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Slightly cynica

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Everything posted by Slightly cynica

  1. Actually my older sis did. She checked the online tv guide line up checked cartoon network for any new shows. Escaflowne appeared after she skipped to August. :animesmil
  2. If you notice, alot of them are girls. Isn't it that in Japan, the more high and girly a girls voice is the more of a cute women she is? I think it's from a different point of view being as we are American and not Japanese. To them it's probaly most adorable. While women with deep voices who are less annoying are either villians or tomboys.
  3. I dunno about you, but I feel that the anime I'm watching is more authentic if it's subbed. (tho reading the subtitiles is a pain....especially when they talk real fast) Dubbed sounds cheesy and most of the voices are recycled. I much rather like Subbed the Dubbed :cool:
  4. I was so happy to see that Escaflowne (the anime) is coming to Adult swim later in Fall. Am I the only one excited? I saw the first 5 episodes when I was very young and I haven't seen it again since. It's a great anime and I'm happy AS is bringing it to regular tv :catgirl:
  5. I have always wondered why in Anime and Manga why there is a slight anydrogynous air to alot of them. Mostly in men it occurs. (Men tend to look much like women) Even my brother is always confused which character is which gender. Men with long hair are more 'pretty' and considered handsome (bishounen). Girls with short hair are usually considered less attractive and tough. Tomboyish. Ex in Anime: Hotohori (Fushugii Yugi) Ed (Cowboy Bebop) Ex in Manga: Yoshitomo Kouno (Happy hustle high) Chiaki (The Demon Ororon) There are many other examples but those are the ones I noticed most. Is it a reflection of Japanese culture? (I don't know in what way though) Or just...pretty boys and masuline girls? (I'm not saying all of them are androgynous, just many) :animestun
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