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Everything posted by Quatre-Kun

  1. *f-ing great... Nightmare. And the penultimate toady, Dark Curse. Well... I havent been to London yet... HAH! yet.* "Well, I dont want to cause anybody alarm, but, we may be stronger than before, but through the years, our teamwork hasn't really been 'top notch', ya know? Me and Mike, yeah, me and him can cause some damage, but what will happen if my sis here gets a bit to worked up for her own good, and causes more explosions than I can put out?" Marcus laughs a bit as Mycella punches him in the arm. "Hell, anyone in here can vouch for that being the truth! Anyways, I wanted to spent some time with everyone, and have a nice little get-together, but, as it is, people of our group are ready to resort to cannibalism just to get out. And in so saying, I am going to go to bed. After I look up some good pubs in London." As Marcus stands to go, with an idiotic grin on his face, he stops, puts his hands on the table, and starts to shake, grin turning into a grimace. "Marcus?! Whats wrong?!" - Mycella He shakes a bit more, and then stands up. "We need to get to London. [U]Quickly.[/U] The oceans are becoming troubled with the new moon. The problem is, the moon is going to be a blood red when we get to see Nightmare again." As Marcus turns to go, the door slides open, and is greeted by the floor rising up to meet his face. *This isnt good.* WHAM!
  2. *la da di... i think its time to blow this joint...* "And a three, two, one, lets jam..." As Marcus is walking down the hallway to the meeting area, he pulls out his headphones to his iPhone, letting upbeat jazz music fill the thudding silence of his combat boots. The music is still playing when he gets to his locker and straps his masamune to his side, his favorite composite bow that he made sure could punch an arrow halfway into an engine block to his back, and his trademark pair of Sai to his lower back. He looks back on his suit of armor that took most of his energy and power to manipulate the metal into. * It's going to be a while before I'm going to be needing you again, my friend. I'm sorry.* He's wearing a Chinese style trenchcoat, inlaid with dark green and dark blue waves, lilies pattern the backbone; its tight fitting, but without its constraints. He's also wearing black cargo jeans, standard military issue combat boots, and a faded navy muscle shirt. *And people wonder why I call myself Kappa... HAH! hahha...* As he leaves the locker room to get to the main door, he takes off his glasses to stare down at the door inside. His right eye has been marked with a crest and is constantly swirling with light blue to midnight blue waves. 'Welcome, Master Kappa.' A mechanical voice intones. *Grr. it took me weeks to get management to program that saying, and what do they do? Replace the sexy female with the dull working class unisex! Grr. oh well...* As Marcus walks into the room, the music stops abruptly, and he is getting stared down by close to seven different pairs of eyes. "Aw, man! Don't tell me the battery died on me!"
  3. Name; Marcus Daemon Codename; Kappa Age; 27 Appearance; five six, 127 lbs. [URL="http://pds2.egloos.com/pds/1/200605/05/90/d0002290_383235.jpg"]http://pds2.egloos.com/pds/1/200605/05/90/d0002290_383235.jpg[/URL] Personality; sometimes flighty, sometimes immature, but the eyes hide untold, unknown knowledge and feelings. Weapons; one composite bow, one masamune, pair of sai Power; Water. Can cause mist, puddles, enhance ice, douse fire, and can use natural healing to help his comrades.
  4. Hmm...a new therapist... first one i've seen in months... and Yara is here with me? Hmm... i'm just going to be quiet and smile. and meow when she says something to me... yeah...I wont be as crazy... this time. Poor Kevin and Yara... when you spend a year between solitary and...less savory places... you tend to work on your hearing. You tend to thrive on every noise made, by you or others... the screams of others kept me sane... well, what I call sane. These therapists are paid to deal with us "loonies" and get paid well. But, in turn, they call us insane. Define "sane" before you decide to stick someone into a place where they dont belong at all... especially one that has more demons than I can count, more than what I would call...manageable. "We will be talking about your illness today. You'll all share what it is and how it's affected your lives." OOoo...goody. I'm going to this this newbie the truth. The WHOLE truth, so Yara and Kevin won't be the only ones knowing of this. (shiver) This is going to be good...
  5. Ah... to be in an actual bed, be it stiff, its still better than a hard padded room floor. And to be sharing it with another that can see them? Almost too good to be true. Then i hear the artist in the bathroom, crying, and the toilet flushing. i looked forward to a piece, but not at the price he paid. geez. and we have a new roomy... bad paranoia. light and mirrors... no demons haunt him, nothing wants to be near him. great. now we have to have classes? just because of my age and the time i spent in solitary, it means i STILL have to take classes? beautiful. and i love my sleeping schedule. i dont sleep. i meditate in a state of half conciousness. makes me alert to the outside, and also lets me rest... i need it. Yara got to see a bit of Akrasha tonight. too bad she couldnt see the true brilliance of her power and skill. not to mention her love. love that makes me want to love her and others in return. But poor Yara...she has the sight, but not the touch. poor Yara... and the painter. Kevin. Poor guy... haunted inside and out by the demons that he paints. But, I have to go to class with these people tomorrow, so i might as well be comfortable with my surroundings. considering the only surroundings that i used to have were uniformly painted. Oh well. I have my black jeans, i have my white muscle shirt, and i have my bandanna. i'll be allright for a little while. well, better than the true insane people that went insane because of this place. the demons that surround it, permeate its walls, forcing their ways into everything. Well, class is in the morning. i cant wait for breakfast.
  6. *Thanks Akrasha for helping me find the roomIi was supposed to be in... although, the girl thats here... Yara? i think I like her. but, more than a good friend for once, ya know?* *Yes, Marcus. You can trust her. Although, she-* *Has one Helluva nice body.* *You said that Marcus, not me.* *I know Akrasha, although for a female fallen angel, you have good tastes in women.* *Well, she was the one that walked out of the bathroom in her undergarments.* *Oh, wah. I'm getting me my clothes* "Brad? Right? Well, i'de like the clothes i checked myself in that night. Is that allright?" "Hmm. yeah." *Allright. I get my good Lee's!* *And you dont have to worry about the chains in your get-up anymore either.* *What? Oh, right... I've gotten used to-* Well, at that time, I watched a small demon from one of the boys' backpack stick its tongue out at Yara, and she did the exact same right back. So, i'm not the only one with sight. This might be tolerable. So, when i get my clothes, i walk over to the boy that got his paints.. i look forward to a peice. "Excuse me, may i look in your bag?"
  7. "Get up. You've been in here long enough. Your being sent to another room. Some romm with others in it." *Another sentry...his name is Thomas. You can kill him easily. But dont. your being given a release from this solitude. You cant like it too much, do you?* *No Akrasha, I dont. But I like talking to you.* *Too bad. Get up marcus, and I'll see you while you sleep.* "I'm coming Thomas. Help me get up?" "Your not supposed to know my name." "Oh. Sorry? May you please lead me to my new room?" *Akrasha? I guess your not here anymore. Good. Poor Thomas... he doesnt know whats happening... what is around and in me... poor fool. I hope he has awesome insurance for his family.* After a few corridors full of solitary cells, Thomas leads Marcus to the Cafe. "Here you are. Get yourself some food Marcus. Heres the Room number you'll be sharing with others." "Oh. Thank you Thomas." Marcus walks off, Thomas turns around to grasp his heart through his chest. He cant breath, he cant move. His heart attack at 27 kills him. Marcus smiles. *I knew it. Oh well. Too bad Asmodaeus is in my head now, governing my thoughts and feelings... otherwise, i might have felt regret.* "Hmm... i'd like a chicken sandwich please." *Durn I'm hungry.*
  8. Dear Allah, i hope i'm not too late too... Name: Marcus Alnoto Age:19 Gender:Male Appearance: Average height, 5'6". Dark Blond, nearly brown, who knows how long it's been since it's been cut, hangs down in tight curls right around his ears. Blue eyes, still have a sparkle of cunning in them. slight muscular built, seems to be Made to be quick. Wears clothes made just for him by the Clinic. Heavy chains bind him, to restrict movement, built into the clothes. Dull blood color are the clothes. Reason Admitted: Seems to claim responsibilty for major arsony and a large blackout within 3 states of each other, at the same instant. claims to have multiple personalities, he says are demons. he has only named 3. checked himself in, in a state of drunken idiocy, claiming to see spirits, talk to them, and interact just like a human being. Bio: At 14, he claims to have been seeing and feeling things. At 17, seems to be possessed by at least 3 other "demons". Claims they are docile, treat him well, although prone to take utter control over him. At 16, performed a spell that needed at least 4 others to help, didnt backfire at all. gained all good things, lost all sanity as far as he himself claims. Checked himself in a state of "Not drunk, not crunk, not stoned, but Bouldered!!!" Exact quote from himself. Has been into extensive Therapy and Solitary Confinement 47 times in the past year. Deemed docile enough to be treated to some humanity.
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