-scotch, And then he'd spread whipped-cream all over her... Cookies that she had left out on her shelf, If you think this is dirty, you can go **** yourself! [/I] And because I'm bored... The last Saskatchewan Pirate, c'yarg! [I]I used to be a farmer and I made a livin' fine I had a little stretch of land along the CP line But times went by and though I tried the money wasn't there And bankers came and took my land and told me fair is fair I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no "Hire you now?" they always laughed, "We just let twenty go!" The government they promised me a measly little sum But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum Then I thought who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone I'm going to be a pirate on the River Saskatchewan.... Arrrrrgh! Cause it's a Heave! Ho! Hay! Ho! Comin' down the plains Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains It's a Ho! Hay! Hi! Hay! Farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well you'd think the local farmers would know that I'm at large But just the other day I found an unprotected barge I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser I rammed the ship and sank it and I stole their fertilizer A bridge outside of Moosejaw spans a mighty river Farmers cross in so much fear their stomachs are aquiver 'Cause they know that Tractor Jack is hiding in the bay I'll jump the bridge and knock them cold and sail off with their hay Cause it's a Heave! Ho! Hay! Ho! Comin' down the plains Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains It's a Ho! Hay! Hi! Hay! Farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat He'd follow on the shoreline but he didn't own a boat But cutbacks were a comin' and the mountie lost his job So now he's sailin' with me and we call him Salty Bob A swingin' sword, a scull 'n' bones and pleasant company I never pay my income tax and screw the G.S.T. (screw it!) Prince Albert down to Saskatoon, the terror of the sea If you want to reach the Co-op, boy, you gotta get by me! Cause it's a Heave! Ho! Hay! Ho! Comin' down the plains Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains It's a Ho! Hay! Hi! Hay! Farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here I've heard that in Alberta there's a band of buccaneers They roam the Athabaska from Smith to Fort McKay You're gonna lose your Stetson if you have to pass their way Well winter is a comin' and a chill is in the breeze My pirate days are over when the river starts to freeze I'll be back in spring time, but now I have to go I heard there's lots of plunderin' down in New Mexico Cause it's a Heave! Ho! Hay! Ho! Comin' down the plains Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains It's a Ho! Hay! Hi! Hay! Farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores [/I] [/color]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Who in the seven circles of hell are [i]Brand New[/i]? What kind of name is that? Jeez, if that's the most creative thing they can come up with... Not once have I ever heard this band. What is it with these bands that just pop up overnight and than go away? Am I just out of some kind of loop here? Should I even care about this band? What genre is it?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Here's a bunch... Stompin' Tom Connors' [i]The Good Ol' Hockey Game[/I] - No other song has captured the essence of the Game than this. It's an awesome vintage tune. Bachman-Turner Overdrive's [i]Takin' Care of Buisness[/i] - The perfect way to tell the Man that he can go **** himself. We love to work at nothin' all day! Bachman-Turner Overdrive's [i] Welcome Home[/i] - Great thing to play when you get back from a terrible day. RUSH's [i]Closer to the Heart[/i] - Such a beautiful song, crafted with the skill and mastery Neil Peart is famous for. Just such an amazing song. RUSH's [i]Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres[/i] - The 18-minuet-long epic, crafted in so many differing styles and with an unparalleled mastery, is just such a pickup on a dreary day. The Tragically Hip's [i]50 Mission Cap[/i] - The song is about the death of Toronto Maple Leaf's Hero Ben Birilko. Any song about the death of an accursed Leaf makes me happy.[/COLOR]
  4. Lafleur


    [QUOTE] You needed to watch the movie more closely. Had you watched it more closely, you wouldn't be complaining about this.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Why not? During the flashback, the science area has light moodlightting, and then it's perfectly dark the rest of the fi;m. There were a few places that were well lit, like the med bay, but the rest of the place looked to be dark before the whole genetic mutation thing. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] Again, watch the movie more closely and actually think about it. If you just paid attention, you wouldn't be ranting about this, because your complaints here are very nit-picky when they're not completely explained by the movie to begin with. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] What's to watch? Destroyer was a shoot-first-ask-questions-later kind of guy, *Frogot the other dude's name* just wanted to sleep with women... Who do you think is the evil one?[/COLOR] [QUOTE] And what did the characters know about the entire thing? Not much. How can you expect explanation when the characters themselves aren't entirely sure? Come on. You're nit-picking to the nth degree here. lol And remember that it was a rather long and bumpy process, too. *indicates to Pinky*[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I don't care what they explain to me, I care about it not making sense. I seem to remember the ARK beign Martian in nature - what, did they discover tihs floating ball of mercury and throw people through it to see if it led anywhere? And send them with building materials to construct a fully-operational space station? Your right, it isn't fully explained - but maybe that's because it isn't fully explainable. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] I find myself wondering what does any of this matter? You're talking about regular people versus supermonsters. Honestly, do you think the fight was going to be fair? Or slow and drawn-out? The "rocket scientist" line was meant as a joke. I sincerely doubt it was to be taken as seriously as you're seeing it. I doubt it because I watched the movie and paid attention...what little attention was required. And...when you're hiding in a pile of corpses, you tend to be perceived as a corpse yourself. I don't see how your criticism there is all that valid. [/QUOTE] 700 people, all of which are supposedly super-smart scientest people, can't think enough to pick up a gun prior to the things arrival? I mean if they knew somthing was happening on the other side, especially if they got that message from whatshisface, wouldn't you think they'd be armed? [COLOR=DarkRed] Pinky said that the thing cut through the door and he had to go through the ARK because it came at him to fast... right? So he had to jump through the portal-thing, and somhow get his gimpy *** into a pile of corpses that... were there before he got there? How could he survive the slaughter if he was coming through at the same time. It makes very little if no sense at all. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] Why not, though? Open door, "oh shiite!" Given that Goat doesn't take more than a few minutes, what makes you think it's so impossible for a group? The shot that destroys your criticism of the Nano-door not closing is a few seconds long and involves the Nano-door's control panel. Look for it. What makes you think Duke got attacked by a zombie, anyway? There's no evidence at all in that entire sequence that that's what got him, and given the strength of some of the monsters in the film...come on; I think it's perfectly reasonable things can tear through metal. lol. And Goat was, for all intents and purposes, still a human body during that glass window part. The human body (particularly the skull) does not respond well to that kind of contact.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Why not? Because it doesn't make sense for them all to gather in one spot. Behind a sealed door, no less. What, are all the people with the evil gene relegated to one section? Because I don't seem to recall any in the first few rooms... I could understand if it just didn't work at all. But if it was half-closed or whatever you call what it did, if it was doing that it wouldn't make much sense... Things don't just sorta-work, they either work or they don't. There is a split-second shot before Duke goes down that shows a pair of hands - human hands - reaching up through the grate, and rapping their hands around his ankles. They don't pull him down right away, they have a little drematic pause, and down he goes. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] Think about it: it's clear the beasty conducts electricity. The rod he used is made of metal. Metal conducts electricity. The walls are electrified. Why didn't he break the thing's neck when it was pinned by a metal rod, against a metal, electrified wall, with what seemed to be high voltage running through everything? [/QUOTE] Hmm... you may be right there. [QUOTE] No offense, but most of your "criticisms" missed parts of the movie.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Hah, most of my rant was half-jokingly. When I see a movie I dislike, I tend to blow up the little things because I find it funny. Just somthing I do when I'm bored. DOOM was a pretty bad movie though...[/COLOR]
  5. Lafleur


    [COLOR=DarkRed]In the words of me and every sane person who watched that movie: [SIZE=4][B]WHAT IN THE SEVEN CIRCLES OF HELL WAS THAT![/B][/SIZE] I've pissed patterns in the snow that made more sense! Here, let me outline the overall ******ness of this movie! [spoiler]One: Why in the hell can they get all the way to Mars and not install one freaking Lightbulb? The reception area and the living area is all perfectly well lit! But the Science Area, where all the reserch takes place, is pitch ******* dark! Even in the flashback before the whole thing started it was pitch black! Two: Why the hell does a man nicknamed 'Destroyer' (Who is in live with his chaingun, no less!) not posses this evil gene, while some nervous freak/womanizer dude does? It doesn't add up! You'd expect an evil gene to cause evil! Or what about Goat? Was it mere retarded plot-hole or a veiled stab at Christians? Why does he posses this evil gene, he doesn't do anything wrong! While we're on the subject of Goat, how come his light goes out for 'some reason'? I mean maybe if they made it so those things give off a electricity-nullifying aura, but they dont't! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Three: How did they build that ******* base on Mars? Don't they transport there by getting sucked into a floating ball of mercury? What, did they discover this floating thing and throw people through it randomly in various forms of protection in hopes they'd return one day with a fully-operational spacestation waiting on the other side? Even the PC version made more sense, they flew there! Four: WHY DOES EVERYONE SUCK SO MUCH ***! Once the thing saws (Saws? It never really clarifies how the thing cut a perfect shape into the door) through the door and gets to Earth (BTW, how did Pinky get through the portal before that thing got him? And even then, how did he survive the slaughter that followed?) why does EVERYONE DIE. It takes a minuet to kill 700 people! WHY ARE NONE OF THEM ARMED? THEY KNOW THAT SOMTHING STUPID HAPPENED ON THE OTHER SIDE, DON'T THEY HAVE SOME KIND OF BACKUP PLAN? Also, the Rock says that the thing sabatoged the computer because it was a 'rocket scientest'. THE ROCKET SCIENTEST IS DEAD! ITS A MINDLESS KILLING MACHINE! EVEN THEN, ITS AN ANTHROPOLOGIST/ARCHEAOLOGIST, NOT A ROCKET SCIENTEST! Five: Why is it that, on Earth, all of the turned humans are in one area? It's like Resident Evil all over again! They walk through the whole tihng and its empty... but open one door, and BAM! 100,000 ******* zombies just waiting for you! Besides, why doesn't the Nano-door close? It just doesn't... right... Plus Duke gets pulled down through the grate! What are they made of, aluminum? Goat can't even break through glass and this thing can tear apart metal? What? This is just a small fraction of the shittyness of this movie! If I wasn't on the verge of throwing up I'd explain more, but the movie sucks so many forms of *** I can't bear to think about it anymore! Amongst all the complete crap that is DOOM, there was one thing I enjoyed - the First Person part that lasted about 20 seconds. IF THEY HAD DONE THE WHOLE MOVIE LIKE THAT, GOTTEN SOME BONEFIED ACTORS, AND MAYBE MADE SOME EFFORT INTO MAKING A DECENT MOVIE, THEY'D HAVE A DECENT MOVIE. The Destroyer vs DOOM Thing fist fight was actualy pretty fun to watch. But it was complete crap. Destroyer is a soldier, correct? He has this thing pinned againts the lightning wall, correct? WHY DOES HE RUN? He could have broken the things neck and ended it right there... but no! I'm gona climb some chain thing. Why does he even go there anyway? Didn't Rock say to stay by the door? DOOM SUCKED ALL FORMS OF ***! I WISH THEY'D JUST MADE DOOM ONE AGAIN, BECAUSE THAT PLOT MADE MORE SENSE. The BFG was cool... for the 15 seconds you saw it.[/spoiler] I'm a harsh critic, but anyone who watched this movie knows what I mean - it made no ******* sense! NONE![/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=Shinji][font=century gothic] [color=crimson] The biblical prophecises are not as vague as you would readily believe. They are not some "oh, there will be a war some time in the future at some place, yeah, ho hum hee." The prophecies are straight to the point, pulling no punches. Consider the tiny nation of Israel. It was prophecised that the nation would be scattered, then bought back in one day! [Isa 66:8; Mic 5:3] No other nation has ever achieved restoration from utter desomation to becoming a nation again. not Rome, not Egypt, yet, little ole Israel did it. And it was bought back, and ratified by the U.N in one day. Vague? Yeah, right. It's most interesting. I don't think that anyone who has done any unbiased reserch into the prophecy can say that they are vague, there is plenty of evidence the are nore accurate than that. [/font][/color][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] The time of Isreal's reincarnation was hardly one day. The Isrealis faught for years with the Palestinians, because they wanted a homeland for the Jews - if it wasn't for WWII, Isreal wouldn't exist. When the Jews were being persecuted, they flocked to what was once Isreal en masse. They then had to fight with the UN for a few months/years before they were given their own homeland. Hardly one day. How long have we been recording Earth Quakes? A century? Bit more, maybe. For all we know this year is a small-fry compared to past centuries. There are records, primative as they may be, of city-leveling earthqaukes occuring daily in parts of China and Japan. We really just don't know. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]There have always been natural disasters. There have always been wars. There always will be. There have been worse years for natural disasters, and there have been more bloody periods of conflict. The concept that the world is coming to an end anytime soon is ludicrous, even by religious standards. The earth has a few billion years left, unless somthing stupid happens. Life won't last that long, though, at least not intelligent life. We exist to be doomed, but don't get to excited - it wont be in our lifetimes. [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][size=1][color=slategray] The End. Seeing those words at the end of a happy fairy tale makes you think the ending was happy. But seeing those words on a dry eraser board in church sort of makes you think the opposite. But yeah, my family are christians. At the church that we attend the pastor is constantly stressing this point. I agree with you that all of these natural disasters are just coincidence. But my guardians are a bit tense about this. There are theories that the antichirst is going to be the man who has poliltical power and is going to be the one who unites all of the nations in the world. I don't think Bush is the antichrist. One he is all into war - I don't see how he is going to the one who unites the nations with a reputation like that. Two people think that the antichrist is going to be someone else other than an american. And Three the president says that he is a christian. So in my opinion, no, George Bush isn't the antichrist. As for the time limit that earth has left before it's destroyed I honestly don't know. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] What exactly makes an American exempt from being the so-called anti-chirst? [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Derald][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]A few thoughts from the Bible (I can't remember where from though): For one, humans are to receive the mark of the beast in the ending days. Well, guess what? The government, as many know, is issuing those information chips to people which include all personal information as a form of serial number. Not only that, but it is believed that they are to become mandatory in the future. Next, two "mountains of fire" are to strike the earth, releasing the beast unto the earth. Now this could be one of two things: either asteroids from space strike the earth or nuclear weapons. Now, with the whole nuclear weapons issue in the world, I'd say there's a good chance that the latter of my above statements is more likely. I'm not saying the world is coming to an end, but a few things are happening that strangely coincide with the events stated in the Bible.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Loose interpretation at best. It's Nostradums all over again. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]My fathers side is well documented, and here's why: Long long ago, my fathers family was minor artisocracy somwhere in centre Europe - loosley related to some king or another. Eventually, though, they fell into ruin. One of my great ancestors headed to then-proserping England, but hadn't a penny to his name - so he made his way as a male prostetute, specifically the male prostetute of Mary Queen of Scots, her favourite, which is why its so well documented. My mothers side is less known, all I know is they came from Belgium to Ireland, and from Ireland to Canada.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ever since I read Ilium and Olmypos, I've been a huge fan of Dan Simmons. He's amazing. The way he crafts plots, the way he makes every thing seem so real... it's astounding. I'm actualy just reading Hyperion, about 120 pages in. So far it's proving to be as good if not better than Ilium and Olmypos, and that isn't easy. I'm really enjoying it. I've got the Fall of Hyperion to read, and need to get my hands on Endymion and the Rise of Endymion. Easily one of my favourite authors. Up there with Douglas Adams and Frank Herbert.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mog:[/B] Kupo, you'll need to give us your name, kupo! [B]Gordon:[/B] There was a time when I would have gone by the name Gordon Freeman. [B]Mog:[/B] Excellent, kupo, now I'll have to see a few pictures, kupo! [B] Gordon:[/B] I have a few I recovered from a Combine soldier during my last mission for the G-Man. [URL=http://www.cogsprocket.com/stubby/images/half-life2-gordon-freeman.jpg]One[/URL] [URL=http://www.allthingschristie.com/archives/gordon_freeman.jpg]Two[/URL] He saw me coming and then I beat him to death with my crowbar. [B]Mog:[/B] Crowbar fetish, kupo? Never mind, kupo! Now, what game are you [B]from, kupo? Gordon:[/B] I believe he called it... Half-Life. Yes, that was it. [B]Mog:[/B] Mmm, and what genre would that be? [B]Gordon:[/B] First-Person Shooter, with a fair amount of puzzle solving involved. [B]Mog:[/B] Kuporiffic! Now you need to tell me how you'd describe your personality. [B] Gordon:[/B] There was a time when I was outgoing, smart, witty, and a nice person, or so I'm told. [B]Mog:[/B] And now? [B] Gordon:[/B] I've had little use for a personality ever since the Black Mesa Incident and my meeting with the G-Man. [B]Mog:[/B] Strong silent type, then? [B] Gordon:[/B] As my old friend Barney put it. [B]Mog:[/B] Kupo...riffic... Would you say you have any talents? [B]Gordon: [/B]I have an uncanny knack for firearms. I have a survival instinct unparalleled. As my survival of Black Mesa can attest, I can solve any puzzle. I can also slaughter an entire army of enemies with my crowbar. [B]Mog:[/B] Kupo, just tell me the motive for your entry and we'll be all done. [B]Gordon:[/B] I do not know why I am here. I've been sent here by the G-Man. I do as I am told, but it is undoubtable of consequence to the world in some way. [B]Mog:[/B] Kupo, we're done! Thanks for the kuporiffic interview! Kupo! [B]Gordon:[/B] *Stays silent and stares menacingly*[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]I don't have a genre in particular. I'd have to say, though, that most of my favourite movies are from the Comedy genre. Dr.Strangelove; or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb is probably my favourite movie of all time. It was direct by Stanley Kubrick, stared Peter Sellers, was completely black-and-white, and was so insanley hilarious it's never been matched. The best part about it is that it makes fun of the Cold War (Specifically the paranoia involved) during the Cold War, somthing so unthinkable at the time it's just incredible. The movie is just inexplicable. Its amazing. [/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Sandy]Tell me about it... >:/ Well, the climate in here [B]Finland[/B] is about the same as Canada (we are located on the same latitudes), meaning there's snow from November till April, and we have a heatwave in July lasts two weeks. There are odd changes in the weather sometimes, though. Like last week, it began to snow and it covered the ground totally, and in few days it was all gone. 8/ Last year we had a huge heatwave at September, and it isn't unheard of that there's still snow on the ground and May. But enough about weather, there's one big thing that separates Finland from Canada (and from almost every other country in the world). Finland is no small country, it's over a thousand kilometres long, spanning from the Baltic Sea to near the Arctic Ocean, and has three neighboring countries (Russia, Sweden and Norway). Yet, there's only [B]five million people[/B] living here. You can only imagine how scattered they are throughout the country. In the capital, [B]Helsinki[/B], which is by far the biggest city in Finland (and also the city where I was born), there's only a little over half a million people - and people from the countryside call it "crowded". It really puts things into perspective, when in the wide world a city with five million people is regarded as "medium sized". :/ I currently live in a city with 100 000 people, [B]Lahti[/B] (the center of winter sports in Finland), where I study, but I intend to move back to Helsinki as soon as possible, because this town really is dead - nothing but old ladies here. :P[/QUOTE] Canada: Area: 9,976,140 SQ KM. Second largest country on earth. Population: 32 Million aprox [IMG]http://www.xonus.com/muzeo/Aaron%20Online/Map%20of%20Canada.gif[/IMG] Finland: 31,560 SQ KM land. Not second largest country on earth. Population: 5 Million Aprox [IMG]http://www.stayxs.com/finland/images/finland-map.gif[/IMG] Conclusion: Finland is a small fry in the spread out population ring. Mongolia is the most sparsly populated as I recall. That said, Canada is a concentrated population; meaning that 90% live within a specific area. Is it like that in Finland?
  13. I actualy found this pretty clever, especially since it's an actual story and made up by a non-professional. [I] There is a buisness in Philidelphia that has a sign proudly displaying the words 'I WOULD RATHER SERVE A THOUSAND AL-QUEDA TERRORISTS THAN ONE AMERICAN'. The buisness? A funeral home. Who says mortitions don't have a sense of humour?[/I]
  14. [QUOTE=Stuart][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I live in [B]Vermont[/B]. Yes, it's a state; The Green Mountian State. And it's within New England, so I just like to say I live in New England. It's really surprising how many Americans ask me "What state is Vermont in?". Whenever I'm asked that, I die a little inside. So yeah, we're the guys who make REAL maple syrup. That's pretty much all we're good for. Oh, and snow. We get tons of snow. Cold... cold snow *cries*.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] You know who makes the syrup Stuart... Your sharing a boarder with her! I live in Quebec, Canada right now. Have my entire life. The area I live in is called the Eastern Townships, wich is basically a collection of Townships, Bergs, and the like. They vary in size from very large to minsicule... and I live in one of the miniscule ones. Goes by the name of Foster. Very remote, not many people and those are spread out amongst a large area. But it's one of the most beautiful locations your likely to find. I wouldn't live anywhere else.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]My old username was Ilium. At the time, I was heavily into Homer's epic, the Illiad. Commonly known as Troy, the correct name for the city in which the Epic centers is in fact Ilium. I liked it and make it my username. Recently, with the start of the hockey season, my interests have been overrun with hockey-related things. My favourite all-time player is Guy 'Le Demon Blonde' Lafleur. I also liked the majesty and mystery that surrounds the name. It translates simply into The Flower. Lecavalier is another name I toyed with, it basically means The Cavalry. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Dream-Dream-Job: Goalie for the Montreal Canadiens. I really wish I was good enough to play in the NHL for my team, the Montreal Canadiens. I'd get paid millions to do what I love. I'd play agressive and I'd play well. I'd love it! I'd love to be good enough! More-Likely-Job: Author. I've got an uncanny talent and love of writing, and I'd like nothing more than to do it for a living. I'd go for a blend of Sci-fi and comedy, akin to Douglas Adams but not quiet so brilliant.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]Two more... 1: [I]Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in a park in Toronto, when one is attacked by a rabid Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his stick, wedges it down the dogs collar and twists,breaking the dogs neck. A reporter who was strolling by sees the incident,and rushes over to interview the boy. "Young Leafs Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal," he starts writing in his notebook. "But I'm not a Leafs fan," the little hero replied. "Sorry, since we are in Toronto, I just assumed you were." said the reporter and starts again. "Little Jays Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack" hecontinued writing in his notebook. "I'm not a Jays fan either," the boy said. "I assumed everyone in Toronto was either for the Leafs or Jays fan."What team do you root for?" the reporter asked. "I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan." the child said. The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, "Little French Bastard from Montreal Kills Beloved Family Pet. [/I] 2: [I] 3 Hockey fans were drinking in Saudi Arabia which is penalized by death there so the 3 men were sent to death row. The next day the jail keeper comes into their cells and says "because of our national holiday we will not kill you but we will whip you 100 times," and he leads them outside onto a platform in the largest plaza. The man with the whip tells the Nashville Predators fan that because his team made the playoffs for the first time ever that he gets 1 wish. The Predators fan wishes that the punisher attatch a pillow to his back so it will absorb the whipping but after 30 lashes the pillow breaks making the fan suffer 70 lashes. After surviving he leaves and the Colorado Avalanche fan is sent up and he also gets 1 wish but he wishes that he has 2 pillows attatched to his back. However the pillows break after 60 lashes making him suffer 40 lashes. Lastly its the Vancouver Canucks fan's turn but the punisher says "because you have the loyalest and best fans in Vancouver you may have 2 wishes". The Canucks fan does'nt hesitate and immediatly replies " I wish to get 200 lashes of the whip." The punisher replies "very courageose but whats your second wish the Canucks fan replies "I wish that you attach the Colorado Avalanche fan to my back." [/I][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]I love these... Here's one. [I] A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobies are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, there's three kinds of breasts. In her twenties, a women's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her thirties to forties, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After fifty, they are like onions." "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry" This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his twenties, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his thirties and forties, it is a birch, flexible but reliable.. After his fifties, it is like a Christmas tree." "A Christmas tree?" "Yes, dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration!" [/I] A little biased, but I found this next one funny: [I] A Russian, a American and a Canadian are out riding horses. The Russian pulls out an expensive bottle of vodka, takes a shot, then another, and suddenly throws the bottle in the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the bottle in mid air. The American looks at him and says, (What are you doing?! That was a perfectly good bottle of Vodka!) The Russian says, (In Russia, there's plenty of Vodka and bottles are cheap.) A while later, not wanting to be outdone, the American pulls out a bottle of Whiskey, takes a few sips, throws the bottle in the air, pulls out his gun and shoots it. The guy from Canada can't believe this and says, (What did you do that for? That was an expensive bottle of Whiskey!) The American says (In America there's plenty of Whiskey and bottles are cheap.) So a while later the guy from Canada pulls out a bottle of beer. He opens it, takes a sip, takes another sip, and then chugs the rest. He then puts the bottle back in his saddlebag, pulls out his gun, turns around and shoots the American. The Russian, shocked, says, (Why did you do that?) The Canadian says, (Well, in Canada, we have plenty of Americans, but bottles are worth a dime.)[/I] A last one: [I] An Oilers fan was driving home from work and he passed by the local priest. He stops and offers him a lift. The priest thanks him kindly and together they proceed to the church to drop the priest off. On the way they pass a man walking his dog on the other side of the road. On closer inspection the man was seen to be wearing a replica Flames sweater. Now, the Oiler fan that was driving just hated the Flames, and he suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to run his car into him. He put his foot down on the accelerator and tried to hit him. At the last minute the Flames fan jumped out of the way, the driver of the car heard a bang, but he was sure he'd missed him. The two men proceeded to the church in silence. The Oilers fan pulled up and said, "Look Father, I'm really sorry about that incident back there. I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me, Father??" The Priest replied, "Of course I can forgive you, my son. Don't worry - I GOT HIM WITH THE CAR DOOR." [/I] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]I think I'm the only one who pronounced Chabichou correctly... go me! Guess its because I'm second-nature French, and when the English pronounciation sounds a bit... off, I just try French. My name is fairly simple... Pronounced La-Flur, as in The Flower. Chosen because hockey star Guy Lafleur is my favourite player, and I felt Ilium (Ill-ee-um btw) was getting tired and old. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]Can't say I have breakdowns... ever. Not that I have it as hard as some, mind. Still, I have my share of hardships. I'm tested often, projects are usually due and I hardly ever remember to finish, I don't really have a significant amount of friends, and I'm not really popular with the ladies. My secret is simple. I just don't care. I don't where jeans, though litterally everyone else does - but I don't care. I don't wear popular cloths - I don't care. I'm fat - I don't care. Because when it comes down to it... none of it matters. Highschool society is a farce. Because in the real world the whole thing's flip-flopped. I'm just gona ride out highschool on my L.A grades - well, not my grades per se. I'm remarkably lazy and get little done. But a special test I did showed that I had a better grasp of the English langauge than the average university student. And I had about 3 hours of sleep that day! - and not worry. Tests come easily to me - luckily, since we get tested every freaking day because the French Side is totally retarded. But that's another story... - so I don't really get scared before them. Especially on subjects like History, L.A, or Geography. Long and short of it is... just don't care. It makes life a lot easier when you don't let the little trivial things get ya down.[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=DeathKnight] [color=crimson]I'm like eighty percent sure this is redundant as, in the hands of any extreme person, the original message of a religion/opinion/etc. can be skewed into something it isn't. Humanity has, does and will warp things to serve their own purposes [religion is just one way for them to do so]. The Bible's [attempted] theme IS focused heavily on attempting to be as tolerant as possible to everyone [even your 'enemies']. Does it effectively pull it off? I don't know. Obviously there are some rather erratic moments that stray off of this message but it does make a very strong point of [i]not[/i] being intolerant. Judgment, at least I was taught, is not something for humans to pass due to our blinded or biased view of things. That is ultimately up to something/someone/whatever that is in a position to not be blinded as humanity seems to be. Anyway you need to simmer down with your [strike]irritating, loud[/strike] tenor. It's not really getting you anywhere and it's taking up [i]alot[/i] of space on my screen at the moment. :p [/color] [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Quicksilver said the Bible was perfect and created by God and God cannot be intolerent or hateful, basically. Just proving that wrong.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]I may not have ever heard Nightwish, but if its anything like I think it is, I'm probably not a fan of it. Nontheless, I symphasize with Nightwish fans. If Nightwish is a quality band they wont have trouble attracting a new singer, hopefully more suited for the limelight. Hey, lots of bands have survived, or even gotten better, without thier lead singer. The band Genesis was virtually unknown until Peter Gabriel left, and than they became a supergroup. AC/DC survived, as well. Usually when a band loses and member, it shakes things up and somtimes a better band is the product.[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=QuikSilver04]lol! My personal information ^^? Dude, what you just said didn't really make sense ^^;. Yes, man actually did the act of writing the Bible, but God had them do that. And I didn't mean it that way, I never said "Everyone is wrong but me". It doesn't really matter what I think, what God says goes. If you go againts the Bible (which is his word) then you can't really be right can you? God doesn't lie.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] So than you burn witches and stone gays? Because if you don't you go againts the bible. Because if its God's will that so much intolerent ******** happens, and not the creation of man, than I'm happy somthing so dispicable doesn't rule me. If you want to challange me to give you examples of outright intolerence in the Bible, just ask.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]To be more precise, (don't be offended) a true christian. I am a Jehovah's Witness. And I say true christians because we don't make anything up or follow ideas that mankind has created (like holidays for example). It actually surprises me how much people don't know...it's understanable I guess since there's SO many false religions out there giving out false information.Which cause people to doubt God and turn away from religion completly.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Calling yourselves the only 'true Christians' and the rest 'false religions', with an overall tone of 'wow im surprised how many wrong people there are'. It sounds very 'everyone is wrong but me.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Shinji] On the subject of religion beign somewhat cracked, I see where you are coming from, I found religion didn't really suit my views either, however, many churches of the protestan swing have more of a faith thing going rather than a religious order. Maybe you oughta try 'em out before dismissing Christianity all together. There are many facets of our beliefs. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] The Protestant Chruch has always seemed so... diluted. Basically it was founded by people who disagreed with the Catholic church... basically saying 'What? No masterbation? Screw that! I'm gona go make my own church! With condoms! And divorce!'. A lot of Christian sects seem to be like that, a bunch of people who disagree with somthing or other and go and found their own church based on their own rules. Christianity is so diluted, who knows which sect is the supposed 'true' one? [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Do I like a thousand songs...well, let's see. I have 758 songs that are rated as 4/5 stars. Take off maybe a hundred that I don't really listen to or like much any more. Take off a few more. That's around 600 songs. Now, say there are also songs that I'd just like to have on their [i.e. album tracks] and there you go. 1000. I wouldn't say that I need a thousand songs. It'd take me hundreds of hours to listen to all of that, lol. But that's on a 5gb player. That's not even something obsessive like 60gb. It's just useful so that you can listen to whatever you want, whenever you want. I can fit a bit under half of my music on the 5gb model, and that's plenty for me. I don't know where you're pulling this "You'll have to put on tracks you don't even like" business from though.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Whoa. Well, I've never even listen to a 1000 songs, let alone liked them. But, eh, each to their own. I'm happy with my 20-dollar workhorse. [/COLOR]
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