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About BasouKazuma

  • Birthday 11/17/1986

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  1. Betterman isn't a good anime. It's pretty standard stuff. If it's number three on your personal list of animes ... you simply must've not watched many animes at all. There are plenty of anime series that are WAY better than Betterman. In fact, here's a short list of examples though I could create a huge list of anime series that are better. In no real order .... Evangelion Kino no Tabi Berserk Cowboy Bebop Trigun FLCL Rurouni Kenshin Ghost in the Shell Escaflowne AIR Kimi Ga Nozumu Eien etc.
  2. A) I would beat the **** out of that little girl. B) This thread is almost definitely considered as SPAM! We don't need more people posting pointless threads on forums, which is what you are suggesting that we all go out and do. I get enough of this crap on myspace.com with all those dumb bulletins, but now it's here on the forums. So mods, you know what to do.
  3. [QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Most people who know me in real life know that I don't really watch television at all, led alone cartoons or anime. However, I've seen a couple of anime shows, but most of them seem beyond me -- so much so that I find it difficult to envision the devotion to anime most fans have. It could just be that I don't understand the backstory, and thus I feel lost in these worlds that don't really seem like reality. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] So I was wondering about you, the anime fans, point of view. What is it, specifically, that attracts you to anime rather than -- oh, you know, [i]Neighbours [/i]or [i][Insert Country] Idol[/i]? [Let me make it clear that I don't watch either of those, haha]. Is it the style or the characters or...what, specifically? I'm not posting this because I'm judgemental, or anything, heh. I'm just interested to know what you guys think is the reason you like it so much. ^-^" [/size][/font][/QUOTE] Hahaha, you remind me of Kasuga Saki from the anime Genshiken. She wasn't an otaku but she was pretty much constantly around otakus. Even by being around them so much she still never understood what motivates an otaku. I like animes cuz the creators can do things in animes that are almost impossible to do in a normal live action movie or show. You can't have a guy in live action movie weild a 6 foot long, 3 foot wide sword without having it look stupid. Though stuff like that is becoming more possible just by looking at films like the Matrix and Casshern. In 5 to 10 years we will almost definitely be able to pull stuff off like that in live action movies. American cartoonists don't take their cartoons as seriously as the japanese which is why I only really watch a handful of american cartoons, like Simpsons, Family Guy, ATHF, Sealab 2021, etc. Pretty much I only watch american cartoons that are all about comedy. I watched a few cartoons with actual plots but never really finished watching any of them. Where as I've seen every episode of Family Guy and most episodes of Simpsons ... though I haven't been watching many of the newer Simpsons episodes. Truthfully I am becoming less interested in anime since most anime are targeted at people younger than myself. I really don't like how cutesy everything has to be, I like watching grittier anime. Anime that addresses issues, in worlds where things don't always just work out for the main character and where the lines between those who are good and evil are hard to distinguish. Where things are just not clear in general. I bet in a few years I will only watch serious anime. Anywhodidily, what animes have you watched?
  4. [quote name='Kato_Ama']The creator did not kill himself. However, he was going through a lot when making Eva and that's really what eva is all about, the problems in his head.[/quote] Yea, Hideaki Anno had a nervous breakdown or something after he finished Evangelion. He had to take things easy for a while. I'm not sure if he ever really recovered but I think he has, somewhat.
  5. [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]I read something that said it would be released 10/11/05. From the looks of the trailer the graphics have that 'killer 7' look to them. I wonder if it will be rated 'M'. ~Wes~[/QUOTE] You shouldnt reffer to it as "killer 7" type graphics. It's called cell-shading and it's been around for years. Killer 7 would only be the latest game to use that style.
  6. JUST DON'T READ MY POST UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND THE MOVIE! The End of Evangelion is an alternate ending to the show. So it's basically the last 2 or 3 episodes completely redone with a different story. That would be why Shinji is still confused when End of Evangelion starts up. [spoiler]He may have choked Asuka cuz he may have actually wanted someone else to be there with him, so he just couldn't control his anger. I'm really not exactly sure why he choked her. In the movie Shinji makes the choice that he wants mankind to live on. I'm pretty sure everyone dies at the end of the movie, except for Shinji and Asuka who are basically the new Adam and Eve. Mankind may have suffered many casualties but it will ultimately continue on through Shinji and Asuka.[/spoiler] I doubt there is ever gonna be an animated continuation fo Evangelion since it is pretty much complete as it is. There is gonna be a live action movie of Evangelion. It's gonna be american made for the most part. Not much is known about it other than WETA workshop is doing the special effects. But, It IS gonna be made. That's a fact. It might take a while though. The movie almost definitely won't tell the story of what happens after End of Evangelion. There are rumors that it is gonna be a series of movies, probably a trilogy. That should've answered most of your questions.
  7. It's just you. ;) I don't worry cuz I'll just download the fansub instead of buying a DVD that just has the dubbed audio track. Also, the Advent Children DVD will have the original japanese audio with engilsh subtitles, whether or not there is a dubbed track. I'm 99% confident in that statement.
  8. OH! I figured that you were running internet explorer off of the Pc that was screwed up. How come it shows "iexplore.exe" running on the messed up PC? Were you actually using it at the time or not? If you haven't used internet explorer since your pc screwed up, i strongly suggest that you hit end process for "iexplore.exe" and see if that helps. Lots of spyware runs through internet explorer. So if you aren't actively using internet explorer and it shows up in your process list, that should mean that some malicious program is using it. Try ending it if you havent already done so since my first post here.
  9. Nice double post, Gav! Since i do not wish to discuss this here and draw this thread off topic as Gavin has, here's a link to where I am moving this religious conversation for anyone who wants to go any further with this topic. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48642[/url] I'm starting to hate Rockstar games for pushing so far and creating this whole problem with censorship. I'm strongly against censorship and this just doesnt help at all. Worst case scenario: game designers will have less creative freedom, which would blow.
  10. To start off, I made this thread to divert a religious dispute that was brewing in a thread in the gaming section .... which just shouldn't happen. So instead of dragging that thread far off topic, I will post what I was gonna post in that thread .... here .... below the link .... RIGHT DOWN THERE YOU BLIND *.... sorry .... that outburst was uncalled for ... :D :rotflmao: [b]LINK TO OLD THREAD[/b] ---->[url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48620[/url] [b]WHAT HE SAID[/b] [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. The correlation between violent video games and acts of violence in real life are at best supposition, there have been no clear studies done so far that link absolutely and beyond all doubt violence in videogames and violence in the real world. Some individuals are more prone to violent acts than others, it's a simple accepted fact, did Jack the Ripper have a nice game of Hitman before he went off and committed his horrific murders ? I think not. The fact is for years violent videogames have been used as scapegoats for society's ills as a whole, rather than simply addressing the problem most politicians seem to be content to sit back and say "It's all Rockstar's fault for creating these games". That said however when games become violent to the point where it is not only horrific but gratuitous i.e. Manhunt, then there does need to be a bit of thought on the side of the developers. Violence by itself does not influence a person, if it did then anyone who played Grand Theft Auto would be out there beating some poor sod's head in for a few euro, or robbing a car or God forbid in a country where gun access is common killing someone. Half of these so called "GTA" influenced crimes are nothing but a defence solicitor telling his/her client that by pleading they were influenced by a violent videogame then it may generate publicity for the case and mercy of the individual because of they were being influenced by a force outside their control. Long story short, there will always be violent people in our society, it is something brought from when human's were primitive savages and as such is in each an everyone of us. However as human being who are civilised for the most part we have common sense and a sense of what is right and wrong, watching violent movies may show acts of violence but normal people should be able to distinguish between that which is real and that which is not.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As I said before this "replication of GTA" is for the most part utter crap, the fact that the child may have had a predilection for violence seems painfully obvious at this point. This person in the first place would have had to be clearly aware that what he was doing was [b]not[/b] the same as Grand Theft Auto, as any person with half a brain cell would be able to comprehend. Where were the boy's parents ? did he watch violent movies ? was he known to have a violent demeanour ? how was he proficient enough to discharge a police officer's weapon when there's a safety on all firearms ? A litany of questions which are not answered because it's easier to say he was influenced by a semi realistic videogame. In the context of the man suing, was he directly affected by Rockstar and it's product as well as it's distributors ? or was he just looking for quick money by hoping on a band wagon. It's sheer stupidity, it's like suing McDonald's because their food is fattening, you have the choice not to buy it. As I said before, certain people are violent by nature, a proven psychological fact. Any act or action can provoke these people into acts of violence and as such blaming the catalyst rather than the person seems rather a rather imaginative choice.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As a Roman Catholic I read those three responses with both amazement an utter disbelief. I'm going to address each of these people in turn to prove to them that religion is in fact [b]not[/b] the source of violent behaviour. I will be the first to admit that the Catholic Church was not the pillar of virtue it should have been for many centuries, abuses rampant in the Church stripped away it's core values because those in charge were not virtuous men. The Catholic Church is based on the teaching of Christ, love, compassion, generosity, decency, things most people regard as morally right because religion taught them that they were morally right. Where as greed, violence, hate and anger as seen as wrong because ? yes you guessed it, religion informed the people that such ideas, acts and emotions were wrong. [B]Takuya[/b] As I said, the Catholic Church has committed acts of violence in the past, but the Crusades were not instigated by the Church. Rather the Crusades were a geo-political war, rather than a religious was, the Holy Land was important not just for religious reasons but also military and defence reasons. The fact remains that wars between Powers in the Middle East and Europe were common place, the fact that these for both trade reasons and those of religion does not mean that religion itself was responsible. As I stated before, those acts are not at the core beliefs of any major religions, whether Catholic, Protestant or other Christian based, Islam, Judaism or other religions. The Spanish Inquisition took place during what was basically a civil war, a religious civil war but a civil war none the less, Catholicism had been the only Christian religion and with the advent of Protestantism it was causing a schism is the Church. Violent acts took place on both sides because it was for better or worse a civil war between Catholics, however it was because of that civil war that the Church was able to finally get rid of it's crippling abuses. I'm not trying to justify that violence, it was wrong and any Catholic today would accept that, but are you seriously saying that violence that occurred during the American Civil War was not wrong because it wasn't religiously based. That those who owned slaves in the South and treated them as sub-human were not wrong because it wasn't religious based. The fact is that those who commit acts of violence in the name of God are not acting in his name because they do not act as he has instructed them to. These are people called extremists and they exist in every major area of life, whether religious, political or ideological. [b]BasouKazuma[/b] That fact that you say that a religious person's beliefs are "[i]probably wrong[/i]" is half the problem. That fact that I believe what I believe in is right doesn't make me stubborn, it's simply the basis of faith. And to say that because religion is strong in many countries is some how a bad thing is something I feel deeply troubled. Your statement is (no offence) filled with such arrogance that it is rather amusing, you say probably wrong as though you have some inconclusive proof that it is wrong, but add in probably just in case you are wrong. I'm not trying to be offensive, but an atheist has no right to say that my beliefs are wrong or evil because they don't agree with them. [b]Morpheus[/b] No Morpheus, [I]fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering[/I]. All jokes aside as I have state before religious beliefs are not responsible for hate, unless of course the core beliefs stipulates as such but no major religion of this world comes anywhere near such a belief system. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [b]WHAT I SAY![/b] Oh sorry for not explaining myself more indept, i meant to say that part of their beliefs are probably wrong. Most religious people believe that everything in their religion is correct without question which is the wrong way to look at things. There are plenty of religions and there are plenty of people in those religions that believe that their religion is the 'right' religion. So how can one person possibly think that their religion is 100% right? I'm agnostic so I'm not against god, it's just that religious groups are too confined in their beliefs that they will not except anything else. You blame your stubbornness on faith, which is precisely the problem. It doesnt matter what the reason is, the fact is that religion makes you stubborn. Stubborness is what causes many conflicts, be it a small quarrel or a war. There needs to be more unification but religious beliefs are one of the biggest factors that divide us as humans. That is why I would like to see a world without religious groups, that's the only way we can truely come together especially since the barriors between races are really starting to crumble. My parents are Pakistani so i know a lot about those countries which is why I brought up those paticular countries, if anyone was wondering. It's not like I'm your average dumb american who sees things like 9/11 and blame that part of the world for it all. I've been against extreme religious places long before 9/11 and for totally different reasons. You really must not know much about middle eastern countries. Religion gets in the way. Being an agnostic "muslim" I know this better than most. Islamic people just can't understand why I am agnostic. They think it is wrong for me to be agnostic and not pray to allah every minute of the day. If i were white, they couldnt care less if i were agnostic but since that isn't the case, it is unthinkable for a person of 100% Islamic decent to become anything other than a muslim. This is because religion controls every aspect of their life back in Pakistan, India, etc. The kids back in the middle east arent given a chance to actually formulate their own opinions on god since they are all 'brainwashed' into believing in Islam and Islam only. This is not the proper way to raise a person. They aren't raised to understand and acknoledge others beliefs. There is only their religion and all other religions don't matter to them. The middle east is the most extreme example, but similar things are present here in america, they are just not enforced as strictly. Most people follow the religion that their parents taught them. I have no respect for people who follow their parents religion without even considering other religions. Basically people like that have no clue what they are talking about. I thank god that my parents gave birth to me here in America. If i were born and raised in Pakistan, I would almost definitely become a muslim. In fact, if any of you were born and raised in Pakistan, you would've become muslims.That is how pointless religions are. They are mostly comprised of people who were forced into religion at an early age, when they weren't ready to make a good decision on religion. It's all a contest to see who can sign up the most people for their group. There's missionary work to "help" those less fortunate while brainwashing them with their one sided views. As if brainwashing them isn't the main point of these missionaries in the first place. The intentions of the missionaries themselves are good but the church system that sends them, is only truely interested in one thing. Religion isn't the only source of violence. It is, however, one of the major contriburting factors to violence though, since most religious people are not willing to admit to themselves or to anyone else that their religion might be the wrong religion to follow.
  11. Ya know what, if you have a spare hard drive, I think it would be easier to install windows on your spare hard drive. Then, when windows is up and running, back up all of the files that you want from the old hard drive to the spare one and reinstall whatever programs you want. INCLUDING FIREFOX!! That's the fail safe way of fixing most computer problems and once you're done you can format the old hard drive and use that one as a spare. If you don't want to do that or can't, then I would suggest trying out some tech forum instead of an anime forum such as this one. You'll probably get a lot more help in a tech forum.
  12. I think the manga would have to be completed before a new anime is made. The manga still has years to go b4 it's finished. So have some patience and read the manga while you're all waiting. FYI: Berserk is rated as #6 on animenfo.com's top anime list and it's #12 on anidb.net Is it against the rules to link to a site that provides scanlations?
  13. [quote name='Kato_Ama']Interesting replies. Haven't seen one from my position yet, though. What position would that be? Well, 19 year old virgin and I really don't mind. Hell, I crack jokes about it sometimes. The difference? I want to flippin lose it! :mad: Its not that I'm a loser or ugly either. Lol, the two main problems are that I'm shy and I want to lose it to someone I'm really in love with. Unfortunately, all this comes together to make and unhappy combination.[/quote] You shouldn't want it so bad. It's just sex. Somehow people think that they are a loser if they don't have sex. So they are somewhat pressured into wanting to get rid of their virginity. Anyway, since i didnt really answer the question b4, It's pretty much unacceptable to be a virgin after you're 30 years old. A 30+ year old would've had plenty of time to find someone they love.
  14. Try clicking on 'explorer.exe' and end that task. Then go to new task and run 'explorer.exe' .... worth a try if you haven't tried that already. Also, If I'm not mistaken "spools.exe" is a trojan. So end that process. END 'iexplore.exe' and never use it again! Internet Explorer breeds spyware, install Mozilla Firefox. I use it and I haven't had spyware problems in the longest time. I hope that works. Edit: I highly doubt that it is a problem of RAM cuz it wouldn't be able to load windows and make it to the log in screen if it didn't have enough RAM to run 'explorer.exe'. AND it's technically running, according to his process list, but it seems like it can't load any further cuz some outside source is hindering it. Which is probably 'spools.exe' and 'iexplore.exe'.
  15. I also agree with Takuya for the most part. Have you guys watched Bowling for Columbine? That movie was pretty much about how media is more to blame than video games. More specifically the night time News and scare tactics from the President. The violence that is supposedly spawned from video games doesnt really have anything to do with religion. So religious violence may be a big thing but it doesn't coincide with the type of violence that we are discussing here. Alcohol is a fairly good example as a cause of this type of violent behavior, though. Religion will be around for a long *** time. It's too deeply embeded in the world's cultures, especially places like India, Pakistan and the middle east in general. No one would ever dream of taking on a religion. There is almost no way to ever convince a religious person that they're beliefs are probably wrong. There is this illogical and stubborn nature of religious people when their religion is put into question .... but i digress ..... Rockstar games shouldnt have left that little bit of code in the game but it wasn't entirely their fault. It's like blaming the creators of the Sims for those nude patches. The fact remains that the product that goes off the shelf deserves an M rating. If someone wants to tinker with it at home, that's their problem. Also, the same kid could just as eaily pick up some porn off the internet, along with more indept sex games. GTA is the worst of the parents problems if porn is such a bad bad thing that worps peoples minds. I watched porn when i was 13 ... not like it really did anything to me. Some of these ultra conservative bastards have to open up their eyes. There really is no issue. I say, if the kid knows what it is and is smart enough to know how to install it, then he should be able to use it. Worst that could happen is that his mom walks in and has a heart attack. :animesmil
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