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Mikako Kazuke

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Everything posted by Mikako Kazuke

  1. Busy places you can get lost and some dealers can scam you on somethings. Try to have fun and always remember if you do cosplaying you will glomped like crazy so beware of Fangirls and fanboys! Try to have fun and remember the dances are great. And if they have a raving dance buy your flow stick early. They run out fast. :animesmil Break a leg (good luck)
  2. Well I have several: 1. Karasu From Yu Yu Hakusho Info: Works for Taguros in the dark tournament Reason: Well he's a sadistic hottie...but in all relaity poor Kurama 2. Vincient from Cowboy beebop the movie Reason: Look at what he did to poor feye... 3. Wrath from Fullmetal Achlemist Info: Little boy that turns from sweet to not. Reason: He tries toget rid of ed so he can be "human" CREEPY! 4. Garan from Fullmetal Panic Reason: He's so creepy all he ever wants is the Whispers...and to get rid of Sasuke Thats all I can think of for now...
  3. The top 10 would be: 1. Yu Yuhakusho 2. Cowboy Bebop 3. Chrono Crusade 4. Samurai Champloo 5. CardCaptors (Uncut only) 6. Steel Angel Kurumi 7. InuYasha 8. Tokyo Mew Mew (Manga only) 9. Fruits Basket 10. Sailor Moon (uncut only) There's mine...eh...but I have loads more that aren't even heard of...
  4. Oh my well I love Sailor Neptune or Michiru. although I also Love Amara (Haruka) who is her partner in the series. They are my favorite because they were together and stick to each other. Although they make them out as cousins...*sighs* they really aren't, but back to the point. Anyway, Michiru is graceful and intellgent, while Haruka is strong and brass. So they are completely differant from each other. I also love Jupiter because she's strong and can take care of herself. They only thing werid about it is that every other guy reminders her of her old boyfriend. ANyway I voted so I am happy.
  5. Well I've been watching the dub of the series although I love the Manga better right now. I'm not all into the changing of the names....
  6. [quote name='WithinTheDrknss']:catgirl: I'd rather date Kyo from Fruits Basket because he has a troubled past and, lord only knows why, but I'm attracted to those kind of guys. Mitsuru from Crescent Moon also struck me as hot. Wow! We both know Crescent Moon! Thats awesome. Um...lets see...I LOVE RON FROM HARRY POTTER! lol AND...........Vincent from Final Fantasy VII. And maybe Zell from Final Fantasy VIII because he's fun-loving. But other then that...I'LL JUST STICK WITH MY ESSE! (huggles Jesse)[/quote] Eh I don't know I like Hatori better. He had a troubling past too. Also Akito but he's less than sane.
  7. Well let's see: Dad: Sessohmaru (InuYasha) Reason: Well let's see he would be able to teach me to be strong and even though he seems cold. To me who wouldn't be because he has Rin. He seems to be the type to want me to be strong so I wouldn't have to depend on him. Mom: Yukina (YYH) Reason: While my dad couldn't give me love I'm sure Yukina would be all for it. She's kind and loving and would make the perfect mother. Sibilings: Kyo (Fruits basket), Kisa (FB), Taguros ((Both(YYH)) Reason: Kyo - Because it would be fun to have someone to spar with to get better or to beat up. Kisa - So I could have a little sister to treasure and protect. Taguros - Them because it would be fun to learn how to be strong and flexible.(I'm werid for picking them but Eh) Uncles: Spike and Vicious (Cowboy bebop) Reason: To agree with someone else: To not have family reuinions. Be too much choas and they'd try to kill each other. Boyfriend: Bankotsu (inuYasha) or Karasu (YYH) Reason: Well if it was Bankotsu than i would have to say because he's hot! Dangerous and it would be fun to keep him around. If it was Karasu, Well I wouldn't be bored although he would probebly try to keep killing but it would make my life fun to be with him. (If allowed) Friends: Kagome (InuYasha), Ed (FMA), Feye (Cowboy bebop), Jakotsu (inuyasha) Reason: Kagome - she has a complex life and she can tolurate InuYasha and his comments. ED - Because he's short like me. Feye - She's hot and sexy and gun crazy. I could leave a few things from her. Jakotsu - his constant attration to InuYasha makes me laugh and say "Hey I ike you lets be friends" Well there it is my whole disfuntional family, lovers, and friends.
  8. [quote name='Kato_Ama']Well, I've gotten hooked on Champloo. One of my favorite parts is the opening. Does anyone know where I can d/l the song or, even better, d/l a movie of it?[/quote] I've been addicted to it as well. You might want to start looking at a Movie place like Suncoast. They have a lot of choices of the music and such. Other wise search the internet.
  9. I've also heard of it. I loved the animation and the story line. I've only gotten to vol. 2 and I thought it was great. heh. Most of friends haven't heard of it either so One other friend, who owns them, was the one who got me into it. I loved it, and still do unfortantly I haven't been able to seen it past the 2 DVD...
  10. I never really did like InuYasha his ears are cute in all and excuse but I think Kagome could be a little eviler instead of so dang innocent! So was it wrong for me to cheer for Hiten from the thunder brothers...man was her hot. Also I kind of hoped Kikyo would finally take InuYasha to hell with her. I going to cheer for Bankotsu tonight but I know he's probebly going to loose but man would I love to keep him! :animeshy: Oh and if Jakotsu was for real he'd be my best friend! I cheered for Grim and Vicious form Cowboy beebop. I thought they both should live and have a better fight scene, even though Grim wasn't really all that bad but STILL! In Sailormoon I cheered for Dimando(*** name) in the R series because even if he was obsessed with Usagi he was still cute. in my opinion I don't think they bad guys should've been that dumb. Yuu Yuu Hakosho (sp) I cheered for Karasu to win agianst Kurama. I don't have another agianst Kurama but I just want Karasu to live. :animecry: I also cheered for Sniper (after Dark Tournament) to win agianst Yusuke! Thats all I can think of for now.
  11. Worst: Sailormoon I mean they took out A LOT and Serena sounds like a baby and than when they changed voices in later series. I hated that. CardCaptors, they took out so much of it and jammed them together not making any sense. :animestun Best: R.O.D. the TV series. Although I kind of hated Hisa's voice... All I can think of...I still hate how much they dubbed SailorMoon the uncut version is SO much better.
  12. I really don't remember when I first watching Anime but I know it was really young because my dad always watched. It was scifi Anime and it came on Sundays in the mornings most the time. I kind of miss having those. It must have been when I was like 5 or 6. Like I said my dad ALWAYS watched them with me.
  13. Well I wouldn't mind dating Naraku but eh...my parents wouldn't agree. The only thing I don't like is his...obsession with the white baboon pelt... [B] Bankotsu[/B]- What can i say he's HOT!!! Although a little creepy I'd be willing to get over it. [B] Duo Maxwell[/B] Can we say DREAMY!!! But eh he's a bit too...easy going but I can live with that. [B]Hiei[/B] He is so worth it he may be short but oh my goodness would be he make me melt in my boots. [B] Seiya (sailormoon stars) So totally sexy and him changing into a girl! EVEN BETTER!![/B] [B] Haruka[/B] (sailormoon) She is sooo hot! and dreamy! [B] Hatori [/B] (fruits basket) He's a doctor and he's caring and docile! [B] People who wouldn't pass: [B/] 1. InuYasha - Oh my. Can I say I don't like him! 2. Shinoji (from Utena and Ikkitousen) - They are both differant characters but....they both get on my NERVES. 3. Rubues (sailormoon) I don't know about you but he just straight ticks me off. 4. Taguro brothers - EWWW never!!!! I'm sorry but they were bent on power and greed took control over them. No thank you and The older, and much smaller, Taguro is creepy! [B] People I'm in between of yesing and noing: [/B] 1. Karasu - umm really hot but the whole he's obsessed with Kurama and when he loves things he likes to destroy them. I'd hate to be his girlfriend but he sure is dreamy. 2. Michiru - I'm not really sure but I just don't like her for some odd reason yet I'd be willing to be around her and date her. Thats all I can think of for now...
  14. Well I really don't know because if you think about Anime is really good but the Manga is more informative but We dub the version so the quailty is taken away abit.
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