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About KikyoFan001

  • Birthday 06/08/1992

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    Im nice and i love o meet new people

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  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B][COLOR=Red]Im' not sure about some people but i think i am a very good swimmer! I love to swim! :sweat: . Lot's of people think so. I tought my self how to swim. My parent's tired but i was better off alone. So i worked on it and it was simple. :catgirl: . I think any one that put's there mind to it can do it.Dont' take much really.[/COLOR][/B][/FONT]
  2. Well all tou need to do is click on edit style's and pick color's then go to a site with your fav. character's picture and type in the site's picture's URL and your all set. Well you'll know what im talking about with the URL when you see it. :catgirl: :animeswea .
  3. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]I think some are hot. Like Inuyasha, Koga, Sesshomaru, Miroku, & lots of other's. :animeswea Ok that seems like alot but i only like the ones that are hot so that dont matter to me. Beside's not all of them can be hot. So yeah...? :animeshy: [/B] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. I thought it be nice to have this thread for Inuyasha fan's. To talk about the show and your favorite character's. So i say to evryone have some fun talking about Inuyasha, and if you like other show's you can feel free to talk about them to! :catgirl: :rotflmao:
  5. [quote name='wolf45neko45']there are soooooo many anime songs out there!!!!!! i also like wind from naruto(sp?) .hack//sign aura is cool too! and witch hunter robin silence! :animesmil[/quote] How did you get those awsome icon thing's ya know that inuyasha and the moveing cat :catgirl: Please let me know!
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]My Favorite one is Fukai Mori from Inuyasha actualy i like them all! :sweat: [/B] [/COLOR]
  7. But not all people think so. Some of the popular girls think i am a poser. Now that gets to me. Cuase im really not i really see my self as an average person. But no one but my friend 's Really know what i am. Suer i may have my crazy jiper moments........alot :animeshy: . But besides that i really dont know but i just think im a ordinary teen age girl! :raspberry
  8. Love can't be determind at first site. I mean you can have an instant crush cuase you think he's cute. But love is'nt that simple! Thats just how it is. :luv: :nope:
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]But thats a foolesh thing to do! I mean i actualy had my friends do it. Its just kinda the wrong move. Cuase it show's them your a cowered. Then they lose all respect even if you did break up with them. You dident show you care. You know that type of thing. But im' in the 8th grade and im' gonna change that and if you do the same please try to find courage to stop and honor your relation ship that your about to end.I know i was bit pushy but i' kinda relizeing my self thats what i should do so,, :animesigh . Well im' a bit imbarised! :animeblus [/B] [/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=Blue][B]im no expert but i dont think you can do anything i would just submit it to where you really wanted to be and just dont bother with the other one you submited. well that was my advise. :huh: [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple] ps. not all people really do help so i thought that i should try and give you my advise on your problem. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  11. [B][COLOR=Purple]Mine is Inuyasha. Its is exiteing and its something i enjoy.... Alot! :catgirl: Of course that dosent mean i dont like other shows its just my favorite one! :animesigh But any way thats the question and i gave my answer.[/COLOR][/B] :animeswea
  12. [COLOR=Purple][COLOR=Red][B]when i first started watching anime i was at least 9 years old. I liked Family Guy and futurerama and still do. But im' 13 now and i love the show inuyasha ive been watching that show sence i was 10! I am obsessed with that show i have 2 inuyasha posters,2 inuyasha action figures of kikyo and sesshoumaru, the inuyasha game, the 2 inuyasha movies, 8 of the dvd's for the episodes, and some t-shirts, and a jacket, and a bunch of pictures on my board on my wall[/COLOR]. [/B] [/COLOR] :animeshy:[COLOR=Magenta] [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]well i guess thats a bit weird of me to just come out and brag like that. oh well ill' just end it here.[/COLOR] :animeswea[/B][/COLOR]
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