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Everything posted by Beelzemon2000

  1. Cool here my profile: Name:Max Age:12 Side:Rocket Pokemon:Mewtwo
  2. Including all of the dragon ball Z and GT.I saw them in Mexico.They've showed all the episodes and arn't going to show it anymore.It's a thing of the past.
  3. I'm: Name:Carlos Gonzalez Hometown:Goldenrod City # of badges:28 Pokemon:Mewtwo,Moltres,Articuno,Zapdos,Raichu,Squirtle,Scizor,Dragonair,Charizard,Blissey,Arcanine,Ninetales,Steelix,Houndoom,PoliWrath,Hitmontop,Pidgeot,Porygon,Ledian,Mantine,Bulbasaur,Espeon,Umbreon,Mew,Eevee,Alakasam
  4. I'm going to create a pokemon tournament(I'm not trying to copy u Gary Oak I just want to make a tournament for myself.OK) Rules: First u have to sign up(Name,Which pokemons u have,hometown,# of badges) U can have 06 pokemon at a time but theres no gainig up like 2 on1 exept if u both decided on it. u choose how u want to fight. every time u win 20 matches ur digimon can evolve. no evolving during matches. u can trade pokemon with another trainer ENJOY!!!!:ball:
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