[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]{{ Yepyep people.. 'Tis me again. After a.. say.. 5-month-silence period. Been slacking, been studying (a brutal reality), been sleeping. And was continuously attacked by the 'art' block (writer's block, artists' block?). Then.. saved~! Thank you pal, you brought back the inspiration to me, and bade me produce my favvy character again.
Alucard from Hellsing, yepyepyep. And also.. I'm doing much better with the pen tool.. still haven't invested on a tablet.. 6_<
The lineart is >>>>> [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b197/drab_hound/AluDA.jpg]Here[/URL].
I still haven't figured out what type of colouring method would be best.
Please, with my throw-all-my-sheep-into-the-ravine mood, please pass me some pointers and crits before I colour it, put it nicely in DeviantArt. X3 }}[/SIZE][/FONT]