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Everything posted by Qman1

  1. Qman1

    My art...

    [QUOTE=Syk3]They aren't too bad on the whole. Everything seems to be in order in terms of outlines, and the lines are very smooth, but they also leave a lot of room for improvement, heh. When shading, try to get an idea of creating a black and white version of the color-counterpart. What I mean by that is.. basically, the darker the color, the more shading you need. In the Vash picture, the lines and outline are pretty good, but it's hard to tell what it is because the shading is a little off for the reasons I mentioned above. Once you get that down, work on creating a large contrast between the darkest and lightest points of the picture, so that you cover the whole scale of things. As for the Bebop picture.. the first thing that comes to mind is proportions, particular in the facial area, which look like they could do with a little realistic improvement. ^_^[/QUOTE] Thanks for the complements. As Ive stated earlier (lol, MUCH earlier) I havent drawn anything. Ive been drawing anime since I was in elementary school. I thought that my art was good, but then I look at others art work and they simply blow mine away! I was so astonished that I took an art class to improve myself. I think I have but I should have some more art up by....oh, lets say 2 or 3 months. (I'll post them in here if that is alright, since you are a Mod) Thanks again. :animesmil [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] [QUOTE=Revue][color=firebrick][size=1]Nice one! I *love* your Trigun fanart. What can I say? His shades look like they're made out of glass and the lines between his eyebrows are well-rendered. Judging from how you did the outlines, I think you're planning to color this in. Do it, 'cause I think this would look equally fab in color! As for the other drawing, you got the jacket's creases down pat. Like Syk3, I also feel that his proportions need work: usually, things at the foreground (like Spike's hand) should look bigger than things at the back (say, his torso). Foreshortening, yeah? [b]7.5/10[/b] You're got potential, kiddo![/size][/color][/QUOTE] Thanks! I see you like my pic of Vash. Well, what I like doing is drawing B and W pics. I dont USUALLY color them unless I feel it needs to be colored. Ive got some pics of DBZ from my childhood that I drew.( you might be surprised) I could put it up, but I dont have the pic with me. A 7.5? Aw what a gyp. Just kidding. :D Thanks again.
  2. One of THE greatest old school fighter games, Street Fighter is a classic. Ive got the anniversary collection edition.(It features Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike and the classic Street Fighter 2) I dont mess around with the old ST2, although I do play. Most of the competition is on the 3rd Strike. My favorite character to use is yang, but his brother Yun is better. What are some of your fav figthers of the Street Fighter or in general Capcom universe?
  3. Yu Yu needs to come back to Adult Swim. I loved the series. I loved the action and the characters. [I]Yu Yu Hakusho[/I] only started to get interesting (to me) when the Black Tournament (wasnt that the name) started. After the tournament is over with, the series REALLY gets interesting. Cartoon Network aquired Yu Yu earlier this year and showed ALMOST all of the episodes. (which bummed me out cuz, I wanted to see all of them) Yu Yu was originally shown on Adult Swim a few years back....and It was uncut. (the way it was meant to be heard/shown) Wish it would come back....
  4. Qman1

    My art...

    [quote name='Syk3']Hmm, the pictures don't seem to be working for me, so you might want to re-check those links.[/quote] I fixed it. How do you like them? (I like your avatar)
  5. [quote name='Mitch]DDR is [i]the[/i'] arcade game for me. It's true to say that while arcades aren't as active as they once were here at the states, they still exist and aren't as gone as the thread starter seems to think. With games like DDR, arcades have more life in them than you might think.[/quote] I wasnt neglecting the fact that arcades are still alve elsewhere, I just meant that here in the U.S, they are almost gone. I know over in Japan, arcades are ALWAYS open. (and DDR is one of the MAIN arcade games that they play over there in the land of the rising sun)
  6. [quote name='SilentSecurity]i just read this [url] http://psp.ign.com/articles/610/610698p1.html[/url'] that said SC is out for the PSP?[/quote] Cool....too bad I dont have a PSP.
  7. Cowboy Bebop> [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/Qman1/Anime%20Drawings%20by%20ME/4f8a.jpg[/img] Trigun>[img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/Qman1/Anime%20Drawings%20by%20ME/2a43.jpg[/img] [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/Qman1/Anime%20Drawings%20by%20ME/Goku.jpg[/img] Its a picture of Goku that I drew, WAYYYYYYY back in 8th grade. Here is a pic I drew last month. Mugen> [color=teal](see attachment)[/color] (Its too big, I dont know why It came out this way) Pic Update 4/19/06: Vash Up Close-X9 (SEE ATTACHEMENT) (I drew this pic last year for my High School art teacher. The only difference this time is that there are 9 drawings of Vash Up Close AND its in color this time)
  8. [QUOTE=Art Master]I don't see why we have to get ride of them. I still like them and if I see one I'll go in.So what if we have new things like PSP's or X-box 360.I say save the arcades and keep the new things coming.Lets have both. :D Art Master[/QUOTE] They'll be gone sooner or later (cuz technology keeps getting better and better)
  9. [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]I did a prank call to a kid with the last name Hancock, I turned out pretty well except for the fact he found out who made it. I did another one on a walkie-takie and some firework show and I ended up getting put in a cop car because some cops were using the same frequency, let's just say the joke involved cops. So what's your experience been with prank calls? ~Jake~[/QUOTE] Well, once me any my cousin were looking thru the phone book. We were watching this movie called Belly (it had rappers DMX and Nas in it). Anyway, we found a hotel number and called it. There was this scene in the movie where they're in a strip joint and these two guys have an argument, and then they start shooting.....so when the movie got to that part, we turned the volume up so the person on the phone could hear it. OK, well my cuz was to scared to do it (and he's older than me, I was 14 at the time and he was 16) Anyway, we call the place, a man pics up, and I ask for the price of a room and he tells me. After that, I act like im at the place (in the movie) and I say "hold man, Im on the phone" and then my cuz (in the background) says "No, I need to use it now! Give me the f***ing phone" and I say to man on the phone "could you hold on please?" and he says "sure" SO, I say "WTF did I just say!? Im on the phone" and my cuz says "oh we got a problem here?" and (the part where they start shooting in the strip joint comes on) I say "no, aint problem" (BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM) (in the background, my cousin changes his voice and he says "OH MY GOD!") The man on the phone also says "Oh my god!" and then I yell [I]*ahhhhhhhhh* [/I] then, I hang up the phone. ME AND MY CUZ WE DYIN!!! (With laughter of course)
  10. Best line to use when breaking up with someone: Im not good enough for you. Worst line: You talk to much....and I [SIZE=2][B]HATE[/B][/SIZE] your mother.
  11. [quote name='Shinobi's angel][COLOR=DarkOrchid']well me........im in to archery and Moutain Biking. i always wanna know what sport/sports others are in.... i wanna get in to fencing what about ya'll, sports r ya'll in? :catgirl: :catgirl: [/COLOR][/quote] Im into football and Gaming. (gaming is a sport aint it?)
  12. [I][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Remember when arcades were EVERYTHING a kid (or adult) could ask for? I remember going to the mall, JUST for the arcade. Everyone knows that arcades were a gold mine. How much money did you usually spend at one? $100? $200? Well, its 2005 and arcades dont have that touch anymore. With home consoles in your living room, arcades are almost gone. Every once in a while, you'll see at least 10 or 20 people at one...but that'll be all. What happened? As Ive stated before, consoles have dominated since the early 80s and EXPLODED with the 90s....and now on the horizon, PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendos Revolution, will literally change the way we play games. So, without furthur ado, we shall say "farewell" to arcades in the next few years. :( [/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
  13. Does anyone watch it on Adult Swim? I love the music for it. Nujabes, Fat Jon, FORCE OF NATURE are some of the musical contribtors. A very nice and elaborate anime. (with good music to boot)
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