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Everything posted by BasouKazuma

  1. [quote name='magikpiggy']Sub all they way the sub voices OMG!what were they thinking :animeangr theyr so meen :animecry: how can they do that, lukily i will always wach sub if i have the chance the original is all you can need :catgirl: and even if they do talk fast sometimes u get used to it. Right now i have this nightmare of ffvii advent children having horrible dub :animedepr im terrified :wow: i dont know what 2 du[/quote] Haha, don't worrry. If you can't get a subbed copy of Advent Children, I'll make sure that you and anyone else who can't get it ... GETS IT. But I wouldnt worry, there will almost definitely be a subbed track on the FFVII-AC DVD.
  2. HAHAHAH! It's probably hentai judging by the positions and other subtle hints. It's probably not an anime worth looking into if I have no clue what it is.
  3. [quote name='Erriku']I started watching from episode 3 or 4 and ive seen them all since, its still some what confusing...[/quote] I take it that you are watchin the one on Cartoon Network since you said you started watching a few eps into the series. I haven't watched the dubbed version, but i can imagine that it would be harder to understand the story, when it's dubbed. I might be wrong though. Idk.
  4. Somewhere around age 7. I did watch some anime b4 that but I didn't really know what anime was 'till that age.
  5. Well I like more intellectual types of anime. One's that are original and make you think about various issues.
  6. It's always best to view something in it's original form. So I obviously choose subbed movies, shows, anime, etc. over dubbed.
  7. Well, it's kinda hard to understand your English .. but the original Ghost in the Shell and the sequel were both good. Innocence wasn't as great as the original but I liked it. I really like the series as well. I've watched up to episode 21 of the second season but the fansubber who's subbing it works very slowly so I'll probably end up waiting 6 or more months to get the last 5 episodes. The american DVD's will probably come our before he's done .. lol.
  8. Escaflowne aired like 5 years ago on Fox Box or something but no one watched it so it was canned after about 6 episodes. My little bro and I were so pissed off that it was canceled. I have long since watched it by now. It's a great show but i just don't watch anime that is dubbed on TV anymore.
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