[QUOTE=Ai.sAkUrA.chan][FONT=Arial Black]Gorillaz are freakin sweet!
I heard of them from my cousin a long time ago, but was just...like nah...
Now i regret not listening to them back then so much!!![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black]But with their new CD out (Demon Days) i am obsessed with em'!
In fact, i have it myself, teeheehee...okies :animeshy:
All in all, Gorillaz rock![/FONT] :catgirl: kitty!![/QUOTE]
OMG that sounds alot like what happened to me!!! I first heard the Gorillaz when my cousin showed my the Feel Good inc video. I kinda liked the video but i was like "WTF?" I didn't like rap being in it and it was just wierd. But then I started to catch on and one day I got Demon Days!