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Everything posted by Lafleur

  1. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Morpheus just basically summed up why mp3 players are way better than discmans. Imagine 1000 songs. How many CDs would that take up? If you exaggerate, and say that most CD's have 20 songs, then that is 50 cd's, which, if you have a big case, is fine. Now, you put your 50 cd's, discman and three packets of batteries in your pocket. What? Can't fit them in?[/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Do you honestly [i]need[/i] a thousand songs? Do you even like a thousand songs? Jeez, once you get past song 300 your gona have to put in songs you dont like just to take up space! My trusty discman gets the job done and never breaks.[/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Pandy][SIZE=1']Oh for goodness sake. You can disprove everything you like, but you don't have to call Christianity rubbish. No one has insulted your views, so you don't really have a right to insult ours.[/SIZE][/quote][COLOR=DarkRed] I was calling the whole 'life gets better, comforting whatsit' comment rubbish. I've heard the line a thousand times and its never happened.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]I must ask: whatever happened to a discman? Are we all to lazy to take a disc out and put another in? Seriously. The MP3 game is rediculous. They break. They're complicated. They're expensive. Discmen don't break! I've had my Sony for 5 years and it still works great! I've thrown it againts concrete walls, stepped on, ran over it with a tractor, this thing is so banged up its incredible. But it still works fine! People are all caught up in the hype of MP3s but, right now at least, they're just not worth it. LONG LIVE OLDSCHOOL CDS! But if you really want an MP3 player... don't get an iPod, iStoleit, or a Zen. Get a Sony. I tell ya, the Japanese make a durable machine.[/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Eva10']It seems to me like your being attacked by all different forms of Christianity at once and it seems like you passed by the Church at Corinth and the records stating that Pliate existed. I don't think you might understand this but most of the Christians here should. You don't need all this evidence to know Christ exist. You know after you turn your life over to him. Your life just gets so much better, you feel great, you feel clean, you get an unimaginable feeling like someone puts their hand out to you and comforts you. Im not trying to tell you something that you heard before. Im just trying to explain this to you.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] Yes, yes. I've heard it a million times before. That doesn't change the fact that the Bible was written by man. Doesn't matter if it was based on truth or inspiried by a divine being, it was written/recorded by man and is therefore a creation of man. I was just pointing that out to mr.everything-man-creates-is-unpure. By the way: I've been a Christian before. I was for 9 years. It's all rubbish.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]Nice. I like a blend of fantasy and modern tech. Name: Dwayne Prusek Age: 23 Gender: Man Side: Independence Weapons: High-power mechanical crossbow. Slow, powerful, and accurate. Dwayne is also known to carry a knife, hidden at the back of his waist but easily reachable. Job: Crossbowman/Support Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=12]Dwayne Prusek[/URL] Why he Joined the Independence: Dwayne grew up outside of the Order-controled territory. His parents lived alone and cared nothing for Order religions or war or fighting. They traded with both sides of the conflict whenever they passed, but other than that they paid them little heed. Than, for whatever reason, the Order decided that the small hilly area the Prusek Family inhabited became of interest to the Order, and they moved in. When they found out Dwayne and his Family weren't followers of Kathos, they were told to convert. Now, The Prusek Family may not be the most fiery or tempermental clan, but they have they're principals. Stubborn as hell, too. So the Order slaughtered them and left the area for good. Slaughterd them all, except Dwayne, who survived because his wound had been unfatal. Dwayne wasn't one to hold a grudge, but, by murdering his entire family, the Order had gone a bit far. For a while he, a 17-year-old drifter, made a living in crossbow competitions, winning some and making a decent living. Eventually, however, Dwayne became tired of this and felt his life needed more action. So, he combined his hate of the Order and his need for excitment and joined the Independence. He was a talented but unremarkable Crossbowmen, so the desperate Independence took him up. [/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='QuikSilver04]I'm christian. To be more precise, (don't be offended) a [I]true[/I'] christian. I am a Jehovah's Witness. And I say true christians because we don't make anything up or follow ideas that mankind has created (like holidays for example). It actually surprises me how much people don't know...it's understanable I guess since there's SO many false religions out there giving out false information.Which cause people to doubt God and turn away from religion completly. Anyways, whatever we believe in is in the Bible, we don't just make stuff up out of the blue.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] Ah yes, the 'Everyone is wrong but me' creed. Just for your personal information, The Bible, all devine intervention aside, was written by man and therefore is a creation of man.[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] Just because 'historical' documents never mention Him, it does [i]not[/i] prove Jesus never existed. What Eva10 said does make some sense, in my opinion. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] No, it doesn't disprove Jesus existed. Also, there are 50-foot sharks in the Atlantic. Just because there is no possible way they exist doesn't mean they aren't there. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Okies.. My mistake. Maybe 'instinct' was the wrong word to use? >.< I'm pretty sure we all agree what's good and bad, right? Somebody who kills can't possibly think it's a good thing.. unless they where seriously screwed up in the head. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] 4000 years ago we didn't think anything of it. 4000 years ago we didn't have a concept of right or wrong. 4000 years ago they'd think nothing of murdering an intruder and eating the persons remains. As I said, it wasn't until the time of the Bablyonians, Sumerians, Assryians, and Egpytians (A little earlier, but for the sake of arguements we'll use civilizations as markers) that we even thought any ill about rape, murdering, anything.. Good and Evil is human. [/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Eva10']If you think of it, if their is no God that told us the difference between good and evil than their is no good and evil. So you would be saying that people that have comited unthinkable crimes could have bin right. If you were to tell me that Jesus dosent exist is like holding a video game in front of me and saying its not there.[/quote][COLOR=DarkRed] Not one to let historical fallacy slip through... If you think about it, that makes no sense. For the longest time we didn't know the difference between good and evil. It wasn't until Hammurabi's Set of Laws that murdering was considering wrong, and even then it was just a massive fine. Good and Evil is a very human concept. Oh, and about the Jesus comment: Do you know how many credible historic sources have made mention of a man named Jesus Christ? Not one. No, the Bible is not a historical source. The only times when he's mentioned is in documents so brutally doctored by the Catholic Church/Holy Roman Empire its damn-near laughable (Sometimes names were just crossed out and 'Jesus H. Christ' was written above it). [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'd play hockey. Just play. Get a few friends and get out on the rink. I'd die doing what I love. [/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Lrb][color=#333333] But Family Guy? Come on.. We're not here to get rid of shows we dislike, just ones that are getting old.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Stupid oops-I-fell-down humour is dead. Toilet humour is dead. The deepest joke in FG was the one where Brian chases the miniature horse-buggy-caravan thing, and nobody got that one. Seth McFarlen is at his limits and his show is already old. [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Lrb][color=#333333] Another one that I never really watched is Star Trek. Can you believe they still make episodes for this? This show is so annoying. I think it'd be alright to leave the new ones running but they really need to stop running those outdated old re-runs.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Comon dude. The old Star Trek are just so cheap they're hilarious. Have you ever watched an episode? It's a laugh riot![/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='gothfarmer']Family Guy will never die!! Yu-Gi-Oh must leave, Lupin the third must go, mtv needs to go off air completly, umm and other shows as well.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] FG is like Greenday. It used to be pretty good but now its absolute crap. It should die before what little legacy it has is gone. [/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] Hmm, okay.. Can I ask you something? What do you believe will actually HAPPEN to you when you die? Do you believe your being will dissapear into nothingness, never to be seen again? I'm not atheist, so I'm clueless as you how an atheist would perceive death.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] If I may? What happens after death? Nothing. Simply nothing. Besides, who cares? Do you read books backwards? Have the fun in life is not knowing whats coming next! Another sort-of-theory I have is that, after death, your imagination keeps on living. Freed from bodily constraint, it's at liberty to create whatever reality you, sub-consiously, watk/think-you-deserve. [/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1]I still can't say I agree with you man. What they are doing is no different from, say, christian pop songs. The message is not to everyone's liking and possibly even threatening, but until they actually do something damning like, oh I don't know, kill someone, then I don't really think that capital punishment is the way to go. It would be like killing your opposition in a political rally. Technically they themselves haven't done anything wrong, no matter how repulsive their views may seem to you. To them they are doing what they feel is right, not because they derive some twisted pleasure out of it (although they might, but thats not my point), they are saying these things because they view it as the best way to protect their race. In some ways, I guess such dedication is applaudable, but in most other ways its really not.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] What they're trying to do is irrelevent. It's what they [i]are[/i] doing. They [i]are[/i] spreading their message to the youth. They [i]are[/i] filling impressionable youth with notions of how evil non-whites are. They [i]are[/i] a threat. And responding to a threat with mere disdain won't make it go away. It's not technically wrong, no, but maybe that's because the Law never anticipated somthing this stupid to happen. It's wrong on every level except the one that counts.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]As my signature says, Rock is my Life. Classic Rock from the Golden Age, or any of the lingering talent from that time, is what I love. I don't know what it is about it that I just love. It's mostly the sheer [i]soul[/i] of Classic Rock. I can't explain it... I just can't. Everything about Classic Rock appeals to me. Favourite Bands/Artists in no Particular Order: RUSH The Guess Who BTO The Tragically Hip Dire Strait The Beatles The Rolling Stones Queen Daivd Bowie Creedence Clearwater Revivla Deep Purple Trooper Triumph Uranus Another type of music I love is Folk, or Folk-Rock if I can get it. Favourite Artists in no Particular Order: Bruce Cockburn Stompin' Tom Connors Stan Rogers Gordon Lightfoot James Taylor[/COLOR]
  15. Tried to post this before, but my internet screwed up. Here I go again. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Indeed Ilium, these people in their misguided views deserve to be exterminated like vermin because their beliefs don't conform to yours ? Now let me think, that attitude sounds highly like someone from the late 1930s to the mid 1940s, damn now who was it, small Austrian man with a moustache. You'll no doubt have already guessed where I'm going with this point Ilium so I'll leave it at that.[/SIZE][/quote][COLOR=DarkRed] Gavin, your an Irishman. You've doubtless heard of the IRA and their escapades. Now, I'm going out on a limb here, but I assume their views don't agree with yours. All well and good, until the IRA became not only a different view but a threatening one. Do you not feel outright disgust? Don't you feel that somthing nasty should befall them? My point is thus: The Neo-Nazis not only differ from my viewpoint, they threaten it. They aim to spread intolerent white supremeist views throughout society. Prussian Blue is especially disgusting - they target children, Gaving. [i]Children[/i]. They aim to turn the youth into some timebomb of intolerence, worse than it already is, through tried-and-true methods. We're lucky they're terrible - not that that's stopped certain artists from attracting legions of fans - otherwise they might get an honest fanbase for their white-supremist garbage. Neo-Nazism has been growing every year - it's still limited but every year more people desert reality and follow this fad. I don't know how it is in Irleland, it's likely a non-issue because of what happened on the Isles during the Wars. Now you might say death is a tad extreme. And you may be right. But I've had my dealings with brainwashed individuals (Seperatists.. :animeangr ) and I know that, once you've been shovled revisionist history your entire life, simply being proven wrong is not enough. Somtimes extreme measures are necessary.[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1]Noone should ever die for their beliefs...ever. How many times have we seen this in history, of a person being prosecuted because of what they believe. This is how wars come about. Beliefs are a dangerous thing, as is hatred. Hatred begets evil, and since I honestly think that noone can be truly evil then so noone can truly hate, it is a pointless emotion that is bandied about far too often, without just cause or reason. As Gavin said, they should be forgiven for their misguided hatred and an attempt should be made to stop it. I have nothing against pride in ones own race, but in a time where race is no longer confined to a single nation or region but spread across the globe, absolute love of ones race disregarding and crushing everything else is just foolishness. Free speach is one thing, but inciting race hatred is another thing entirely.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] There is a certain point where the line must be drawn. These people are targeting [i]children[/i], whom we all know are incredibly impressionable, with their hate and their beyond-revisionist history. That is really, really bad - well, maybe not because they really, really SUCK at singing, but that hasn't stopped a few others... - because than you'll have an entire army of followers thinking how great Hitler and Himmler were. That is an offense punishable by death, in my opinion. You can't be tolerent of everyone, and there are those who do not deserve tolerence. These two are an example of that. You can't simply forgive them - it doesn't work that way, unless you put the foot down they're message is going to spread, and if they somhow cease to suck who knows! Somtimes lowering to their level is the only way to eradicate them - because Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, al-Queda, etc etc simply don't deserve tolerence. They deserve the worst. [/COLOR] [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I wasn't referring to you in particular Manic, just the general consensus that they deserve to die, whether that be through accident or murder. As I have already said, if we lower ourselves to using violence against these poor, misguided souls then we have only allowed them a victory over our better judgement. Also in reference to person who brought Poland up, Prussia, the once power centre of Germany, after whom these young women have taken their stage name now lies within Poland's borders.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] I'm well aware. My point was that Poland didn't fare to well because of what the so-called heroes, Himmler and Co', did, and I'm sure they'd be mighty pissed if he was called a hero.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You," yet another mysterious from-beyond-the-darkness voice cut in, "are in what I effectionatly call 'The Temple of Untimly Death'. Most prefer Trakjhiem Nastrjom Vybinheim, though I can't see why." "Not another... Yea, ok, but what [i]is[/i] this place? What is this whole 'Great Demon' thing?" Howlingvampire4 said, stamping her feet impaitently. "Very long story, not worth telling. All you need too know..." the whimsical tone in the man's voice disapeared, replaced by a serious, dark one " the future of everything, this dimention and your own - all of the dementiaverse, in fact - depends on this demon being slayed. See, long time ago, the Demon came too Ficalheim for some reason or another. It was the age of heroes and, through some lucky break, the demon was defeated. But not vanquished. They imprisoned him here. Now we, the powerless people of Ficalheim, can but wait until he breaks free and destroys us all. Muah - erm, yes well." "This has what too do with me?" She seemed lost and a little skeptical, but mostly angered and scared. "Hell if I know. I've already seen you die once and can't figure out why your here now." The voice finished.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]This is somthing I'm writing for my L.A class. It's due tomorrow (Well, actually, it was due for friday... but umm... ya...) and I decided I might see what you people think about it before handing it in - maybe make some changes. I have an idea for a better ending involving a chase scene and some explosions, but I, A, think that might be to violent for grade 9 L.A, and most importantly, B, I'm far to lazy. [CENTER]The Mormonic Empire and the Downfall of Civilzation[/CENTER] Marty Shanahan yawned, his breath visible in the frozen air. He?d been monitoring the location for over three hours now and, so far, the target had yet too show himself. The small display screen in front of his face, wirelessly linked too the rifle?s long-range cameras, was showing an image of the tent of Dr. Bachman, a man who had been causing no end of trouble for the Resistance. Marty coughed and repositioned the rifle-butt into a more comfortable position. When he became bored of watching nothing, he telepathically switched the monitor to a game of Tele Pong, which is basically pong played without knobs, switches, buttons, any kind of physical control, actually. After another ten minuets of this, Marty realized just how dull Pong was, and switched back too the monitor. The image flickered back just in time for Dr. Bachman too step out of the tent, puffing on a lit cigar. Marty reacted quickly, positioning himself for the shot. He lightly squeezed the trigger and put his eye too the scope. The Doctor?s entourage was there, as well, a few big name scientists and military leaders, but no one worth Marty?s time. The electronic scope zeroed in on the Doctor?s head? Marty had picked his perch carefully. He?d picked a tall building that had been abandoned ever since the Mormonic Uprising. It was tall, inconspicuous, and was a perfect vantage point. Furthermore, it was near the extraction point. One needed only activate one?s repulsar jets and float down the 25-story-building, land softly on the ground, and make for the cover of trees. Marty did this now. In a flurry of movement, Marty jumped up, swung the rifle on his shoulder, and took a running leap off the roof. He mentally activated his repulsar jets, and floated down as a feather would, caught in small breeze. Marty met the ground with an effortless stride, mentally deactivating his repulsars and breaking for the woods in full flight. He was under cover quickly enough, pushing his way through the snow banks. Pausing, he switched the eye-display too a small real-time map. It showed his location and the location of the Olympos-Class Armoured Personal Carrier which was supposed to be his pickup. It took another half-hour of stumbling around in the pitch-dark forest before Marty finally reached the road, and the Olympos-Class Armoured Personal Carrier that was his extraction. Marty had never seen an Olympos-Class up close and personal. They were the Resistance?s new toy. They?d purchased the plans from a neutral party in this conflict, and had put them into production as soon as they could. It?s nearly impossible to describe an Olympos-Class accurately, but a good one-word description would be, simply, ?Fortress?. Because that?s what it was intended to be ? a personal, mobile fortress that could bring troops to the front line, beat the hell out of the enemy, and take a beating ? all in one mission. The craft itself was roughly square, but there are so many things covering it - cannons, gun ports, entrance-exit hatches, vents, a whole array of menacing objects ? that it?s hard to tell. The whole monstrously menacing craft floated just above the ground on heavily modified repulsar jets. As he approached in the dark, the back hatch opened. A large man in an improvised officer?s uniform stepped out, an H&K AWF Mk.II tucked against his forearm, a plethora of grenades and sidearms adorning his massive frame. Disconcertingly, the man wore a huge grin on his bearded face. He beckoned. ?Cold out, eh?? the still-smiling officer said as Marty walked into the warm craft. ?Ah, deathly cold! Guessing it?d kill Ripper and his boys too give me a mission during the warm months.? Marty said with a hearty, good-natured laugh, as the officer extended his hand. Marty took it and shook good-naturedly. ?Name?s Berard.? The officer said. ?Now, let?s get the hell out of here before your friends join us.? Marty didn?t think twice about climbing into the back after Berard. The inside of an Olympos-Class is at least as impressive as the outside. It?s surprisingly bright, the surfaces well polished, comfortably warm, and comfortable-looking chairs lined the walls. There were four more men inside, and, Marty assumed, one or two more beyond the far door, in the cockpit. As soon as the hatch behind Marty closed, the craft silently started forward. With the grim satisfaction of another job well done, Marty rested his rifle on the floor, yawned loudly, and fell asleep as the Olympos-Class picked up speed. END I'm also trying too think of a better title, because that one is just a recycled term from an old idea, and I can't come up with a better one. Any ideas would be appreciated.[/COLOR]
  19. Lafleur


    [quote name='Jakehammaren']YES! I think the whole "hell on Mars" thing is WAY cooler than genetic mutations. And while the storyline is already in the game as you said, putting it in a movie would have provided a whole new look into it.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] Doom is, always had been, and always will be mindless violence. Doom 3's plot was just superficial filler in between action sequences. Doesn't surprise me they'd try too redo things. You don't win screenplay Emmey's for a Half-Life Ripoff. BTW, Hell's Fire. There is a Halo movie coming out, but don't get your hopes up, it's being directed by the same guy who directed House of the Dead. And ya, a Half-Life movie would be sweet beyond measure! Wonder who'd play Gordon... [/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray] 2.) Ice Skating. The reason? Ice skates. Oh. My. Universe. Just the thought of falling and having a fellow ice skater come along, not see your stray fingers, and skating right over them... it makes me feel insecure. I know that the chances are around... ten or less out of one hundred, but still. No one will ever get me to join them in that activity. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Ice Skates aren't sharp. They shouldn't be, playing with ice skates sharp enough to sever fingers is damn near impossible. I've skated for 5 years and had my hands run over 12 times, and the absolute worst I've gotten is a sore finger for a few hours. As for myself... I guess my greatest fear would be being trapped in the middle of the desert without water or a clean sheet of ice within site. I hate the heat, but the though of being caught in an endless sea of sand dunes while 40+ temperatures beat down on you, slowly dehydrating you until death... It's terrible too think about. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]Word of advice, bros, iPods are so overrated it's just insane. They are horrible machines that'll break within the month no matter how well you take care of them, the batteries, like on everything else Mac has ever made, conk out for no reason and they conk out bad. They are CRAP. Besides, there are much more sturdy alternatives that actualy have more storage and better quality. The little wheel-thingie is tedious as hell, too. As for me, I need a new pair of skates. Mine are six years old and all messed up from over use. A new hockey stick and some other equipment would be nice aswell. Some DVDs would be nice but I don't have anything in mind really. A plethora of CDs, inclufing Neil Young's Prarie Winds, RUSH's Vapour Trails, David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust, The Tragically Hip's Trouble at the Hen House, are also on my list. [/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1]These girls being allowed to make an album based on their prejudices and racism, isn't that just like some black and latino rap artists putting white prejudices in their music. For Example: [B]"Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles they found that they couldn't handle us; Bloods, CRIPS, on the same squad, with the Essays [Latino gangbangers] up, and nigga, it's time to rob and mob and break the white man off something lovely"; [/B] [I]"The Day the Niggaz Took Over"; Dr Dre, The Chronic, 1993, Interscope Records, under Time Warner in 1993.[/I] Racism goes both ways I'm sorry to say and is fed by one group retaliating to another group. What's going on here kind of reminds me of the movie 'American History X' and if these girls keep going on the way they are, they're going to get a big wake up call, especially in the music industry.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] We can quiet clearly do without them aswell. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]This is one of those times when freedom of speach has gone too far. I mean with the impressionable youth of today, what if we get a bunch of little girls going around saying 'Hiel Hitler!' and than saying they do it because it's cool? The fact that they're even alowed too make an album like this is rediculous! [/COLOR] [quote name='Manic Webb]"Boohoo, blame the parents." Their parents are no more or less guilty of being ignorant racists than they are. Their parents instilled racism them, too. And their parents easily fell for flimsily-reasoned propaganda written by a self-hating Jewish failed artist with daddy issues. These girls are [b]just as bad[/b'] as their parents, and if they live long enough to have children, they'll teach their kids the exact same thing.[/quote][COLOR=DarkRed] Which is why I hope they do a concert in Poland... aren't going too last longer there singing about how good the Fuher was![/COLOR] [QUOTE] "We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white,"[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Anyone think we should preform a reverse Micheal Jackson treatment on these twins just too spite them?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Jake, if ya wanna play Epics.... Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyag by RUSH [I]Prologue: In the constellation of Cygnus, there lurks a mysterious, invisible force: the black hole of Cygnus X-1.... Six Stars of the Northern Cross In mourning for their sister's loss In a final flash of glory Nevermore to grace the night... 1. Invisible to telescopic eye Infinity, the star that would not die All who dare to cross her course Are swallowed by her fearsome force Through the void To be destroyed Or is there something more? Atomized...at the core? Or through the Astral Door? To soar... 2. I set a course just east of Lyra And northwest of Pegasus Flew into the light of Deneb Sailed across the Milky Way On my ship, the "Rocinante" Wheeling through the galaxies, Headed for the heart of Cygnus Headlong into mystery The x-ray is her siren song My ship cannot resist her long Nearer to my deadly goal Until the black hole Gains control... 3. Spinning, whirling, Still descending Like a spiral sea, Unending... Sound and fury Drown my heart Every nerve Is torn apart... To be continued... And it's Sequal, Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres I. Prelude When our weary world was young The struggle of the ancients first began. The gods of Love and Reason Sought alone to rule the fate of Man. They battled through the ages, But still neither force would yield. The people were divided, Every soul a battlefield. II. Apollo/Dionysus Apollo: Bringer of Wisdom "I bring truth and understanding, I bring wit and wisdom fair, Precious gifts beyond compare. We can build a world of wonder, I can make you all aware. I will find you food and shelter, Show you fire to keep you warm Through the endless winter storm. You can live in grace and comfort In the world that you transform." The people were delighted Coming forth to claim their prize They ran to build their cities And converse among the wise. But one day the streets fell silent, Yet they knew not what was wrong. The urge to build these fine things Seemed not to be so strong. The wise men were consulted, And the Bridge of Death was crossed In quest of Dionysus To find out what they had lost. Dionysus: Bringer of Love "I bring love to give you solace In the darkness of the night, In the Heart's eternal light. You need only trust your feelings; Only love can steer you right. I bring laughter, I bring music, I bring joy and I bring tears. I will soothe your primal fears. Throw off those chains of reason And your prison disappears." The cities were abandoned, And the forests echoed song. They danced and lived as brothers; They knew love could not be wrong. Food and wine they had aplenty And they slept beneath the stars. The people were contented And the gods watched from afar. But the winter fell upon them And it caught them unprepared, Bringing wolves and cold starvation, And the hearts of men despaired. III. Armageddon: The Battle of Heart and Mind The universe divided As the Heart and Mind collided, With the people left unguided For so many troubled years. In a cloud of doubts and fears, Their world was torn asunder into hollow Hemispheres. Some fought themselves, some fought each other, Most just followed one another Lost and aimless like their brothers For their hearts were so unclear And the truth could not appear Their spirits were divided into blinded Hemispheres. Some who did not fight Brought tales of old to light. "My Rocinante sailed by night On her final flight." To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force We set our course Spiralled through that timeless space To this immortal place. IV. Cygnus: Bringer of Balance I have memory and awareness, But I have no shape or form. As a disembodied spirit, I am dead and yet unborn. I have passed into Olympus As was told in tales of old, To the city of Immortals, Marble white and purest gold... I see the gods in battle rage on high... Thunderbolts across the sky... I cannot move, I cannot hide... I feel a silent scream begin inside... Then all at once the chaos ceased A stillness fell, a sudden peace The warriors felt my silent cry And stayed their struggle, mystified. Apollo was atonished; Dionysus thought me mad. But they heard my story further And they wondered, and were sad. Looking down from Olympus On a world of doubt and fear, Its surface splintered Into sorry Hemispheres. They sat a while in silence, Then they turned at last to me: "We will call you Cygnus, The god of Balance you shall be." V.The Sphere: A Kind of Dream We can walk our road together If our goals are all the same. We can run alone and free If we pursue a different aim. Let the Truth of Love be lighted, Let the Love of Truth shine clear. Sensibility, Armed with sense and liberty, With the Heart and Mind united in a single Perfect Sphere.[/I][/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo] Have you consistently been called the wrong name for most of your life? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] My last name is Baillie, which when pronounced in English is Bay-lee. In French, however, it's pronounced Bai-ee. So whenever somone phones up for whatever reason, it's 'Allo, can I speak with mr.Bai-ee?' 'Wrong number.' Usually it's fine, though. My Question: Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup?[/COLOR]
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