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Everything posted by omegax

  1. I don't really give a care about them.
  2. Best villian: Megatron/Galvatron from Transformers Armada/Superlink/Galaxy Force (Because he has a goal to concour The universe) Best hero: Edward Elric (He's cool)
  3. I like the songs from Transfomers Galaxy Force. Especially the song Growing Up.
  4. I've seen only the first eight episodes on dvd. But I live in Canada and it's not on up here.
  5. I don't really care about the animation bit, but Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist.
  6. Well of coruse it will not die out! It's too popular to die out.
  7. I feel sorry for London right now, because they're being victoms. It's 09/11 all over again.
  8. Hey might as well. I love that show. Family Guy was brought back, so Futurama should make a come back.
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