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Everything posted by narutobleachfan
has anybody ever read 666 satan. i found it on mangaviewer.com and its awsome. Is by the twin brother of the creater of naruto too! wich is really cool. any way, on the site they have 15 chpters (the chapters are pretty long) and i finished them all and i just can't wait for more! if anybody has read it, wut do u think of it and do u now where i can find scanlations of chapters 16 and up? and if u haven't read it, i suggest u try it! its awsome! :animesmil
i know if u've seen some of my other post, ur like "this guy is obsessed!" but it would have to be naruto man. he's always hungry, thick-headed, doesn't like somebody showing him up, and always creating stupid useless things (like his sexy no jutsu). my point is i'm always hunger, i'm thick-headed, i don't like to be shown up by people, and i create stupid and useless thing too so we'd be like almost the same person and who better to share a room with than yourself. :animesmil o yea and the character i wouldn't want to share a room with would have to be mugen from samurai champloo, i don't know why but he kindda creeps me out. [color=#6699cc]Before you continue posting, please review our [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/url], particularly the point about incoherent or sloppy posts. Consider this a warning and a request to improve your post quality. Failure to improve your posting style will result in a ban. -Lore[/color]
first off, i would like to say, your going to get busted by the mods for posting a thread about animes that already have threads about them. but as far as naruto goes, i read the manga before i saw the anime and the difference is clear. in the anime they take a lot of time to explain everything and one thing like a blood line limit can take several minutes to explain in the anime wile it only takes one page or less to explain in the manga. in that respect the manga is MUCH more fast paste. i actually prefer the manga over the anime olny because it moves along fanster. but both are still very good and if u like the anime, only most definitly like the manga as much if not more than you like the anime. hope i helped :animeswea
Anime Is American anime (Teen Titans) real anime?
narutobleachfan replied to a topic in Otaku Central
i have to agree with everybody that says they are influenced by actually anime but aren't actual anime. shows like avatar and teen titans, are just missing something that all other animes have that i just can't put my finger on. and of course, they're not from japan so even if u called it anime u can't call it authentic anime, more like a rip off of japanese anime. -
i don't know if there is already an anime version of kingdom hearts although my sister tells mr about a kingdom hearts manga on one of the websites she goes on but it would be interestiong to have a kingdom hearts anime (if there already isn't one) but i'm not sure how they would do it so i'm also not sure if it would be good but it would be cool to see.
i think the reason a lot of ppl think it is kiddish is because of all the animes that 4kids and other companies like that have edited and produced in america like pokemon. and i somebody that doesn't know nething about anime automatically think "pokemon! wut a stupid show!" but luckiely, people in my school really have no problem with anime or manga. in fact a lot of my friends (and my sister) love manga and anime as much as i do. and if nebody does have a problem with anime or manga, they simply didn't take the time to learn more about it and assumed it was just like pokemom or other shows like that. at least that my opinion. but wut do i know? :animeswea
Anime Is American anime (Teen Titans) real anime?
narutobleachfan replied to a topic in Otaku Central
i've been seeing a lot of ppl talk about this show on theotaku.com and i never really thought of it as an anime. but would u consider teen titans an anime? i can see how it could be an anime. it has the same type of art as some of thos funny animes like naruto and it has a lot more detail in the art then regular cartoons. and of course the japanese theme song. just really curious so let me know wut u think about teen titans. thanx everybody. :animeswea P.S. and if a site administraters see this and says "there is already a thread about teen titans" don't get mad at me because i ran a search and it didn't come up. -
i saw one episode and i was really confused, all i remember is some girl hitting a kid in the head with a gitaur and then he had a lump on his head that a robot came out of, i saw the manga in stores and thought about picking it up, thinking it would help me understand ita lil better but my sis already read part of it and said it was pretty confusing so i figured the manga wasn't that muck better. but other than the story, it was pretty good, i like the art, music, and the comedy. i'm thinking twice about picking up the manga if i get the chance. but i'll deffinitly keep an eye open for it on adult swim again, its a funny anime and even if i don't get it its still pretty funny. :animesmil
i like the character depth, action. and i just love the look of it, its just so amazing that somedoby drew it. anime is just so different from everything else on tv. thats why i like anime :animeswea and, by the way, if u don't really like manga, why do u have an account on this site?
bset villian: sasuke from naruto (after he reaches curse level 2 best hero: it a tie between ichigo from bleach and naruto from naruto :animesmil
bset villian: sasuke from naruto (after he reaches curse level 2 best hero: ichigo from bleach
on my site, it doesn't show my post and i know i have posts but they on't show up. does nebody no wut to do.
i follow no sterio types. i like rock, alt. rock, some country, no rap. i love to play basketball and football. i love manga and also have one with me at school. and i wear a bunch of different styles ( i wear smaller and larger shirts, i wear jeans, kakies, and basketball shorts and i have both expensive and inexpensive shoes.) i am my own person :animesmil
something weird is happening on my otaku site, none of my post or quiz results are showings and i DO have post and i Have selected to show my quiz results all that shows is my profile, avatar, and the puzzle that is part of my profile. can nebody help me? its getting aggrivating :animeangr
[QUOTE=r2vq]Same goes in Shaman King's Len/Ren. I always assumed that the main reason they used "Zolo" instead of "Zoro" is because there is already a popularized swordsman named Zorro. They might be afraid of arguments at the copyright courts. -ArV[/QUOTE] thats wut my first thought was
its me too. i'm worrie about the release of naruto on cartoon network. i hope they don't take out all the good stuff. and i cant help but think that they wont show naruto's "sexy no jutsu"
i was watching this show on g4 and they had dvduesday and they were talking about the dvd Steamboy directors cut and it looked really good. but wut i want to know is if anybody here has seen it and if it is worth buying? i want a second, or third or.. so on, oppinion on it before i buy it. thanx peeps :animesmil
1 dvd and two comics :animeswea
[QUOTE=Dagger]Hm... this might fit under the umbrella of the other recent editing thread, but I'll leave that up to Solo's discretion. Please don't spread false information. [b]4Kids does not have the license to Naruto[/b]--and if they did, it would air on Fox rather than CN. Viz Entertainment is the company which has licensed the series. The individual DVDs will be edited, but the box sets will be uncut & bilingual. I don't think it's particularly difficult to predict 4Kids' future activity, haha. They're never going to target the niche fan market--that's just not where the real money lies, at least from their perspective. They've made their position on the matter pretty clear, as far as I'm concerned. FUNimation was allowed to produce uncut DVDs of a couple of their series, but I believe that all of those were releases have been stalled or stopped altogether. Also, [b]IceRose[/b], I'm going to have to disagree with you there. One Piece didn't exactly do well in the ratings, but financially I'm sure they're quite secure. If anything, their strategy will leave them far better off than many of the fan favorite companies who may lack the resources to continue struggling through the current market slump. Does this make me happy? No, but it's the way things are. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] thank u for clarifing who has the liscence to naruto altho i didn't ask, and i wasn't refering to naruto soecifically and the reason i thought that is because one of my friends, who nows a lot more about anime than me told me that and i thought i could trust so i wasn't intentionally spredding false information, fyi and i've just changed, i don't mind if u point out things that are wrong, infact, i thank you for it, just don't assumeing that i did it intentionally
alright, i wanted to create this thread to discuss how u fell about and wut u think of 4kids and wut u think that might end up doing to up coming anime on cartoon network. i mean they've messed up anime before (one piece), they've even messed up names! y would they feel the need to change a name from "zoro" to "zolo"?! but my piont is, wut do expect of 4kids in the future? do u think they will be accuretly bringing new anime series to the states or completely killing series by cutting them to pieces?
does nebody know how to getthos puzzle things that a lot of ppl have onto ur site or how to make the inner background transparent? if u do, can u plz reply? thanx :animesmil
i can honestly say that i've never had an imaginary friend :animesmil
i just read get backers today and it was awsome and a bit of a nosebleeder :animenose haha. it was really good the action and comedy are great and are perfectly blended. and i love their powers. especially his "evil eye" i can't remeber his name, i just read it today and i don't have it with me :animeswea . has nebody eles read get backers?
i checked out some new manga today and yesterday and i've found two series i liked and one i didn't like to much. i tried excel saga and i didn't like it that musch. it was confusing. but two i liked were samurai deeper kyo and get backers. they were both really good.
bleach is my fav manga along with naruto.the action, the comedy, and the art are amazing. i just love it.i've read all the volumes out so far :animeswea and i cant wait till the next one, how far are u into the series?