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[COLOR=DarkRed]A show that must die: Family Guy. Ya, it's been 4 seasons and they already suck balls. The Simpsons have proven they can be consitently funny for a decade and a half, and Family Guy has already ruined what legacy it had. Early episodes were funny... but now it should die before it becomes even worse. Ophera. I don't even care how you spell it. So your 10,000 pounds, no ones cares! So your poor, join the god-damn club! It's the same 'pity me' story over-and-over and no one cares. Dr.Phil can go with her. Reality TV. Just kill it. KILL IT ALL. Survivor, the Idols, SHOWS I DON'T EVEN CARE TOO NAME, DIE ALL OF YOU! DIE![/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Shinji]That's the one I was thinking about, Gilgamesh. I don't think it's a case of who stole the legend, rather than two civilisations take on the same event. Even if it was stolen in some way, the Sumerian writers could have stolen the legend. True, the Bible in it's current status was compiled and canonised less than two thousand years ago, but the religion itself, moreso the Old testament, has been around in various forms of written scrolls and stone tablets, for much, much longer.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] What a terribly funny way too look at it. It's completely ludacris, though. Sumeria is the worlds oldest known civilization. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest story PERIOD. It predates anything relating too Christianity. And no, it's not the same - because it's not about a world-wide flood. It's about a massive rainfall in the area that flooded the Tigres River while Gilgamesh and Co were in it. It was flooded too the extent that it was a sea. The boat they were on was a merchant craft which, you guessed it, had two goats, two cows, two pigs, etc etc. The story goes that they used a bird too guide them too land. Therefore, Noah's Ark is merely an exaggerated tale about some soggy clod who got stuck in the middle of a river. BTW, the reason I said it stole from the 'religion', was because the Epic of Gilgamesh was considerd a legend akin to Noah's Ark by the Sumerians. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Curse][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Some of my friends are dressing up as "religious figures.". One is going as Buddha and another as Jesus Christ. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Haha, one of my friends did that. Well, it basically a bathrobe and a fake beard, but it did the trick - although he did end up mugging 5 really young kids and taking their candy, soo.... As for me, if I do go, I'll be going as Dr.Strangelove (From: Dr.Strangelove; or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb). It'll be really fun because I get too use an electric wheelchair and talk with my best German accent. Based on the findings of the report, my conclusion was that this idea was not a practical deterrent for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Shinji]Interesting... I challenge you to find another religion that has god's son coming down to die for the remission of humanity's sins, I haven't found one to date. Closest being Islam and even then, their version of Jesus (Isa) isn't actually god's son, but a revered prophet, oh, and he didn't die for our sins either. As for Christianity being a hotch potch "frankenligion" that's a fallacy. The problem here is that the Catholic Church did incorporate many symbols for their faith (the sun god's discs became the saints halos, Neptune's trident became the devils pitchfork etc.) But the true essence of Christianity, it's message about Jesus rather that the symbols used to portray such, is completely original. Another example would be the bible's claim that there was once a worldwide flood to end wickedness. Several religions around the world, including aboriginal Australian legend, which came into being on the other side of the world, carry some sort of flood account. It's evident that there was some kind of flood across the globe, that affected all civilisations.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I'm sure that I've heard of religions very similar too that - but I don't have the time or the resources too look it up, so I concede the point. I don't really think it is valid, though, and here is why: likely, if not certainly, the life of Jesus Christ was horribly exaggerated. Likely, Jesus Christ did no more than any other prophet throughout history - another thing I find odd is that no credible historical source makes mention of Jesus, while other prophets have oodles of history mentioning their name (This doesn't include historical texts edited by the Catholic Church or affiliates) The message is nothing but the same old message in a clown suit - basically, there is some God who cares for you. But the way Christianity did it, perhaps smartly, was too add the human element, add somone the converted could look at and say 'Wow, look what that guy did for me!' and than convert their friends. It was all quiet clever, but nontheless, once the outer layers of horeshit are cleared away, it's the same as all the others - well, most of the others. It's not actualy the Bible's claim - it's the claim of Gilagamesh and the Sumerian Legends. The bible stole, word-for-word damn-nearly, the Epic of Gilgamesh when it created the Noah legend. And yes, there are flood-myths worldwide. That doesn't mean anything. A little flooding could, if enough generations pass it down through word-of-mouth (Exaggerating it as they go), become some end-of-the-world flood. Look at places like Australia - it's dry and desert-like for much of the island. Now imagine if some freak monsoon sweeped in and the whole place flooded (Think New Orleans during the highest waters), wouldn't you - a primative, crude aborogini - think somthing must be terribly wrong? That the world was about to end?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]My existence theory is bleak and my existence theory might make you cry, but here it is: Humans don't have a purpose - we can't have a purpose aside from death. We're a flaw in a perfect universe and we should not exist. We're a bad rash on an otherwise beautiful, sexy planet. But we do exist - so there is only one thing too do - just enjoy life, man, because it isn't gona last. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I happen to find them fun... But as has been said, what you've said about Religious threads could just as well be applied to [i] any other thread in the history of every forum [/i]. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Shinji]Well, there is a distinctive difference between Christianity and the rest of the religious world. Mostly, it comes down to what Christianity claims, it is the only religion in the world that claims that God had a son who came down to earth as human, took our sin and punishment for our redemption. and raised from the dead to conquer sin and give us a direct line to God through prayer. Christianity is also more about what God has done for you rather than what you do for God. I'm a baptist christian, btw. I have been for 3 years.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] It's been done. It's all been done. Look hard enough and I guarantee you it has been done. There are so many religions out there, all Christianity did was pick-and-choose things from other religions that suited their purposes, and than overexagerat what truth there is in the bible. I'm honestly surprised there are so many Christians O_O[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I like I like... Vocals/Piano: Burton Cummings (The Guess Who, the Randy Bachman Band) Guitar One/Backup Vocals: Gordon Lightfoot (Solo Artist) Guitar Two/Backup Vocals: Bruce Cockburn (Solo Artist) Guitar Three/Backup Vocals: Randy Bachman (The Guess Who, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, the Randy Bachman Band) Bass/Keyboards/Backup Vocals: Geddy Lee (RUSH, My Favourite Headache) Drums: Neil 'The Professer' Peart (RUSH) An all-star cast, in my opinion. Burton's vocals are just amazing, and his pianoplaying rivals Elton John... Lightfoot and Cockburn are some of the best folk-rock singers and guitarists too ever live, and Rancy Bachman is just Randy-*******-Bachman. Amazing all-round. Geddy Lee is the AUTHORITY on bass, one of the best keyboardists alive, and just amazing on vocals. The Professer is, handsdown, the best rock guitarist alive. He's also right the lyrics. A very good mix of Rock and Folk that can bring a tear too your eye one second and than get you flowing with their rock N' roll. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Avowed Athiest myself (As many of you know, :animesmil ). I just can't find myself believing in any sort of god, and here's why: Think about history. Think about all the cultures. Think about what they worshiped - and they all worshiped somthing. I can't determine what sets Christianity (Or any modern religion) apart from, say, Odinism or Aztec or any other religion. Too me, the only fact that has stayed constant throughout the ages is that all of them were used to explain what they could not. Even if I did believe in a higher power, I'm not going to take any chances - what if the Greeks had it right and every day the Gods just get more angry? In the words of Burton Cummings... 'Too many churches, not enough truth.'[/COLOR]
Which songs have the funniest or most interesting lyrics?
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Angel]Yeah, I was listening to Dookie last week and I noticed that (I assume that you're talking about how he called the whore a he and then a her). One of the funniest songs I've ever heard is the hidden track "Wayne Gretzky" off of the Goldfinger album Open Your Eyes: [i]Wayne Gretzky, the only man I'd have sex with Wayne Gretzky, I'd be intimate with Wayne Gretzky, I think he's kinda sexy Wayne Gretzky, I wonder what he looks like naked I wonder what it would be like To have sex with the Great One I wonder what it would be like To have sex with the league's leading scorer Wayne Gretzky, I know he's a married man But maybe, he'd be attracted to me Darrin Pfeiffer, stupid American boy Wayne Gretzky, very handsome Canadian man I wonder what it would be like To have sex with the Great One I wonder what it would be like To have sex with the league's leading scorer [spoken] Yeah, I wonder what it would be like? Ah, it'll never happen, it's just a pipe dream. Wait a minute -- I'm not even gay, I'm married! Pssh, whatever. Wayne Gretzky I love you Wayne Gretzky, yeah[/i][/QUOTE] How did Goldfinger get my bloody song? THAT WAS FOR WAYNE'S EARS ONLY! Erm... but anyway... Another wierd bunch of lyrics from Jack Black and KG, better known as Tenecaious D: **** Her Gently: [I]This is a song for the ladies But fellas listen closely You don't always have to **** her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you've got to make some love And ****** give her some smoochies too Sometimes ya got to squeeze Sometimes you've got to say please Sometime you've got to say hey I'm gonna **** you softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly And then you say hey I bought you flowers And then you say wait a minute sally I think I got somethin in my teeth Could you get it out for me That's ****** teamwork Whats your favorite posish? That's cool with me Its not my favorite But I'll do it for you Whats your favorite dish? Im not gonna cook it But ill order it from Zanzibar And then I'm gonna love you completely And then I'll ****** **** you discreetly And then I'll ******* bone you completely But then I'm gonna **** you hard Hard Rock Your Socks Off: [Dave Grohl (spoken):] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-6-6! [sung] It doesn't matter if it is good, It only matters if it rocks. The main thing that we do is to rock your socks off. There's no such thing as a rock prodigy, 'Cause rock 'n roll is bogus, right KG? (right!) Only thing that really matters is a classical sauce. And that's why me and KG are classically trained To rock your ******' socks off! Give 'em a taste KG. [KG (spoken):] Okay. That is Bach and it rocks It's a rock block of Bach That he learned in the school Called the school of hard knocks! Give it up for KG, give it up for me, Give it up for KG, give it up for me, Give it up for rock, Give it up for blues, Give it up for everything that is not to lose. Now rock your socks off woman, We'll rock your **** up y'all. Give it up children now to freak your **** out! All right! [spoken] Now I know what a lot of you are sayin': "I just figured out what I'm 'onna do with the rest of my days. I'm 'onna get me an oversized guitar, gain forty pounds and be the next D. " Well I got sour news for you, jack. It ain't that easy. For instance, are you willing to make the commitment to wakin' up at the crack a' noon, for deep-knee rock squats!? Seven or eight at a time!? In a row? How 'bout are you willing to make the commitment to rock-hard tasty abs washer-board style? Glistening in the sun. How 'bout are you willin' to make the commitment, wakin' up, goin' okay, it's gig time, what t-shirt am I gonna wear? Can't decide: Can't decide: Brain aneurysm! We've been through so much ******** just to be here tonight to rock your ******' socks off. And all we ask in return is so precious little. All we're askin' you to do is drop trou and squeeze out a Cleveland Steamer on my chest. [sung] 2-3-4, Give it up for KG, give it up for me, Give it up for KG, give it up for me, Give it up for rock, give it up for blues, Give it up for everything that is not to lose. Now rock your socks off woman, We'll rock your **** up y'all. Give it up children won't you freak your **** out! All right! [ad-lib hollers & screams] [/i] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Queen are without a doubt good. Great, even. Their mix of metal and majesty set the tone for an entire generation of musicians. Freddie Mercury ranks amongst the greatest singers of all time. My favourite song of there's is the one they did with David Bowie, Under Pressure, but practically every song is enjoyable too me. Bohemian Raphsody is a classic that will live out the ages. That, and when you play parts of 'Another One Bites the Dust' backwards, it says 'It's fun to smoke marijuana, marrijuaaana marijuaaaana, it's fun too smoke marijuana' in a really creepy voice. The Police are another band I find amazing. They were an old-school punk sound with a tuch of reggea influence, and they truely produced classics. From Roxxane too Every Breath you Take, they were consistently amazing. But I, also, havn't heard as much from them as I have from Queen. So my verdict, as well, goes to [I] [B]Queen[/B][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Best - a The Tragically Hip bar show in Kingston. It was awesome because it was such a small venu, and showed that a multi-platinum, 10-album superband still gets back too it's roots. And without amps or mics or anything, it was so nice to hear an actual band play - not hear their amps recreat their music. And it was better, too. There were about 200 people, most of which were dedicated hip-heads so it wasn't even very noisey. When you've got 200 fat, drunken men chanting along with Another Midnight and than following it up with a moving bout of Fiddlers Green (It's a shame I didn't get a recording of that - they've never played a recorded show of Fiddlers Green due to the personal tragedy of the song and Gord Downie. He was crying while he sang it.) it's really quiet an amazing show. Worst - Jazz Fest in Ottawa. One of the larger Jazz Festivles on earth. I was really excited about it, I happen to like Jazz. Me and my family go. We pay about 10 each too get in. No Jazz. All nightlong, notihng but terrible punk-wannabes and their fans. It was a terrible show - Sum 41 was the highlight act, and they CANNOT play live. Not many bands these days can play live.[/COLOR]
Mandatory Curfews: Good idea or bad idea
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
If people want to get out to commit crimes, [I]they will get out too comit crimes[/I]. Putting a curfew won't change that, especially with the rebel-rebel losers. All that a curfew will do is ruin the fun of those who don't commit crimes - not to mention put more strain on the under-manned police force and sap more taxpayer dollars. As has been mentioned, it is impossible to keep track of all teenagers in a city of any size. All the curfew will do is drive more people underground - and that is definatly a bad thing. Turning on all the cities lights to max brightness in a sort of perpetual daylight would be more effective, and that's a completely rediculous idea! P.S: [QUOTE]. He was one of three victims of gun violence this weekend and all three victims over the weekend were young men in their teens.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] [I]Three?[/I] In one city, in one weekend? Whoa. There was maybe a grand-total of 3 people killed by guns in Montreal last year. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Over thirty years ago, the supergroup RUSH's self-titled Debut Album released in North America. After a string of semi-successful Albums, RUSH finally came out with the superhit 2112 - the album that would dictate RUSH's unique style for the next few decades. Made up of singer-bassist-keyboardist Geddy Lee (B. Gary Wiebsen Lee), incredibly underrated Guitar master Alex Lifeson, and one of the greatest drummers of the age - one of the most interesting lyricists aswell - Neil Peart. Songs such as 2112, YYZ, and the Cygnus X-1 Series (Book I and Book II) show off just how absoultly astounding each and every member is with their respective instruments. In my opinion, RUSH is probably the most underrated Rock legend of the Golden Age. If you ask somone to name a rock group from the past, they'll usually give you bands like the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Aerosmith, Led Zepplin, and a string of other bands. But one band that seemingly never gets mention is RUSH, despite the fact that each and every album they've ever made - 22 - has gone Platinum or above. Personally, my three favourite things about RUSH are the lyrics, the vocals, and the amazing instrumentation. The lyrics, especially in the Early Days, show off just how imaginative Neil Peart really is. Sci-Fi and Fantasy inspiried more than half of the time, poetry at others, they really are breathtaking for the most part. (Some songs I think show off their lyircal prowess: Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres, Closer to the Heart, Tom Sawyer, Red Sector A, The Temples of Syrinx, Limelight, and A Farewell to Kings) Vocally, I think that Geddy Lee is suberb. That's just my opinion, I know a lot of people who can't stand his voice, but I happen to find Geddy amazingly talented. Instrumentally, no band I've ever heard can even compare to RUSH. Neil Peart is nicknamed The Professer - and with good reason. If you ever hear one of his 11-min, in-concert solos you'll understand why - but even if you just listen to the songs, no other drummer alive plays like that. On the bass and Keyboards, Geddy just makes everything come together. Songs like The Big Money and Lock and Key just wouldn't work without him. Lastly, Alex Lifeson is, in my opinion, the most underrated guitarist in history. Like many other great Can-Rock stars, Alex is amongst the most talented musicians alive - but like many other Can-Rockers, he is destiened for obscurity. In another context, he might have been as big as Hendrix, Clapton, or Plant. I can't be the only other RUSH fan here, so what do you think about RUSH? Even if you don't like them, share your opinion.[/COLOR]
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Circéus]Isn't listing bestiality kinda pointless? I thought i was already illegal in most juridictions... Edit: Further research digs this from wikipedia: In canada, it is formally illegal at the federal level.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I never really understood why it was illegal... sure, most people think it's kinda... well, disgusting. But, as far as I can tell, it's not really all that harmful... and its quite usually not cruel to animals, if you understand my meaning :animeswea But that's beside the point. Beastiality may be illegal here, but in places like, say, Brazil, it's perfectly legal - so who are we too say Brazilian sites can't show it?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]I have quiet a few issues with the US government. First and foremost, it's the double-standard, 'we make the rules, we break the rules' type of play. They turned NAFTA into one gigantic game of Calvin Ball. They condem one country for invading another and than turn around and invade 10 - millitarily or otherwise. They, more or less, think they own the world, and that's gotten to their heads. No country sits on a high-horse this long without going a little nutty. The Bush Administration is a joke. Lets look at some of it's greatest achievments: Early Years: Everything went wrong. Bush went on vacation a few times. Failed too pass most bills. 9/11: Bush Administration recieves a purpose, in the form of 'Spreading Democracy and Protecting America' from some invisable percieved threat or another. The whole concept is loony. A forces Democracy isn't a democracy to begin with. Post-9/11: Got together the Think-Tank and came up with the brilliant idea to wage war againts a notion - againts religious extremeism, againts an invisible, faceless threat. They, of course, put a face on it - the face of Osama bin Laden. So Afganistan was invaded. All well and good, at least that was a terrorist hotbed. Osama was never found. As if playing Battleship, Bush randomly attacked another country in the Mid East - but this time, it was the least radical of all Mid East nation, the nation of Iraq. By doing so, the most secular, least threatning nation in the area became the single greatest terrorist-producer in history. Other Monuments: Bush apoints new Ambassador to Canada. This man had never stepped foot in Canada prior to his appointment. In fact, the only reason he was appointed was because he helped Bush win his first election in the south through various Rallys and means etc. He also held anti-black, anti-gay, and anti-women rallies. Nice fellow. Apoints a series of incompetent family friends to incredibly important positions - FEMA first and foremost. Tries to declare Canadian water International Waters in order to gain easy access to the North West Passage and bypass Canada's right to the taxes etc that pass through the NWP. Imposes illegal ban on Canadian Beef, virtually killing the Beef industry and putting thousands out of jobs - based on 2 cows in Alberta with Mad Cow. The ironic part is that, while an average of 2 Cows have this desies per year in Canada, the US itself has 25x that number. Another major importer to the US, Brazil, has more mad cow than any nation this side of China. Imposes illegal Lumber Terrif in a protectionist move againts Canada, making it damn near impossible for Canadians too sell their Lumber in the US. Handed out under-the-table bonuses to nations who helped them in the War in Iraq/Terror, while snubbing those who had the common sense not to go. Turned the US from 'The Land of the Free' to 'The Land of the Free - As Long As You Aren't Muslim, Gay, a Reporter, Black, or Communist'. [/COLOR]
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Charles]This all sounds good to me. I think it'd be perfect for you to star in and direct, ChibiHorsewoman, but only if you do so under your online name. The clever puns we could come up with would only make it more successful (i.e., riding the Horsewoman). And, of course, there's Burori, who we could see grunting loudly while he powers up in DragonBall Z form. He could eventually unleash his [spoiler]cumehameha[/spoiler'] projectile technique. When it's done, we'll send it directly to the White House.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] Can I have a copy too ummm.. *darting eyes* send to the... umm... Parlimant Buildings? [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]And the wonderful, and misconstrued, idea of ?The separation of Church and State? rears its ugly mane. While, of course, there is really no such thing as a separation of church and state in the constitution? but wait? there isn?t? Well, let?s examine the constitution: ?Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That doesn?t sound like we shouldn?t teach religion in schools at all. Let?s examine the historical context behind the claim. Many people do not truly understand the historical context of this statement. The vast majority of America?s first settlers were the Puritans, who left England for *gasp* religious differences. Of course, England is a perfect example of how government and religion do [i]not[/i] always get along. So our framers thought it wise to prevent a religiously-dictated government within the first amendment. How exactly does this support the argument that religion should not be taught in public schools? Now the tune changes from ?No religion should be taught? to ?Religion is fine if it?s in a religion class or history class, not science?. Why is that? Surely, as long as there is no law prohibiting such a ?religious idealism? as Intelligent Design, it should be allowed in our science classes? ?Of course not, because it?s not science. Science is objective, rational, and relies on proof. Religion is faith based, subjective, and relies on testimony.? So then, the idea of all of the complex life on earth evolving from common ancestry through allopatric speciation (macro-evolution) is objective and provable? Certainly, to be taught as a science it must be. Because we all have empirically observed an example of macroevolution and can most certainly test the theory in a laboratory, right? The truth is, the modern synthesis is no less faith-based than any of the major religions.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Evolution is based on reactions and forces and various other effects that are going on now and have been documented. Thus it can be concluded that these same processes were going on billions of years ago - barring the laws of physics getting changed somwhere down the road. Than it's simple a matter of determining which is the more likely course of evolution based on discoveries and natural observations. ID, on the other hand, is based on the one unprovable: the existence of a god. Therefore, teaching it in science class is preaching - preaching is somthing we need a lot less of. If you have a class that discusses religions, than it's fine. It's not telling you to believe that there was some creator who created us and these natural processes. It's saying 'X believes Y', not 'X happened'. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't really know what category I fit into... I try to disasociate myself with steryostypes, mostly because I don't fit into one. I guess I'm partly jock, because I'm into violent sports - I'm the local enforcer on my Hockey Squad - and love to get into fights and other such n' such. A large portion of my life revolves around hockey - no other sports, really, just hockey - so I guess I'm 1/5th jock. I'm also a rocker. I love rock N' roll. I'm not the typical image of a long-haired-freaky-person, but deep down I am. From hard rock ([I]Not Metal[/I]) to folk-rock, I love it all. I can be air-guitar-jamming to Deep Purple one minuits and be solmly humming along to Bruce Cockburn the next. I guess the biggest part of me is Nerd. I know too much for my own good. Whereas most people my age struggle to locate Canada on a map, I know as much (If not more than) most of my teachers on many subjects. Current events-wise, I know considerably more than most. Whereas most people think of George Bush as 'Some Guy', I can easily name his faults and achievments ( :animesmil ). Guess thats about it for me. I'm a rocking nerd who really likes sports. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] PS. Communist Avvies rock [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Vive Les Revolution! P.S Goth Chicks [SIZE=2]are[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]scary[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE] I will never understand why Bush seems to be so fond of attempting to force his own moral values on others.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] It's because he's a Puritan. If your not familiar with the term, these are uber-extremist Christians (Although I don't think the term is soley a Christian one, but for the sake of arguement...) who's one and only mission in life is to rain on everyones good time. These are the guys who, in the Shakespearian era, wanted to outlaw Shakespear, the Globe, acting in general, all forms of what they considered 'sin' (e.g fun stuff). And they damn nearly succeeded too. [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Firestorm101]I do feel sorry for the people in New Orleans, but it only goes so far. They knew that sooner or later a hurrican would hit them and one of the levies would break. And the people that were saposeably too poor to leave could have walked. And don't say they couldn't becuase I'm not in the best of shape and I would gladly over 18 hours a day getting away from the city. Also, don't say I have such veiws becuase I'm in a safe zone cuase I'm not. If one of these catagory five came thourgh Flordia or up the Gulf in the right way, it would be total hell here. I might change my tune when that happens, but it hasn't happen yet. As for God hateing us, I try not to go into that, even though I'm a Chirstain. People have been saying its the end of the world for over a century now. Some bad weather doesn't mean anything. And now it's time for me to end this. Belive it or not, but people are also worried about over population. And every now and then somthing big happens that kills thousands of people. Like the Black Plague. It was a terrable thing to happen, but if it didn't, Europe would be over populated now, thus making a world wide famine instead of just a few countries. Same with wars and other wide spread death cuasers. Its Earths way of controling us from getting too big. Want to discuss this with me more, just send me a PM.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] You make it sound like somone could just get up one morning, hitch up their britches, and leave their entire life behind. They can't. Besides that, they couldn't just let 500,000 people stream out of the city adly - it'd be anarchy. No one would get out if 500,000 clogged the birdges.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Have you ever been to Taiwan? There, it's basically like 'Oh geez, the hurricane has come early! I havn't even had breakfast yet!'. It's like that in a lot of places. Look at Cuba - the whole of the nation is in a hurricane zone, that place gets hit often and hard. If anything, the fact that so few hurricanes hit the US is a sign of blessing. Hurricanes are natural occurances - and if the nation was a few hundred kilometers south it'd be hit on a monthly basis. God has nothing to do with it - and alchemy, whatever that is, has absoultly nothing to do with hurricanes. Is Global Warming a major factor? Well, obviously, warmer waters = more hurricanes worldwide. I'm personally divided on the issue - I'd like to think that the world is just going through it's phases, but there is also considerable evidence that the pollution is causing the temperature to rise. No matter what, it's unquestionable that pollution is bad - wether it causes global warming or not is irrelevent.[/COLOR]
Forget the war on Terror- It's a War on Porn
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]This is one of those 'Hate to say I toldya so...' moments. Really, this is getting insane. Why is it that puritans feel they have a right to ruin everyone's fun? I mean comon, if there is no longer any porn, what will happen to all the losers and pre-pubesent boys out there? This is immoral and cruel! Besides that, it's also stupid. What does this Administration do when it gets up in the morning? I can see a morning in the Presidential household: Cheney: Oh look George, hurricane Rita is barelling down on the Gulf of Mexico. This is a disaster, George, I think we should do somthing! Bush: Mmmm... nah. I need to invade somthing. Somthing I'm familiar with - somthing that's name I can pronounce... or locate on the internet. Cheney: Iran? Bush: I already invaded that, Dick! Cheney: Oh ya, I frogot. Canada? Bush: Nah. I can't lives without my maple syrup, and I don't think they'd want to sell it to us if we invaded em. I've got it Dick! Porn! I can pronounce that, locate it on the internet - I've even spent nights with it! Cheney: Brilliance! My conclusion? Somthing is wrong with this world if a hurricane is about to kill thousands, and the first thing that you do is declare war on Pornopia.[/COLOR] -
Which songs have the funniest or most interesting lyrics?
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]I find the random poetism of this one song by the Tragically Hip quiet interesting: [I] Everyone's got their breaking point, with me it's spiders And with you it's me, thugs in perpetuity When we're excited little birds, around the feeder The cat's indifferent or he's just furious, it seems that he's never neither I do the rolling you do the detail (I do the rolling you do the detail) I do the rolling you do the detail (I do the rolling you do the detail)[/I] Here's another from the Hip: [I] but your finger starts to wiggle and landscapes emerge[/I] The Tragically Hip are a treasure trove of lyrics I find interesting: [I]The man 'cross the street he don't move a muscle Though he's all covered in dust When constitutions of granite can't save the planet (Can't save the planet) What's to become of us[/I] Again, the Hip: [I] You'd be tossed up or washed up The narrator relates In a spartan Antarctican walk for many days Meet with Emperor Penguin devotion to the egg (Emperor Penguin) And their women are swimming from half an ocean away (Women are swimming)[/I] And lastly, the whole song 'Throwing Off Glass', by the, you guessed it, Tragically Hip deserves a mention: [I] "Why is the world so creepy?" she asked After a car full of haircuts drove past A backseat full of 'the boys' I told her that 'It isn't... that...that it's exquisite but like love, it has it's barbarous threats Still in spite of the cads and the stoop-shouldered teens I know I'm losing you I know what that means, yea I told her that it isn't That it's real exquisite but like love, it can have it's stubbed-toe effects And just like after she heard the word 'iridescent' and everything was iridescent for awhile, It wasn't long before she exalted out of nowhere, 'Isn't this exquisite?' Once you've said 'mmm' in unison and 'oh' in double surprise and shared relief with a mutual 'phew' and a look in each others' eyes I tell her that is isn't Insisted that it isn't because like love it has too-cunning effects I told her that it isn't that it's just exquisite because like love it has it's barbarous threats 'Why is the world so creepy?' she asked after a car full of haircuts drove past a backseat full of the boys Breaking glass Throwing off glass.[/I] Those are just some lyrics that I find interesting, though not neceseraliy funny.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Thought this was interesting enough to share here: [/COLOR] [QUOTE]New evolution spat in schools goes to court PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- A new battle over teaching about man's origins in U.S. schools goes to court for the first time next week, pitting Christian conservatives against educators and scientists in a trial viewed as the biggest test of the issue since the late 1980s. Eleven parents of students at a Pennsylvania high school are suing over the school district's decision to include "intelligent design" -- an alternative to evolution that involves a God-like creator -- in the curriculum of ninth-grade biology classes. The parents and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) say the policy of the Dover Area School District in south-central Pennsylvania violates the constitutional separation of church and state, which forbids teaching religion in public schools. They also argue that intelligent design is unscientific and has no place in a science curriculum. Intelligent design holds that nature is so complex it must have been the work of an God-like creator rather than the result of natural selection, as argued by Charles Darwin in his 1859 Theory of Evolution. The school board says there are "gaps" in evolution, which it emphasizes is a theory rather than established fact, and that students have a right to consider other views on the origins of life. In their camp is President George W. Bush, who has said schools should teach evolution and intelligent design. The Dover school board says it does not teach intelligent design but simply makes students aware of its existence as an alternative to evolution. It denies intelligent design is "religion in disguise" and says it is a scientific theory. The board is being represented by The Thomas More Law Center, a Michigan-based nonprofit which says it uses litigation to promote "the religious freedom of Christians and time-honored family values." The center did not return phone calls seeking comment. The trial begins on Monday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is expected to last about five weeks. 'Orwellian' efforts Dr. John West of the Discovery Institute, which sponsors research on intelligent design, said the case displayed the ACLU's "Orwellian" effort to stifle scientific discourse and objected to the issue being decided in court. "It's a disturbing prospect that the outcome of this lawsuit could be that the court will try to tell scientists what is legitimate scientific inquiry and what is not," West said. "That is a flagrant assault on free speech." Opponents including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Association of Biology Teachers say intelligent design is an attempt by the Christian right to teach creationism -- the belief that God created the world -- in public schools under the guise of a theory that does not explicitly mention God. The Supreme Court banned the teaching of creationism in public schools in a 1987 ruling. "Intelligent design is ultimately a science stopper," said Dr. Eugenie Scott of the National Council for Science Education, a pro-evolution group backing the Dover parents. "It's a political and religious movement that's trying to insinuate itself into the public schools," she said. But the American public appears to back the school district. At least 31 states are taking steps to teach alternatives to evolution. A CBS poll last November found 65 percent of Americans favor teaching creationism as well as evolution while 37 percent want creationism taught instead of evolution. Fifty-five percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form, the poll found. Earlier this month a top Roman Catholic cardinal critical of evolution branded scientific opponents of intelligent design intolerant and said there need not be a conflict between Darwin's and Christian views of life's origins. Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, a top Church doctrinal expert and close associate of Pope Benedict, said Darwin's theory did not clash with a belief in God so long as scientists did not assert that pure chance accounted for everything from "the Big Bang to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony." [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] In my opinion, if this passes, it will be a major step backwards - maybe even the opening of a flood gate for more schools to begin teaching ID in a [I]science[/I]. Another thing I found funny is that, even though the School Board is trying to distance themselves from Christianity, they hired a Christian law firm to represent them. Go figure.[/COLOR]