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Everything posted by Qman1

  1. Qman1

    My art...

    [quote name='duoikari']you seem to have a persectives problem, (don't worry i had that) do you tilt your paper when you draw?.[/quote] Yeah, I do. (I cant do it straight) It feels more comfortable doing it slightly slanted...
  2. Qman1

    My art...

    [quote name='Syk3]I want to make a note here that this is the third instance that a moderator has had to tell you, [i]in this thread[/i'], that double posting is against the rules, and the second time that I'm telling you. Make sure you read the rules immediately, because we won't be giving warnings in the future. :)[/quote] Its ok to put a pic as an attachment if its too big isnt it?
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][I]1....because everyone wants to be numero uno.[/I][/COLOR]
  4. I cannot wait till this game comes out...Its finally going online. I cant wait to shoot up people. Subsistence is supposed to have MGS1 and 2 included also... who else is going to get this game?
  5. Qman1

    Adult Swim

    [QUOTE=arjem27][font=Arial][size=1][color=teal]I agree. ADULT SWIM WILL NEVER DIE! ... Super Milk Chan & Tom goes to the mayor. I didn't like those shows at all. 5 years eh? Spiffy. I've also seen Inuyasha & Wolfs Rain from the beginining towards the end. Very good animes. -Well, In my opinion =/- So anything special going to happen when the anniversary comes by? :animesigh[/color] [/size][/font][/QUOTE]Some animes also didnt work tell well either ([i]Witch Hunter Robin[/i], [i]Reing[/i], and some others). Yep, it'll be 5 yrs this September. Inuyasha is a very long series. (I havent seen the whole thing yet) Wolf's Rain was one of my favorites. Dont know about the anniversary, but something probably will happen. [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] [quote name='Alchemist1080']Ive watched adult swim from the jump, and I agree that it has kept its popularity since then. i have been watching Family Guy and Home Movies on it. and now that it has The Boondocks and anime like Ghost in the Shell: stand alone complex, it has me staying up even more now.[/quote]Ive watched it from the start too. [i]FG[/i] is good, but I couldnt get into [i]Home Movies[/i]. [i]The Boondocks[/i] is AWESOME! and the second season of [i]GITS:SAC[/i] is good too. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed. I know I've warned you about this at least once before though I can't remember specifically when. Either way, just be sure to use the edit button if you would like to add more to your last post. You can still quote by manually adding quote tags ([*quote=user name]...[/quote] - just remember to remove the *) and copying and pasting the message into your post.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  6. My favorite video game theme song is "Snake Eater" from [I]Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater[/I]. It felt like I was listening to a [I]James Bond[/I] movie again....but that is what made it so good..
  7. Qman1

    Adult Swim

    [quote name='Kuai']I enjoyed watching Adult Swim. There were a few shows that were not worth watching but for the most part the people that run the network have a good taste in comedy and action. I believe that Adult Swim will be around for a very long time but nothing lasts forever so it will eventually die. There is no other network on the air day or night or both that has such a large selection of good shows from such a large group of different genres.[/quote] Some shows were kind of dumb (Super Milk Chan, Tom Goes To The Mayor, etc) But, they do have a good selection of comedy and anime. This September will mark the 5 years that Adult Swim has been on the air. Hard to believe right? Adult Swim is the most watched late night televison. Adult Swim will never die :animesmil
  8. 10/10 AWESOME! The pic of Naruto is great! The colors are good and Naruto is looking very aggressive. Good job!
  9. [QUOTE=Genkai]You've gotta be pissing me putting a compilation as a greatest album Midnight Marauders ius definiteely my favorite TCQ album, but there's no way that anybody could think that a complilation would ever be better than any of their albums except maybe beats, rhymes, and life. Anyway, TCQ are fly *** ****. Today mostly whiteboys listen to them, but they always get respect from everybody. Geniuses.[/QUOTE] Well, I think that The Love Movement was their best album. Midnight Marauders was good too. (had a few songs on there I liked) I have The Anthology now (which is really just like the beats, rhymes, and rarites)
  10. Qman1

    The Boondocks

    Remember the comic strip? Well, now its an animated series that is being shown on Adult Swim. (Sundays @ 11 pm and Saturdays at 11 pm) I saw The Boondocks for the first time a few weeks ago, and I must say.....I LOVED IT! It is everything that I was hoping for. (Based on the promos seen) The dialouge goes along with the many stories of The Boondocks. Although some people may find this a TAD offense (I was surprised the "N" word was used a lot, but guess who is doing the V/O of Granpa? John Witherspoon....remember him from the Friday movies? The people doing the voices for the characters are also good. (Regina King and someone else) All in all, this show is witty, culturally diverse, a bit on the wild side, and down right funny! For those who watch it, is it a good series? (It must be, since its up for a nomination)
  11. Qman1

    My art...

    [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I don't see any links in your original or current post. Maybe you forgot to add them in on your last update? [b]EDIT:[/b] The pictures just took a while to load up, nevermind. However, your pictures, specifically the last one, look like they were stretched out of their original proportion. Did you modify them in an image editing program, or is it just drawn like that?[/size][/QUOTE]The last one, I streched it. (But it wasnt THAT big though) [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] My favorite pic that I put on here is the pic of Goku. Ive been drawing DBZ pics since elementary school. (actually, on the other side of the pic of Goku is a colored version, with words going around his body saying, "Goku". I did it for an English class back in 8th grade) I really like that one, but some people say that it looks werid....but it looks fine to me... [color=teal]Please note the Edit button at the bottom of your posts, as double posts are not allowed. -Syk3[/color]
  12. Qman1

    Little Brother

    Ive listened them and I love Little Brother! (the song is "Lovin It") Their brand of music is very good. Its down to earth, the beats are good, and the rhymes are fantastic. Who else has heard their music?
  13. We've seen these images of bumps with muisic to go with them. Have any of you ever wondered why they did this? Well, to take up air time and show their creative side. Most of the music used for the bumps is great. Musical contributors such Psyche Origami, Yesterdays New Quintet, Madlib and Five Deez are just a few contibutors. Some of the pics used are either still frame or in motion. To see some of the bumps of adult swim. go to [font=Verdana][color=blue][Link removed][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=#0000ff][/color][/font] [b][font=Verdana][color=#0000ff]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] [font=Verdana][color=#0000ff]The link was broken so I took it out.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=#0000ff]- Petie[/color][/font]
  14. Why does it take so long to update the Fan art section of theotaku? Ive sent some pics in and ONLY 2 have been submitted. Just wondering....(if this has already been answered then Im sorry for wasting your time)
  15. Qman1


    Does anyone remember that show on MTV called Fear? It used to come on about 2 or 3 years ago. The basic setting of the show was that they would get some 20 year olds together and have them go to "supposedly" haunted places. I was hooked for a while, but then the show was cancelled after 2 seasons. (I think it lasted 2 seasons)
  16. [QUOTE=ScreamSin]Demon Arm [URL=http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=demonarm5zl.jpg][IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/821/demonarm5zl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] A werewolf. [URL=http://img415.imageshack.us/my.php?image=werewolf8zb.jpg][IMG]http://img415.imageshack.us/img415/2269/werewolf8zb.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] My personal favorite, Phoenix. [URL=http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=phoenix5xl.jpg][IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6203/phoenix5xl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Comments?[/QUOTE] The first pic looks like it was drawn by a kid...unless you are a kid then Im sorry for being so blunt. The are is awesome though, the pic in general could've been better. The second is good. Was it draw in MS Paint? Its cartoony. I LOVE THE THIRD PIC! THe colors are right and the is flashy and vibrant. That pic of the Phoenix is good.
  17. I like the fact that they remade "The Twilight Zone" for the 21st century. I havent seen any new episodes though....maybe the should go back to its roots to get the series going again?
  18. Qman1

    My art...

    [QUOTE=sakurasuka][center][size=1]Definitely not bad. How old are you? I like the style that you have, it's unique, I must say. There are some things, however, that put these sketches on the 'Meh' listing for me. You have a rather skewed view of proportions. The head on spike looks rather squished, like you were running out of room on the page or something. The Trigun one is rather good. I can't say that I have much to critique about it. Goku has similar proportion and perspective issiues to the first one. The hair looks rather forced, like you were trying so hard to simulate Toriyama's style that you made it look somewhat wierd, to be honest. Still, you have mad potential. Just practice a bit more, okay?[/size] [/center] [/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. For the first pic of Spike, I actually was running out of space because, I drew it in a regular notebook. (not a sketch book, which I did have at the time, but choose to draw it in a regular notebook) Im almost 18 yrs old. Thanks for compliment on my pic of Vash. TO ME, that one that I drew kind of sucks.....but thats just my opinion. I thought that pic of Goku was rather, well....VERY good. (since I DID draw it back in 8th grade) But, thanks again for the feedback, and thanks for voting. :animesmil [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] I just updated. (see the pic of Mugen) I think a did a FAIRLY good job with it. (Some say the lips are too big and even though the hair is blowing in the air, it looked lop-sided) What do you think of it? [color=teal]I edited this for you after deleting a spam post. -Syk3[/color]
  19. (Courtesy of [url]WWW.1UP.COM[/url]) It's official: the word from Amsterdam is that we now know that we have to save up from here until the holidays, because the launch window games at X05 have just been announced and, trust me, they will make you very happy. There's really a little something for everyone on the list. Read and revel in it... Launch Window Titles: Kameo: Elements of Power (MGS-Rare Ltd.). Perfect Dark Zero (MGS-Rare Ltd.). Project Gotham Racing 3(MGS-Bizarre Creations Ltd.) Other Announced Titles: Crackdown (MGS-Real Time Worlds). Gears of War (MGS-Epic Games Inc.) Too Human (MGS-Silicon Knights). Mass Effect (MGS-BioWare Corp.) FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup (Electronic Arts) Saint's Row (THQ Inc.) Full Auto (SEGA Corp.) Condemned: Criminal Origins (SEGA) Franchise titles that will make their debut on Xbox 360: Superman Returns: The Videogame (Electronic Arts) Call of Duty 2(Activision Inc.) Castle Wolfenstein(id Software) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks LLC) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 4 (Ubisoft Entertainment) Quake 4 (Activision, id Software and Raven Software Corp) MotoGP Ultimate Racing Technology (URT) 2006 (THQ)
  20. Qman1

    My art...

    [QUOTE=Dagger]I'm not sure how you could have missed Syk's warning--but once again, please do not double-post. In the future (in situations when you're the last one to have posted in a thread), either edit the new content into your current post, or delete the current post and submit a new one. Thanks. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Sorry, I havent exactly read the rules of the boards. (these rules are different from other MSG boards Ive been on) But, I will be more cautious as to what I write/do. Sorry again. (What did you think of that pic that I put in the FIRST post now?)
  21. "Tank" by the Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop) "Rush" by the Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop) "Battlecry" by Nujabes (Samurai Champloo) "Greenbird" by Seatbelts
  22. (Courtesy of [url]www.1up.com[/url]) [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Times New Roman]A secret source who spends his days rifling through Rockstar's garbage (no, really!) tells us that the company will be announcing two special edition Grand Theft Auto packages tomorrow to promote the newly cleaned-up, Hot Coffee-free version of San Andreas. The first is for Xbox owners, dubbed The Trilogy, and will include GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas together in one pack for $59.99. The second is the PS2 San Andreas Special Edition which will include the new version of the game, along with a second DVD featuring the prequel movie (previously only available if you bought the soundtrack CD) and the recently announced Sunday Driver feature. We hear the PS2 game will be priced at $49.99. Both packs should be in stores on October 18th, just as hype for the PSP's Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories starts buzzing off the charts. [/FONT] [/COLOR] Im gonna get the PS2 version. ( I wanna see that sequel!)
  23. Qman1

    Adult Swim

    Adult Swim has been on for 4 years now. Its been the MOST watch late night television since its apperance. It broadcasts Anime and Comedy shows. Anime such as Cowboy Bebop, Wolfs Rain, Blue Gender, Reign, Trigun, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, Big O, and a few other animes make up the Anime part of adult swim. Comedy shows such as Family Guy, American Dad, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Tom Goes to the Mayor, Stroker and Hoop, are a few others are the shows that make up the Comedy part of Adult Swim. In 2002, Adult Swim started showing "Viewer Cards". A viewer card was a B&W text box. The person would write something on the adult swim message boards, in the hopes of it being aired on Thursday. This lasted until late August/Early September of 2005. Now, the viewer cards are only being shown on Sundays, and then being repeated throughout the week. Adult Swim was so popular, that it started selling merchandise, a message board was created, and the site was redesigned twice. ADULT SWIM WILL ALWAYS BE POPULAR!
  24. (Courtesy of [url]www.1up.com[/url]) Short of securing exlusivity over Final Fantasy, nobody expected Microsoft to blow Sony out of the water at Tokyo Game Show; not only is it the company's home turf, but Xbox 360, despite significant improvements in Japanese support, still has a ways to go establishing itself. Still, who could have known Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots would make such a splash? The slickly cut trailer even acts as designer Hideo Kojima's commentary on the console wars, pointing out the PlayStation 3's Cell processor as the key advantage over the competition. Microsoft, however, isn't so sure. "Cell processor or not, when I look at the technical specs, I don't see anything that concerns me overly from a performance point of view," said Peter Moore, corporate VP of worldwide marketing and publishing for Xbox in an interview with GameIndustry.Biz. Moore's response seems more sidestepping than anything else, but he goes on to emphasize Microsoft's mantra about launching ahead of Sony. "Quite frankly, having the ability to move first in this space, I think, provides us with the opportunity for a huge advantage," he continues. In fact, Moore suggests the commentary may actually be an admission of weakness from Sony about the hardware. "The fact that they feel the need to have Snake tell you that it's powerful, that could be seen as a sign of worry, or weakness, potentially," he says. Ultimately, though, it appears Microsoft's relying on gamers coming to their own conclusions than anything else. "Gamers are a very smart bunch, and gamers who still haven't seen a PS3 or seen one played, will make the determination. The English expression is, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting," he says.
  25. (Courtesy of [URL=http://www.1up.com]GAMERS FOO![/URL] [I]"Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima continues his reign as the gaming industry's most respected visionary with a wicked sense of humor. After teasing attendees at this May's Electronic Entertainment Expo with an irreverent, joke-laden trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 (that offered no gameplay footage or substantive info about the game), he finally unveiled the fourth installment in his legendary stealth-action series at today's Tokyo Game Show. The nine-minute long promo for the newly-christened Guns of the Patriots opens with a cunning ruse: You're immediately thrust behind a rifle amid a squad of soldiers who are carefully surveying a bombed-out urban wasteland. The sheer visual prowess of the PS3 instantly impresses: Futuristic helicopters hover overhead, realistic clouds of dust and debris sweep across your field of vision, blinding lens flares and high-dynamic range lighting paint the city with stunning shadows...it's all very, very pretty. Just as you're coming to the realization that MGS4 appears to be a full-on first-person shooter, complete with strafing, Kojima pulls one of his trademark wordplay jokes. Several zany acronyms for FPS spray across the screen, climaxing with the question: Is MGS4 an FPS? Suddenly, a silver-haired Solid Snake appears from off-screen and pulls some punishing close-quarters combat moves against the enemy solider whose view you've been sharing. "No way!" erupts across the screen. Guess that clears that up... Snake proceeds to take cover within a crumbling edifice while large patrols of enemy soldiers, armored personnel carriers, and giant bipedal Metal Gear robots march through the windswept streets. As Snake takes a breather, you can access how he's changed. Snake now sports a silvery mullet, slightly embarrassing moustache, form-fitting new sneaking suit, and a highly futuristic "Solid Eye System" electronic eyepatch. Snake obviously looks a bit worse for the wear, and the trailer doesn't divulge exactly how much time has progressed since the events of MGS2. A mysterious "X years after the events of Big Shell" gives some hint, but the battle-scarred, world-weary Snake here seems to have taken a page from the Sam Fisher "I'm too old for this sh!t" for this latest adventure. Snake's health even seems to be in danger: While hiding out in this building, he's gripped by a nasty coughing fit that he quiets with a sudden ampoule to the neck. After having to hunt wildlife and mend wounds in MGS3, having to constantly give Snake his meds in MGS4 could easily win the "most depressingly realistic minigame yet" prize. Snake's respite ends when a Metal Gear busts into his hiding place. Well, not so much bust in...this miniature Metal Gear (bearing a striking resemblance to the cute helper 'bot from Kojima's acclaimed Sega CD graphic adventure Snatcher) comically putts around, revealing a direct-feed viewscreen of Snake's nerdy pal Otacon. This remote-controlled robot allows Otacon to aid Snake's quest while keeping him out of harm's way, and he gets Snake back into the fight with a fresh machine gun clip. Otacon quips that his robot runs on the Cell processor, but Snake has no time for tech babble - a war is raging outside. Suddenly, the trailer cuts to the viewpoint of the larger Metal Gears patrolling the street: It's spotted Snake, so he has to make a run for it. Snake's high-tech new eyepatch comes in handy, allowing him to scan the area, view a large overhead map, and get critical info on targets. Snake and his robot pal make a run for it, leaping and shooting in majestic slow-mo as the stunningly realistic cityscape shatters around him. The spindly, bidpedal Metal Gears leap across the street, causing massive, earthshaking thuds as they land. Bullets fill the air, absurd amounts of debris, smoke, and particles obscure your vision, and intense waves of heat warp your view. War on the PS3 looks like hell, and MGS4's "No place to hide" mantra seems all too true. Sadly, the action comes to an end quickly, leaving you wanting more. Snake recalls Otacon's explanation of his little robot and asks, "Hey, what is that Cell processor, anyway?" Here, Kojima breaks the fourth wall and goes all meta on us: Otacon breaks out his laptop (complete with Zone of the Enders 2 wallpaper) and shows Snake Sony's rubber-duckies-in-a- bathtub demo, followed by the too-good-to-be-true Killzone PS3 demo from E3. Otacon continues, telling Snake that the Cell processor is "The key to winning the console war." He also promises that MGS4 will be "worth the wait." We're guessing he's right."[/I]
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