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An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]Holy flying ****, people. This is really... really... really bad. In Montreal yesterday the gas went up to [I]2.25perlieter[/I]. For anyone counting, thats about 9 dollars a gallon. What in the **** is wrong with this place?!?!?! How can Gas on the other side of the continent rocket up while gas in a country about the be rocked by a Hurricane in its main Oil Fields goes down? Thankfully, the word is that gas is going to be down by next tuesday - down below 2 dollars that is. This is just ******* insane. We were filling up in Montreal on our way home yesterday, and the gas was only 1.15. We asked the guy why his prices were a dollar less than everyone elses - the gas had shot up by this point - and he said he was just waiting for the phonecall to turn it up to 2.25. The **** is really starting to hit the fan :animestun [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Temper? You could say that. Anger issues is probably a better term. Me and my best friend have a sort of beat-beat relationship. We became friends by beating the crap out of eachother on whims. It's a side effect of us both being the enforcers on our respective hockey teams, me and him got in a fight every game. So ya, I do have anger issues. I still break somthing over his head from time to time. And it's not even because I'm violent that I have a temper - I snap at the slightest things. Lets take, for example, barking dogs. One of my dogs has a habit of barking at anyone who walks by - my other two, more passive dogs instantly start barking after she sounds the alarm. I've gotten many a sore throat screaming "SHUT UP! SHUT THE **** UP! STOP BARKING! CHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIST!" etc etc. When I'm listening to a radio, and there is a really good song, but somone rolls down a window so I cannot hear it well, I start boiling. I've been known to smash in the radio viewscreen because I can't hear the opening riff to Smoke on the Water. Also, if I'm playing, say, Counter-Strike: Source, and my lagg starts acting up, and I keep getting killed on account of it, I get outwardly violent on my monitor and computer. There is a massive dent in the side of my computer case when I kicked it after losing 0-15 in a CS 1v1 on account of lagg. Also, if I'm in extreme pain (Like, say, a massive tooth ache) I get incredibly angry. Last time my tooth started to act up, I went out and cut down a tree - violence helps to stay the pain. So in conclusion, Violence and me are buddies. Violence goes with my position on the hockey Team, it goes with my personality, and it goes with my internet connection. Trust me, 56k Alex likes to lay a beating down on his moniter when he start lagging. My most likely cause of death, according to six of my best friends and a monkey named Cog, is a burst artery or a heart attack. Either way, no one likes to piss me off. Which isn't all that hard.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]On-line relationships always seemed to high-risk to me. The chances of it turning out to be a man are too high for me. So I've never really had a 'love' love online relationship - though I must say that I have considerably more female (Proved through mic and other... reasons) friends on-line than I do offline. Guess it's because, pyshically, I'm soccially retarded - the whole transcending the body and just have two personalities meet is probably a better way of finding somone you love than meeting in person. But, eh, what do I know. But ya, I'm going to go with what these people say. She'll be back. I mean, it's not like she took a vow of permanent internet celebacy. I know that sometimes people just have technical difficulties and show up a few days or weeks later - and you'll probably end up wanting them more for it.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I have no idea who this guy is before I read this thread. I had no idea it was a special day yesterday. Yesterday I went bowling with my soccer team, because we had the day off (Teacher Planning Day). He sounds very impressive - a marathon a day in and of itself is amazing, but on a prosthetic leg, no less! I hope that yesterday raised a great sum of money for his cause.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Over 300,000,000 has been raised since 1980, so considering this is the largest single orginised event in history, I'd imagine it's one hell of a lot. No matter how much money has been raised, a run of this size has to have opened up a whole lot of eyes to the sturggle of this one man, as well as the horrors of Cancer. One of my favourite qoutes belongs to Terry Fox. It was shortly after being kicked off the highway in Quebec, and than almost being killed by a semi, when Doug said they should just skip Quebec because they hadn't raised even a thousand dollars since they entered. He said: "I can't skip Quebec, people die of cancer here too.". Truely a great me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, folks, yesterday was the 25th aniversity of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. I don't know what it's like in the US or Europe, but in Canada, we run a nation-wide fundraiser for Terry's cause - to cure cancer. We run, just like he did. We run to raise money - and raise money we do, millions every year. We collect money - and by we, I mean the runners - by having people pledge to us: i.e, for every lap we run, somone gives us 10 dollars, or somone gives us 20 dollars no matter how far we run. It's truly a touching event - 25 years on, and Terry's dream is still gaining steam. For those of ye who, somehow, do not know his story, here it is: Terry Fox was not a very good athlete - his key was determination. When he was cut from the track team, he ran each and every day - so next season, they made him Captain. He was really an amazing guy - but than he contracted Cancer above his knee. In order to save his life, his leg was amputated. That wouldn't stop Terry. He'd heard about 1-legged-runners just before his operation. Terry, in his determination, learned how to run again. So he, and his best friend Doug, flew down to Newfoundland - Terry dipped his good leg into the Atlantic Ocean, and he was off. He ran a marathon a day on one leg - a feat on its own - for over 100 days. Virtually unkown at the start, little by little he gathered steam. His dream was to raise 1 dollar for every Canadian - 24 Million at the time. Sadly, he never accomplished this. The cancer spread to his lungs - and in Thunder Bay, Ontario, he became to sick to run. He died shortly after. A year after his death, a massive nation-wide fundraiser - the first Terry Fox Run - raised 24 Million Dollars. His dream was acomplished - but it did not stop there. Millions upon millions have been raised over these 25 years. He was truely a hero. This year, Canada set a Guiness World Record for the largest orginsed event across the country - well over 4 million people ran yesterday, and I was one of them. I personally ran 5 laps - over 4 Kilometers - and raised 200 dollars. So this is my question: did anyone else run yesterday? Did anyone else raise money for the Terry Fox Orginisation, did anyone else honour the name of this incredible man? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Tough choice... Favourite Vocalist - Geddy Lee (AKA, Gary Wiebsen Lee) Does the vocals and bass for the supergroup RUSH. I know some people find his voice annoying, but I love it. No one I've heard, save maybe Freddie Mercury or Rik Emmit, can match his melodic, almost poetic style of singing. I don't know what it is, and I can't really describe it. It's really one of those voices you've got to hear to understand... and you can't hear just one song, either. Also, he's probably one of the most talented bassists around. Here's some lyrics: [I]Faith is cold as ice Why are little ones born only to suffer For the want of immunity Or a bowl of rice? Well, who would hold a price On the heads of the innocent children If there's some immortal power To control the dice?[/I] (This was a really hard choice. It was a massive tie between Gord Downie, Burton Cummings, Geddy Lee, Randy Bachman, and Matt Mays) Least Favourite Vocalist - Britney Spears She Cannot Sing. But she's not alone there - there are tonnes of people like that. The reason she's my most hated musical enemy is simple: even though she obviously has no talent, she's still uber-popular. She's so terrible it makes me cringe whenever I hear her voice... Well, I don't actualy think this qualifies as 'least favourite vocalist', because I'm fairly certain she doesn't actualy sing her own songs... but whoever does the singing should be shot and eaten by five hungry frenchmen.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Ohhh fortune cookies never work... just look at this graphic example from three days ago: "Mr.Baillie, we have your sister. Send us 50,000 by tomorrow or the girl dies!" See what I mean? Completely unspecific! Is it 50,000 US or CDN? Who's this [I]girl[/I] that's dying? Nontheless, I DO love Fortune Cookies - they taste friggen delicious, and the paper is easy to chew as well![/COLOR]
[QUOTE]That's a the childish way to look at it. He broke the rules so I'll break the rules. He hit me, so I'll hit him. There are other ways to do things.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] It's not so much a 'he broke the rules' thing, it's a 'he tore up the rules and made it so they don't apply' type of thing. There are many ways of looking at that.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The Canadian Government flipflops on International relations all the time. Mulroney was practically an American worshipper, but Prime Ministers like Trudeau stood up for the country. [/QUOTE] I know - that's why I suggest doing this. It'd be a nice change - send a message, ya know? It's probably just wishful thinking though - the only party that even has a bit of motivation and innocation is the CAP, and they don't have a hope in hell of getting elected. And even then, it's only if everything they promise to do they do - we all know politicans don't have a great track record for keeping promises. [QUOTE] Timmy's COO is Paul House from Hamilton. He wants to open up 500 restaurants in the United States but I don't see how that's a problem, Americans have opened up lots of franchises in Canada but they're not worried that McDonalds may become Canadian property.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] Last I heard, Wendey's owns Timmy's. It was sold after Mr.Hortons death, by the share holders because Wendeys was paying them a BUNDLE, before his wife could gain controle of the company - as it were, she is still in a massive court battle to regain the company. Side note, ever since Timmy's became a members of the Wendeys empire, the coffe has sucked (It used to be the best coffe you could get for a buck), the donoughts are stale, and the service is terrible.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] They may defend themselves but that's a different logic than "they stole from me, I'll steal from them." Canada can defend themselves in many other ways.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Your probably right. I know of several other ways that certain parties plan on retaliating - but I'm being realistic. As I said, only the CAP (Canadian Action Party) has any innovation at all right now, and the have no chance of getting power. The Librals, although better than any of the realistic alternatives, are stagnant right now - so realistically speaking this is the only possible way they could retaliate.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=r2vq] But since Canada entered the agreement they shouldn't "strike back" with tarriffs. I know I said this but Tarriff wars and closed trade brought about the Great Depression. Morpheus is right, fire against fire isn't the solution. The politicians should act like adults and solve it in a better way. -ArV[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] It was in the sense that since the US is going around making NAFTA obsolete - they've basically torn up the agreement with the whole Beef and Lumber thing - than they should play by their own rules for a change. I'm just tired of seeing the Canadian government bending over to the US' every whim - be it selling out promising Canadian buisnesses (See: Tim Hortons) or giving them electricity for next to nothing - and, personally, I think the best way to do that is to tell them that not everyone plays by their rules. Even an adult will beat somone trying to rob him blind. As for the adult thing, it's bassically one sided - Canadian politicans telling the Americans to play by the rules, and the American ones telling the Canadian ones to go shove the rules up their *** - which is ironic, since the US had a major part in writing the rules. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE] Well excuse me. Now the US needs to protect its hundreds of thousands of jobs in the lumber industry. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, Canada losing thousands was a better trade off than the US losing Hundreds of thousands?[/QUOTE] First of all, no matter how you call it, it's [I]illegal[/I]. NAFTA has ruled 8-0 for Canada on this subject - the only time the US won was at the World Trade Orginisation, but literally 60% of the members of it's Jury are from the US. Secondly, I never thought that. That's because that the Canadian lumber compition wouldn't have come close to what the Tariff's did to Canada. Canada would still sell in the US, and the US would likewise sell in Canada. Also, as I said before, the US has a much larger population to land ratio - this means that there aren't as many communities in the US who's only lifeblood is a Mill. [QUOTE] Your whole "let's fight fire with fire" idea won't work. Taxing and tariffing here and there will just make the US cut off things you need. [/QUOTE] And sitting back and letting them ream us up the preverbial *** is a considerable inprovment. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Morpheus]Trying to convince people to buy from their own country. That's just horrible. Seriously, if the US has made 5 billion in tariffs alone, that means that despite the tariff, people are still buying. Our government is in the hole and now is spending 50 billion on a disaster. We lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and 2 major cities were decimated. Don't come in here complaining about a huge industry being slightly downsized when there are bigger problems to worry about. We most definately wouldn't threaten Canada with such petty matters if Toronto was destroyed.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed] The US hasn't really [I]made[/I] any money from the Tariffs, they've only made it near impossible for Canada's Lumber industry to sell to the states. By doing this, they've already cost 5 Billion to Canada, as well as thousands of jobs, and many communities have dried up and blown away without their Lumber Mills. It was done because the US Lumber industry isn't going to be able to outcompete Canada's anymore due to various reasons. To me, it seems like a vengful cop out to make up for the shortcommings of the Corporatism. Also, this post was made pre-Katrina. And it's not 'slightly downsized'. It's practically gone. 80% of the lumber trade is with the US - now only 50% of what could be sold is being sold, and that's a [i]lot[/i] of bad for a lot of people. Lastly: Althought I agree that picking and choosing various things would help, I don't think the impact that Canada got could ever be even close to replicated if we put a tariff on Californian wine or oil or anything like that. That's because of the massive person-per-square-kilometer rate in the US - the actual damage to communities in Canada could never be replicated in a Californian town, because their aren't many towns that live on Wine. To me, there are only two ways of going about this. One, all or nothing. Two, a tax (not a Teriff) on exported Electricity (Most of the west coast and much of the boardering US states rely on power made in Quebec and Ontario) which would make up for the 5 billion easily and not really put a dent in the US' already sinking econemy - what's 5 billion to a 3 trillion dollar debt anyway?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Geez. Amazing how homophobic some people can be. They're getting bent out of shape over what - some school club? It's not like people are being forced to go to this club... it's just a place where people can get help about their sexual questions and inscurities. Seriously, some people.... If I was a teacher, if I ever heard the words '***' or 'Jew' used as an insult, or any other racial slur, they'd instantly be kicked into the hall. Twice, I'd do what I could to get them suspended. Three times, well, we'll see. Isn't it odd that this cuple just happens to be a Conservative uber-Christian one... odd...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]This thread is dedicated to the discussion of one my favourite singer/songwriters - Bruce Cockburn. A Canadian Folk-Rock legend, Bruce is one the greatest song-writers I've ever heard. Lyrically unparelled, instrumentally amazing, vocally moving, Bruce has it all. But it doesn't end at his music - oh no. Bruce is one of the most generous people to ever live - he's raised millions upon millions for poor nations, he's spent much of his own life working in Africa and South America, and gave the most moving show I've ever seen at Live 8 in Barrie, Ontario. Best known for his songs focusing on poor nations and corruption - songs like Waiting for a Miracle, Call it Democracy, and If I had a Rocket Launcher (Some Son of a ***** would Die) - Bruce has a way of experessing the anguish of an entire people that no one can match. I vividly recall crying during Live 8 when he preformed 'Waiting for a Miracle', somthing that no other song I've ever heard has done. So I ask you - are there any other fans of Bruce Cockburn? If you've ever heard some of his works it's hard not to be one - so if you havn't, I'd recomend downloading a few samples. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://cockburnproject.net/news/images/fromtheroad/part4mateel/bcmateel04_kimsallaway.jpg[/IMG]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Okay first of all- quit yer bellyachin'. You really get on my nerves here acting like since it's a US tradgedy we should just suck it up. No one told the people in the Phillipines that they should suck up their natural disater or the same with the Gulf States. This [b][I]TERRORIST ATTACK[/i][/b] was [i]not[/i] a natural disaster. A bunch of nutters got in in their heads to hijack airplanes and run them into the WOrld Trade Center and the Pentagon. And if it wasn't for that group of heros on flight 92 (?) there would have been another tradgedy. People lost thier lives in a senseless act of violence. This was the largest TERRORIST ATTACK on US soil! Of course we're still going to mourn As for aide to other countries not counting. What a load of crap. Just because we're one of the richest countries in the world doesn't mean that what we donate doesn't count. And I really don't think it mattered nationality wise. I mean look at the bombings in BAli back in 2002 which were also the work of Al Quieda. Nobody's saying Hey Bali suck it up! I'm really tired of all the anti-American sentiment and since we're America we can't mourn. Sure everyone may hate us because of Bush and his cronies, but that's not all America. For El sake, grow a soul![/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I think his point was more to the "THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING TO US! WE'RE THE US!" attitude. I mean on 9/11 there are moments of scilence all across the world - did you have a moment of scilence on September First, the aniversity of the Beslan Terrorist Attacks? Or what about the Montreal Massicare? In my school we have moments of scilence for both the MM and the Columbine Shootings - do any in the US? I guess what I'm getting at is: why should the whole world stand still just because it happened to the US and not in, say, Malaysia or China. Remember when those two massive dams in China collapsed? Highest destruction and death toll of any man-made disaster, and no one even mentioned it the year after it happened. You can mourn all you like - I just don't see why we should all mourne when the US will not do the same for us. That's what I understand Sage to be saying, I may be wrong though. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Sage]Actually, it doesn't. Over two hundred Finnish people died in the December tsunami, so we sent lots of money and resources there to help the people rebuild. If no Finnish people had died, I reckon the amount of aid would be greatly diminished. Same goes to all foreign countries who lost their inhabitants then. If it isn't about us, we tend not to care. I truly wish it wasn't so, but unfortunately world isn't that good a place. I still believe that the amount of help that USA got from foreign countries after 9/11 exceeds that which many other, poorer countries get. For comparison, I heard somewhere that if the amount of money USA has wasted on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars would've been given to the poor countries in Africa, there would be no famine anymore. Of course this might just be a wild legend, I don't know how true it is. But it's a worthwhile thought...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I've got to hand it to the US on this one, Sage. It's not all about the money you send - throwing money at problems seldom makes them go away. It was predominatly American rescue personal in Indonesia, exceedingly generous considering how much of it's armed force and the like were in the Mid East. As far as I know, the only contry that sent major personal to New York was Canada, because it was hours away. Sadly ironic that American Aide reached Asia faster than Aide has reached N.O - they can get half way across the world faster than a city in their own nation. Side note: It's not myth. In fact, most non-biased econemists predict the Wars to cost in acess of 1.3 [I]Trillion[/I] dollars. You could end famine in Africa with enough money left over to cure AIDS and Cancer, and just enough to end man's dependence on Petrolium. Sadest part about it, I doubt that even if they had the money, it would have never gone to a decent cause. Bloody politicans :S[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Quebec City... odd place to kick off a Metal tour, since 75% of the population either don't speak English or are seniors... I can understand Montreal - that place is ******* sick - but Quebec City? Wierd... As for the actual concert... meh. Metal and me don't click. I can only imagine Metal concerts wouldn't either...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I remembered it was 9/11 - but I didn't alltogether care, no use ruining my day with mourning. Nontheless, it was a tragic event - although, if you wanna play 'Who's suffered the most', it's not the worst tragedy in recent years, not even close. The biggest effect wasn't even the tragic one - hell, I'll bet the surge of patriotism and massive spending spree by panic-stricken people helped the US' econamy - but the sense of vulnerability that the US recieved - the sense of invulnerability was shattered. That said, I had other things to remember this week. The 25th aniversity of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope is this year, and there is a huge run being orginized cross-Canada, to set the Guiness World Record for the biggest orginised somthing or other. The 10th aniversity of the 1995 'Breaking Point' was also this year - and trust me whe I say that the images from Unity Square put the surge of American Patriotism to shame - which I was also focused on. There are so many things going on now that I just can't be bothered with relativly small tragedy of 9/11.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]America to Me[/B] A swell group of continents, mostly located in the Western hemisphere. [B]The United States to Me[/B] The political equivilant of a Bigger Brother. They get on your nerves somtimes - heck, all the time. They ignore you, and if they don't, they push you around. They'll break into your room and steal your stuff - and when you tell Mother (In this case the UN) they'll ignore her - but that doesn't keep Mother from heavily favouring him. Everyone's attention is always focused on him, everyone talks about him and everyone knows him - he's the uber-popular kid at school who's shadow you live in. Virtually unkown to him, you study and you practice and you do your damndest to make him notice you - but no matter what happens, he is your major influence, like it or not. Nontheless, when it comes right down to it, he'll be there for you - and likewise you'll be there for him. You have your squabbles and your fights, but your still brothers.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]I'm pretty sure that's exactly what dposse meant. I find it pretty depressing that there's even a debate surrounding this issue: religion isn't science. It will never pass for science. It doesn't belong in a science class. That's really all there is to it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] The way I read it, it seemed like dposse meant animals could just 'run faster' when it suited them, that they'd tell their genes 'Psst... make sure that my children can run wickedddddddddddd fast.' But maybe I was wrong.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=dposse]I agree with Siren. Let me all give you another example of Survival of the Fittest that gives a pretty good reason why Evolution works. The example take two animals from Africa, the cheetah and the Gazelle. Now lets just say that there are two kinds of each a cheetah. One kind of cheetah can only run 45 MPH, while the other can run 50MPH. Lets just say that the gazelle can run 50 miles per hour. Now, the 50MPH cheetah will be well fed because it can catch alot of gazelles. The 45MPH one will not because it can only get the very slow or old gazelles. Now, the gazelles hate being eaten so when they pass their genes on to the next generation, the next generations speed goes up to say 55MPH. The 50MPH cheetah starts to starve, so when they pass on their genes to the next generation, the next generation of cheetahs speed goes up to 55 MPH. The cycle continues. (i'm very sorry if i got this example wrong. I heard it from my Biology teacher a few days ago.) :animeswea[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I don't know... doesn't sound right to me. Animals can't just 'speed up' as it suites them. Now, maybe if a cheetah was born that had an abnormal muscle structure or somthing, or an odd tail, or somthing that allowed it to preform better, than it would likely survive longer. It would live long enough to breed and pass on it's own genes; there's like a 1/10 chance that this animal's offspring will be born similarily. This new litter will probably live to breed, and than their litter will pass on their genes, and so on and so forth. Some animals have just never had to evolve... that's a very scary thought :animestun [/COLOR]
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE] Gas prices are decreasing here in Texas. Also oil isn't back in full swing yet, a good majority of the refineries are still shut down.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Don't you think that the Oil companies have enough surpluse to easily cope with this? They do. They have shitloads of oil just lying around - it seems to me they're just trying to use this tragedy to profit. Tabarnak! Anyways... Gas prices here have become so severe, local radio stations are giving away [I]free gas[/I]. Ya, no more Stone's tickets, free gasoline. The prices here are insane! What I don't get is this: considering about 50% of oil in Quebec comes from Alberta and New Brunswick... why the hell are our oil prices so damn higer than those of the US? I mean I can understand the UK, they don't have a massive abundance of oil. But when your country has one of the largest surpluses of oil in the Western world... What the hell is going on?[/COLOR] -
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Lafleur replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]This is exactly what I predicted... Right now, the gas is 1.34/lieter (aproximatly 6$ gallon) but it's been weeks since the disaster. Oil is back under full swing, but still the prices remain high. The Oil companies [I]will[/I] eventually reduce the price; but when? The gas prices skyrocketed up, but the Oil Companies are going to squeez every penny out of us by dropping the price cent by cent over the next few months. This is seriously bad for the worlds econemy - I know people who cant even go to work because it costs too much, the trucking industry will suffer... the Oil Companies may cause this disaster to be MUCH worse than it is now... This certainly is terrible, isn't it...[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I don't know about this, really. I don't know how you can tell someone thats from Canada unless they have a really strong accent. And honestly, I wouldn't care. I don't think I'm better then anyone else. I'm half-hungarian but that doesn't mean people first notice that about me.[/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] The point wasn't wether you could tell somone from the other - it was about what Lunox mentioned, that sometimes a racial (or in this case cultural) groups can feel themselves superior, but in this case the people it feels superior too only feel inferior if they're actualy emersed in the culture.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Harry]You were comparing him to Hitler, and you were pushing your agenda. This disaster was multiplied the by incompetent cluster of men that comprise our government because they were busy building bridges in Alaska to honor a senator that's most notable achievement was getting a bridge named after him. The only brightside to the hurricane is that the new media is finally not portraying Bush as an infallible object. When Shepard Smith of Fox News is calling the Bush administration out on their screw up, you know something has gone terribly awry.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] I was comparing him to no one. I simply said that people who do have at least one point. And pushing my agenda? If you stop sniping at me and bloody read what I was responding too you'll see it was a 'btw' type question that was off the mark of the original topic. Besides that, everything I said [I]was[/I] valid - since when is it pushing your agenda to call the kettle black? The disaster was multiplied because of the bumbling of, first of all, FEMA, secondly, the state of Luisiana and it's lack of a plan, and lastly to the federal Government because they refused to allow other countries to aide them quick enough - I mean [I]Cuba[/I], the most bullied nation on earth at this point, offered aide and such a generous offer - one that may well have put an end to this stupid Capitalist vs Communist thing that's been going on - was just laughed at! Who cares if the US and Cuba have had their outs? This is about more than petty politics - and the Government doesn't seem to realize this. BTW, I agree. Faux News sucks terribly.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]I remember loving Reboot for the darker, more adult twist the show took later on. Grown-up Enzo - aka Matrix - was my first taste of the concept known as the 'anti-hero'. A favourite episode would definitely be the Resident Evil-type zombie game episode, where the User's character kept saying [b]"Gah-roovy!"[/b] You can buy the series on DVD from Amazon, but they're all marked as 'limited availability'. I guess it's one of those cult shows that has a bit too much of an in-depth story for the more casual viewer, and gets cancelled due to low ratings. And what's this about a movie? Over here in England, it got cancelled just as everyone in the Net was getting 'the Infection', and getting glowing green veins all over them... [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Hmm... Must be a cultural thing. In Canada it must have been showing for ni on twenty years now - still does on YTV now and again. The movies were entertaining, the one where The Word starts infecting everything... good stuff.[/COLOR]