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sensai xen

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  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]name: ken-xoah gangname: street reaper gang: royal flush age: 26 gender: male personality: compassionative nature not to shy dosnt talk much though isnt to good with women appierence: has the japanies symbol for samurai an his back and his left cheek has only 1 eye witch id his right 1 and wears sunglasses all the time and u can see his face on the atachment weapons: diamond bladed katana with titanium tsubo and wolf leather wraping and diamond edged cards title: king of diamonds bio: his mother died of a desies at the age of 15 and he was trained in kendo kata by his father he leeft his home and went to japan at the age of 19 and trained in kendo there for 4 years until surpassing his master then 1 day he wlked passed a gang fight between the royal flush and another gang and completely wiped out both gangs and thats when they discvered his talents and 2 months later they asked him to join and he gladly agreed[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Blue]name: hiro age: 22 gender: male rank: commandent of the marine corps/admeral (reserved for war times) field: sniper,recon and close range spec weapons: desert eagle,2X 45colt long barrel revolver six round,sniper rifle using 50.Cal rounds vehicle: i snipe out of a black hawk heli[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. name: ryusaka gender: male former occupation: executive operations (EXOPS) meaning he was a mercenary apperence: red hair with black streaks 5.2' tall weapon of coice: dual tanto backcraws a backdraw katana 2X 45 colt long barrel six shooters M16 carbine 50Cal. sniper rifle personality: compassionateive nature yet not very mercyful to enemys very good stratigist and tactican very honorabe and very honest extremely loyal if u told him to shoot himself in the head he might not do it thugh theres more of a chance hell shoot u in the head but he carries out orders without question bio: was once with EXOPS but was asked to leave because of of duty violence they thought he would just be a nuescence to the rest of the organization when a civil war accoured in japan were he was living he lvled half the country and no1 knew he waseven there and thats when IAL saw his abilties and contacted him
  4. name: noata age: 17 appierence: looks like my avatar but with a tat in japanies characters that sais u learn love by crossing the blades together on both shoulders and dosent wear a shirt and wears very loose pants weapons: 2X 45 colt long barrel revolver six shooters a backdraw katana with a down draw tanto at the tip of the sieth 2X tanto backdraws and if needed he would be supplied with a 50cal. sniper rifle with a 25x electronic scope fighting style: kendokata long and short ranged firearms and ninjitsu bio:joined the agency to find his brothers and father who were supposebley dead by now he foun his brothers ater 2 months of searching and murdered every1 conected to the murder of his father and the kidnapping of his brothers
  5. name: nakagake race:elf,wild elf age: 124 allignment: chaotic good weapons: dual katanas titanium bladed iron tsubo razor sharp can cut through steel and a streangthend long bow made of white oak armor:nightmare armour (its a red looking pl8ed armour) discription: stands 6'2' tall and has deep green eyes has long blonde hair GNR:male bio:was a born leader he got training from akendo master until he surpassed him then he became a bounty hunter to make money the guard then discovered his abilitys and recruited him magic and abilities:is a dual blade master and a great archer
  6. ] [COLOR=Blue]name: tachibana[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]age: 17[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]gender: male[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]personality: not goth but dark he is known throughout the schoolgrounds when he first got to the school some bullies were picking on him 1 socked him in the face and since it was legal for him to fight back he dislocated his shoulder and broke his arm and heis now feared for that [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]appearence: red hair with black streaks 5 feet tall he has a tatoo on his left shoulder in japanies that sais u learn love b crossing the swords togeher [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]were do u belong: popular yet loner[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]bio: austrailian that moved to america parents devorced at the age of 3 he lived with his mother for 4 years after that he recieved training in kendo for 5 years and then went to his father for 3 years and then moved to america wih his mother shortly after that. he went home to visit and in the time he was there his father was killed and shortly after found that they were in america so he went back and carried a katana ever since[/COLOR]
  7. name: xen age:11 bio:xen was born and raised in osaka,japan his father was missing or dead for his entire life serving in the military. his mther was killed by the mafia at 10 years old and so he took all the valuables in his house inclueding a katana with a name of ayame he wandered city to city living on the streets until a kendo master took him in and trained him until he supassed his master then he left and became a bountey hunter and with the money he made as an amatuer hunter he bought wepons a tanto and dual 45 colt long barrel revolver six shooters then he bought a ship and shortly after found out about the alliance and joined fighting style: kendo close and long range guns strength:20 speed:25 agilty:30 technique:25 weapon:katana(1) and if i can have semi wepons tanto(1) dual 45 colt long barrel revolver six shooters(1) and if needed a sniper rifle(1) ship: freelance weapons: plazma cannon right under the cockpit (25) armor: titanium plated (25) speed: (25) manuverability: (25) P.S. i have a feeling this is gonna be really cool
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