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About ArticSilver

  • Birthday August 4

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  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray] Name: Sigrid Maya Gang Name: Shade Age: 21 Gender: Female Gang: Royal Flush Personality: Shes sarcastic and cold. She always speaks her mind and is constantly shooting off rude remarks. Athough she tends to put most off she has her friends and she sticks by them. Appearance: Cold, distant black eyes. Long, dark red hair that cascades down her shoulders. She wears a short black trench coat and tall black boots. Weapon(s): Two small black handguns with amazing power. A handknife with a club sign on it. Title: Jack of Clubs Bio: Her father was a member of the Red Dragons for as long as she could remember, she praised and idled him. She loved the life that let them live and never thought about her unknown mother. Her father taught her how to use weapons, steal and walk without being heard among other things. One day her father did something to cause the rest of the gang to distrust him. He was killed by the old leader. Shade had no home, no family and the skills of a gangster. She was walking around town late one night when all the sudden she was jumped by six members of the Red Dragons. They tried to take anvantage of her but she used her skills to outwit and kill all of them. The leader of the Royal Flush observed the whole thing and accepted her as a member of the legendary team.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Radian gazed at the unconsious body of a girl demon. [I]Great. twice in one day.[/I] She sighed and walked over to the seemingly lifeless form. She reached out her hand and touched the girl on the shoulder. A small beam shot from her hand and covered the demon. It subsided and the girl rose, holding her head. "Wha...What happened?" She said groggily. "You fell from the ravine and ended up here." Radian said quietly. Isis walked over to her as she spun around. "How did you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" Radian questioned. "Heal her?" Radian looked like she was going to laugh for a moment then shook her head. "Priestess power." She said over her shoulder as she walked away. All the sudden she stopped and turned slowly. "Does anyone sence that?" She asked susiciously. "What?" Robina asked expectantly. Radian crouched then shot up so she landed on top of the cliff. She took off towards a strange feeling she had inside of her. She heard the others behind her as she flew through the forest. "Where are we going?" The newcomer asked. "Don't know. Instinct." Radian replied bluntly.[/COLOR][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry if it isn't what ya wanted, just trying to get things moving.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray] Name: Maeve Nick Name: Winter Age: 19 Gender: Female Nationality: Italian/American Race: Elemental, Ice Group: Crimson Lunar Section: L3 Personality: She has a very light and carefree outlook. Although she dosn't act like it much she sees a lot more than people give her credit for. Her temper is very hard to arise but when she gets angry it takes her a long time to cool down. (No pun intended.) She loves to be around people but knows when to be quiet and deals well when shes alone. Sarai cares a lot about others feeling and is a good listener. Appearance: [URL=http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a239/Lady_Serenade/AnimeAngel17.jpg]Here[/URL] She wears black jeans and black knee-high riding boots. Bio: She was born to her mother and father, top fighters of mystic. They were killed in battle when she was very young so she hardly remembers them. When she turned seven she discovered her power. One day she was sitting at a long steel table in the cafeteria when all the sudden the room grew frigid and her hair that usually cascaded down her shoulders flew up and swirled about. Her eyes became cold and empty then suddenly it all stopped. When she looked around again the whole room was coated in ice. She touched the table and it instantly returned to normal. She kept this hidden from everyone until 1 year later she was caught practicing. She was asked to join Crimson and she said yes, happy to be somewhere where people accepted her and her strange power she has remained ever since. Because she joined at a young age she has been trained a lot more then some other fighters. And while her hand to hand combat could use some work shes gained almost complete control over her powers. Now, in her 19th year it seems her skill grows stronger little by little. OCC: Well, I'm guessing it might need some adjustments so just tell me and I'll fix them. All right, Ilium. I totally understand so there you go. I hope my recent switch helped.But, seriously people, don't leave me alone. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Radian sat with her back to a great oak and her eyes closed. She hummed quietly while the sun rose slowly behind her. She looked out in front of her to where the ground ended and a great cliff started. She stood and grabbed her bow and quiver full of arrows. She crouched to the ground and then shot up, she performed a series of flips then landed lightly on the other side of the deep ravine. [I]Now what...[/I] She gazed around lazily then took a step forward towards a dence, dark forest. All of the sudden she heard a loud [I]Thump![/I] behind her. She turned around and strung her bow. In front of her stood a tall demon...or was it a half demon? "What do you want?" She asked angrily.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Let me think... Ah! Name: Radian Age: 17 Race: Demon Time Period: Feudal Japan Appearance: [URL=http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a239/Lady_Serenade/AA13redone.jpg]Here[/URL] When she uses her fire it makes her eyes glow red. Powers: She has the powers of a preistess and control of flame. Her fire ability is very weak so she rarely uses it but sometimes it comes in handy. Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrows Personality: Radian is kind and caring, she loves children and is always willing to help others. But when she gets angry, she gets ANGRY. The madder she gets the more energy controling her powers is released.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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