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Everything posted by Lafleur

  1. WarHammer Fantasy player meself, Long Live the Dwarves of Karak Nord!
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Wouldn't be much of a Canadian if I didn't love hockey, eh? True to my nationality, I am a hockey FANATIC, I love everything about the game with the exception of the NHL, considering that, despite the end of the Lockout, they still plan on making drastic changes to make the game more apeasing to Americans (No offense, by the by) and that completely ruins it for me, and most Canadian fans. The CHL is my League of choice. I play hockey, as well as watch it, as a defensmen, and a damn good one I'm told. Last season my team only had 17 goals againts while I was on the ice. Than again, I set the record for most penalties in a season so I wasn't on the ice as often as I, or my teammates, wanted. Great sport, good fun, very violent to appease my evil side, all good overall. Can't fathom why it needs to be changed to get Americans interesting, but than again, I don't actualy give a ****, so long as they dont try to change to the CHL or the European Elite Leagues... Personally, I hate Football (Both European and North American) and Rugby. Most boring sports on le planet...[/COLOR]
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