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Everything posted by Horendithas

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Boo:[/B] What I like about your piece is how the bright vivid colors really make the butterfly stand out. And the surround darkness just makes it really pop. What I don?t care for is the white butterfly underneath. It kind of distracts from the overall picture in my opinion. [B]jigglyness:[/B] What I like about your piece is the wonderful background as it really makes the simple black butterfly stand out. The whole thing just goes together so beautifully. The only thing I don?t like is the choice of font for the smaller words as the other font for the word Breaths and Away just flow so much better. [B]sakurasuka:[/B] What I like best about your piece is the simply pink and white look and yet it flows together so nicely. The simple clean lines of the butterflies and the crisp border just give it a nice look. The only thing I don?t care for is the choice of font. The lines to the butterflies and such have such a nice flowing feel and the font just feels blocky and cluttered in comparison. [B]Sara:[/B] Out of all the pictures I love what you did with the butterfly the best. It?s simple and yet so elegantly expressive all in one. The choice of colors are nice as the tiny hint of pink just goes so well. The thing I don?t like is your choice of font. It just doesn?t seem to go with the butterfly and the way the word infinite is cramped doesn?t appeal to me. Or that the word Were is too closely placed to the dot of the I in infinite. In the end [B]Sara[/B] gets my vote as I really like the work that went into the butterfly in her piece. Excellent job everyone. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hehe, now I?m going to have to try and find a place and cast Zoom. I?ve never run into that little scenario before. You?re right, that is wickedly funny that they even bothered to include something like that. As for the Moonshadow Realm. I agree, that place was awesome. It?s a pity that its been such a small part of the story as just the idea was pretty nifty. Though you?re right about his voice being a bit weird. Still it was entertaining since it was rather unexpected. Anyway, have you reached the point where you are the [spoiler]owner of a monster team? Although I have a team I have yet to actually even try wining at the arena. I was a bit disappointed as I had thought you would get to use the monster teams in the main game play. Unless that happens later once you beat the arena. [/spoiler] Well who knows, I guess if I want to find out I?ll have to either look it up online or actually finish that aspect of the game.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='White][center][img]http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2162/sofcopyfc4.jpg[/img][/center][/QUOTE]That is one of the coolest things I?ve seen in a long time. Pity I missed out on joining it. Though the Super Otaku Force gets my full support if that means anything. ;)[QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom']And even if you didn?t get in trouble, everyone here knows what a lame uncharitable thief you really are.[/quote]Quoted for truth. I was thinking the exact same thing. [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom]Sure he found it on the ground and then he found out that it belonged to someone else. Honestly what kind of thinking is this? Until you ask the person you don?t know if they threw it away or not. It?s just another justification regardless of the semantics people are throwing out to justify stealing. As for leaving him alone? Get serious. The major dick as you put is the person who finds it acceptable to take what they know is not theirs. Calling those who turn them in a dick is what's really lame. If I knew his school or parents number I would call them myself and turn him in. If he were my own kid he?d be in big trouble for taking the phone and giving it away once they knew it was not theirs. Especially since they did know who it belongs to. It?s not like they turned it in to lost and found and then were allowed to keep it because no one showed up to claim it.[/QUOTE] That?s exactly what my own Mom would say. If I had used the same lame excuse and pulled the same stunt I can guarantee my Mom would have totally chewed me out for it. It?s simple, if you find something that you know isn?t yours, you turn it in to lost and found. If no one claims it often you get to keep it after a certain amount of time. If you know who it belongs to you return it. If you don?t like the person just leave it at the principals office saying you found it and could they return it to them for you. Honestly, obviously this simple concept is beyond some people. You know perfectly well if something of yours had been stolen you?d be angry and upset that the person didn?t return your stuff, so stop thinking it?s okay to do to others what you yourself would get angry over if it was happening to you. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I can see that I had better be sure to never leave anything lying around near the two of you. Honestly, it?s just lame that both of you are justifying stealing. And the right of salvage? That wouldn?t even apply in a case like this. And to call someone stupid for losing something? That?s a lame excuse as well. For all you know the phone fell out of a backpack or was being used by the owner?s friend and they left it behind. It?s pretty stupid to assume that the owner is irresponsible when the one who found it is equally as irresponsible in using that as an excuse to justify stealing. No matter what fancy semantics you use, theft is still theft. That kind of stupid reasoning is why we have laws against it in the first place. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]There?s plenty of things to do here at the state capital of Utah. From plays to attend, gardens to visit, mountain trails to hike in the summer and ski resorts in the winter. If you can?t find something to do here then you?re just being lazy and not really looking. As for what I would show people, it just depends on what you like to do. If hiking is your thing there are lots of nice trails and waterfalls to hike to. Though like DeadSeraphim I?d probably just give you a map and tell you to go to what ever strikes your fancy. If you don?t mind traveling a little there are five national parks in the state of Utah and since I don?t have a car I?ve only seen pictures. But I understand Arches is only about four hours from where I live and if I did have transportation I?d get up early and we would go spend the weekend down in Moab Utah. If I remember correctly there is another national park right next to Arches, I think it?s called Canyonlands, so I?m sure we?d have a great weekend between visiting the two parks and going on a river trip as well. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='DaSilva']As for the method in which I obtained the phone, its not really illegal, so I will say how. I was just walking through the school parking lot yesterday, and there was this thing. Not a physical thing. It was more like a feeling. I looked around, and there it was, beckoning to me. I picked it up, and pocketed it. You see, I didn't steal it, it called to me. I swear. It needed a good home.[/quote]That?s known as stealing. You knew it wasn?t yours and instead of turning it in to the lost and found at the school you instead kept it. That?s lame. You should turn it in. Just think, if it was you who lost it you?d want the person who found it to turn it into lost and found right? Do the right thing and turn it. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='Bombu][color=#8B0000']We don't get jerky here in England, but by watching hours upon hours of western television, I've always known of it.[/color][/quote]I can?t imagine not having Jerky. I?ve always grown up with it as my mom would get beef from the store already sliced and then she has a number or recipes for different flavors that she uses to make Jerky. My favorite that she makes is the Mesquite flavored Jerky. And now that I live away from home she usually makes a batch every other month and sends me a box with homemade Jerky in it. Otherwise I?d have to run to the store and get some as I?m too use to having some around for a snack. Definately yummy stuff. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I use it all the time. But only for stuff that is unrelated to school. Like others have mentioned, there is too much potential for the information to be inaccurate. However it?s a great source to get you started when you are looking for something to help you with a school assignment. So I often use it to find links to other more reliable sources of information. One thing I have learned, most of my teachers expressly forbid you to quote Wikipedia as an information source on any assignment. They?ll usually make any student who does use it start over. So even though I may use it to get started, I never rely on it or quote it as a source. I also use it because it?s loaded with lots of interesting information on all sorts of topics. And when I?m looking for some obscure fact it?s often a quick way to track it down instead of searching for it myself. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]Shiros_hime123[/B], There are a couple of problems with this thread, which require me to close it. First of all it?s in the wrong section as we have a Manga Workshop for all manga related discussions. Normally I would just move it to the correct section, however, the second problem is that a thread?s main topic of discussion should be something that can spark an intelligent discussion of some form, and avoid spam. A good quality discussion involves just how much a poster?s reply contributes, and expands to any given discussion. This is something that is greatly valued here at OtakuBoards, and we encourage members to exceed with their writing skills. Simply listing titles without bothering to explain a little about why you like them is considered spam. It is often why favorites threads are rarely allowed as like your opening post they often end up being nothing more than lists of different titles. I suggest you take a moment to re-read the Rules and FAQ which are located on the left side of the forum and it?s always a good idea to check out the sticky?s located at the top of each section. Once you?ve done this it will make more sense as to why this thread was closed. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference [B]Thread Closed[/B][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']So, what is your worse barfing experience? You know, lots of puke and/or big mess.[/COLOR][/quote]You mean there?s actually a barfing experience that isn?t terrible? ;) Seriously though, I?m not sure if I would even want to relate my worse experience as the details are a bit on the graphic side. I wasn?t even sick, but it was the reaction to something that I saw that triggered it. In fact I think I?ll leave that experience out of it and just use a more normal being sick one. It was the next worst experience so it fit?s the bill as well. Which brings me to last year when I had the flu. I had been feeling sick and nauseated for hours but it wasn?t until in the middle of the night when I woke up suddenly and just hurled before I even registered that I was awake. So I?m sure you can imagine that the barf just went everywhere. All over the bed, and the floor as I attempted to get to the trash can I had next to my bed. Luckily for me my roommate heard the commotion and it woke her up so she got up and helped me by changing my bedding for me while I stripped off my clothes and took a very quick shower to wash all the barf off. It was interesting trying to take a shower when I was dizzy and still feeling sick. The good thing, that episode seemed to mark the point where I started feeling better. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I was a bit sad to hear that the article section was retired. I had only written one article myself, but I did enjoy reading the new ones as they came out.[quote name='John][size=1] And let's not forget that Adam made a promise to work on a new article-related myO feature. If I were you, instead of focusing all my energy on complaining about the present situation, I would be gaining some support and holding Adam's feet to the fire to make sure he keeps that promise later, and that it ends up being a quality product.[/size'] [/quote]That?s what I?m waiting for the new article-related myOtaku feature, I?m waiting to see just how that turns out before I get annoyed over the articles being removed. It might end up being something that?s far more interesting and diverse than what was up before. I just hope we don?t have to wait to long for it as I?m eager to see what he has in mind. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]Mitsuomi[/B], Please be aware that all members are required to read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php? ]Rules[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php? ]FAQ[/URL] Before posting or creating a thread. The biggest problem I see with this thread is a lack of quality in the starting post and a number of the replies as well. Not only does post quality involve the concept of having clear, easy to read posts, along with correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation, but it involves just how much a poster?s reply contributes, and expands to any given discussion. This is something that is greatly valued here at OtakuBoards, and we encourage members to exceed with their writing skills. For example you could have taken the time to explain which fighting shows you have already seen and then broken them down a bit to help others understand what type of fighting shows you like. Also OtakuBoards is not a messenger service such as AIM or MSN and personal conversation between members that is unrelated to the topic is discouraged. As is simply listing shows without bothering to explain anything about them. Right now the only posts where I see any real effort is the one by both Venom and AnimeHeroX. So since this thread is pretty much nothing but spam I am going to close it. If you still want recommendations for an anime show I suggest you take a look here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54175 ]Recommended Anime of the Week ^-^ [/URL] It?s usually a good idea to check out the current threads before creating a new one anyway as often you will find what you are looking for in one of them. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference [B] Thread Closed[/B][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I find it interesting that once they start to level up the way the spell looks changes a bit to match. Like the Firebolt spell, once you get up a few levels the number of fireballs you cast increase.[/COLOR][/quote]You?ll love the spells you get later on in the game then. They don?t change much as you level up but most of them are pretty cool looking when they are executed. Take the Fairy Light spell that you get later. It?s cute how it summons [spoiler]little fairies who fly around your characters to heal them. [/spoiler]I?m pretty sure Aaryanna would get a kick out of that spell. You?ll also like the battle moves the characters get later on too as some of them are pretty wicked looking as well. Like Albel?s Dragon Roar and Fayt?s Dimension Door attack. They also have different sayings that they use when executing the moves as well. Most of the time they will just say the name of the attack, but take Fayt?s Dimension Door, sometimes he will say [spoiler]Now you see me?Now you don?t[/spoiler] instead of what he usually says. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='Charles] Exploring the well-crafted dungeons that populate Dragon Quest VIII was great fun after suffering through an almost complete lack of them this generation. [/QUOTE]I agree completely. Not only were they well crafted, but their size was relevant in that they weren't too tiny or yet too big either. You got a good amount of exploring without feeling like the dungeon was a pain in the butt for being too massive. It made it more fun since you didn't have to worry about being stuck in a dungeon after hours and hours of game play. Though having the option to immediately escape, provided you still had enough magic left, was a nice option as well since being clobbered didn't mean you had to hope you could survive the trip back. You could just leave, go to town and get healed up and then give it another go until you got enough experience to finish the area. [QUOTE=Charles'] And you get to ride on the back of a giant cat. :smooch: [/quote]That?s one of my favorite parts. Those cats sure make the game a lot of fun. Especially when the continent is so big compared to the first one you start out on. I can?t even imagine getting around in the game with out those giant cats. ;)[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I like to add things to my ramen. I usually get some small frozen shrimp and frozen mixed vegetables and while the ramen is boiling on the stove I also heat up the shrimp and frozen vegetables. Once both of them are ready I then mix them together. It makes a nice tasty dinner. Especially since ramen by itself is kind of boring. Sometimes just before the ramen is done I?ll add the heated shrimp and vegetables to it so they will pick up some of the flavor from the little flavor packets that come with the ramen. As for a favorite flavor, I like the chicken and beef flavored ones the best. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Sometimes, if the link looks like it might be interesting. But for the most part I do not. I have no interest in having a myspace account so I never click on those links. And the ones leading to other sections of the forum. Often I?ve already seen the thread so there?s no need to click on the link. Personal WebPages or other types of links like Deviant Art often catch my eye so I?ll check them out. But only occasionally. Most of the time I just ignore links in people?s signatures. Though one of the funniest links was one that was an upside down question mark that lead to a ditzy Muppets video. But the person removed it and I don?t remember who had it in their signature. All I know is that I got curious as to why they had an upside down question mark in their signature and I was surprised to find that it was actually a link. ;) [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B] 1998 [B]What clique did you belong to?[/B] None, I wasn?t heavily into sports, books or any of the usual fads. [B] Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B] The first High School I attended I had no friends. The second one I did and yes we still keep in touch. Many of us hang out together and some of us are even attending the same university. [B] What state did you graduate from?[/B] Utah, USA [B] Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B] I didn?t have one. My enemy so to speak was a ditzy stalker girl who objects to me being friends with someone she knows. She attended a different high school as her home was just on the other side of the district line. So though we were technically neighbors we were not classmates.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I have this game, though I?ve yet to finish it. I was playing it but then got sidetracked by finals and never went back to it. I was in the middle of a quest to get a [spoiler]magic mirror to dispel the dark barrier on a cursed island if I remember correctly.[/spoiler] It?s been so long I?ve thought about just starting over since I?ve forgotten most of what I did. I really ought to since I remember it being quite fun to play. The graphics were beautiful and really did an excellent job of capturing Akira Toriyama?s character designs. The battle though turn based is still beautifully executed as it?s fully animated. The music was well done and even the voice overs matched the characters quite well. Also like you mentioned Aaryanna the landscape has a nice realistic feel to it when you are traveling and I remember that you got some pretty handy spells, like the one that allowed you to instantly return to any town you had already visited. Making it more fun as you didn?t have the tedious task of having to actually travel back and forth between each location. Unless you wanted to that is. Anyway, pity school has started up again. I just don?t have time for this game at the moment. What with homework and all. Well I suppose I could if I dropped playing the hardest level of Star Ocean. Then I could focus on this game instead. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='Split Keyblader'] What soda sparks your interest and why?[/quote]None of them. Carbonation and I do not get along and as a result pretty much any soda just makes me sick to my stomach. So for the most part I stick to water, juice and teas. So long as it doesn?t have any fizz I?m fine. Though I do keep a few cans of coke classic around since I hate feeling like I?m going to throw up when I?m sick. Especially when you feel that way for hours before you finally do throw up. So all I have to do is drink that and I can get the throwing up over with. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]What am I afraid of? To be honest not that much. I get startled by things but the resulting burst of fear is usually short lived and it?s not something that I dwell on for any length of time. Insects like spiders and such are more revolting instead of scary. And even then it?s usually only the more poisonous ones that worry me. The rest it?s easy to just ignore that they are there. Though if they are in the house I?ll usually make a point of getting rid of them. If I were to say I was afraid, then the one thing I would list is Death. Not that I am afraid of dying, but rather that seeing someone else die is horrible and unsettling. Hmm? I need to clarify that a bit. I?m not referring the more normal type of death where someone who has lived a long life dies or someone who is sick and ends up dying. I am talking about sudden unexpected violent death. There just isn?t anything that can prepare you for the suddenness of seeing someone you love die before your eyes. On some level I find that terrifying and the memory of it still haunts me today. It?s something I hope I never have to experience again. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well seeing that you provided the option of one no one would notice or care that you were gone and two that you could pick your age and stay that way. It makes the adventure seem more like a visit to an amusement park than an actual adventure. All the fun and yet none of the actual responsibility or dangers involved. Although I find the idea interesting it just seems like nothing more than a fantasy, an unrealistic expectation that living in an anime world would be so much better than the real world. I?m sure you could pick a world that was pretty harmless, but after a while it would become your reality and you would probably end up desiring another world just as you did the first time. I find it interesting how people are thinking it would be a great escape and adventure when as DaSilva already pointed out, you don?t have to be in an anime world to have an adventure. Make the most of your own world instead of dreaming about one that doesn?t exist.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][quote name='LilyBebeboo']I just watched Decendents of Darkness yesterday. I watched up until Tsuzuki and Kurosaki save Maria from the bad guy (cant remember his name). I don't know if I want to continue because maybe it gets better...maybe not. Anyone else seen this and want to voice their opinion? [/quote]Silver hair right? That would be Kazutaka Muraki. When you say maybe it will get better I?m assuming you don?t really care for it so far? If so then watching the rest of it might not be for you. But if you enjoyed it on some level then by all means be sure to watch the rest. Right now there?s only 13 episodes total so you still have several story arch?s left to watch once the one involving Maria is done. And since there is only 13 there?s no danger of a storyline being drawn out with meaningless fillers. If you end up wanting more than that you?ll have to go to the manga as they?ve yet to make more of the overall series. In spite of that the ending is done well enough in that it doesn't leave you totally hanging. It just leaves it open since there's more to the story in the manga. Anyway, by all means, watch it. The next arch The Devil?s Trill is not my favorite but the other two are enjoyable. But then this is one of my favorite shows so my opinion is a bit biased in that respect. If you have the chance, pick up the manga and give it a read. There?s plenty of stuff going on in the manga that never made it into the anime and it?s definitely a good read. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I learned about sex from my mother. When I reached the age where I started maturing she took me aside and not only explained what was happening in that regards, but why it was happening. She had some book that she gave me to read as well that explained the reproductive process pretty well. I?m fairly certain she still has that book somewhere at home. It?s probably just as well that she did as like others have mentioned, the sex ed class was pretty pathetic and the way they explained things made no sense whatsoever. This was before my family moved to Utah where there is no sex ed in the schools. Personally I think sex is something that though fun requires a bit of maturity. There are too many negative problems if you don?t know what you are doing, like getting pregnant or catching STD?s. So for the most part I tend to be on the chaste side when I date. Though I have had a few relationships where they became physical as well. And like Gavin said, though it is pleasurable, it's not as big a deal as people make it out to be. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I?d have to say that number two is the OtakuBoards Survivor thread hosted by Sandy.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][QUOTE=Papa Smurf] I've been threatened before. I'm less scared of Jenn and more scared of those braindead Naruto cosplayers I see in pictures from AX. If we're talking vicious little bastards, I think the "Asiaphiles" are far, far more vicious, because they live in less of a reality than Jenn does. I mean, have you ever heard any sane person drool over how sexy Naruto is, and how they'd like to marry them? ...yeah, I don't really see that kind of creepy stuff coming from Jenn, mate. lol[/QUOTE]They still don?t come across as wanting to strangle you though. Unless you?re talking about the rabid ones who go around declaring nonsense like Naruto or Sasuke is mine followed with the back off [insert swear word here] bit. Besides even if Jen is in more of a sane reality so to speak, hers is just as obsessed as the braindead Naruto cosplayers you are referring to. Which by the way, I?d still be willing to pay to see you choke them to death dressed up as Darth Vader. ;) Though why someone would be so obsessed over something that doesn't exist I'll never know. It just seems like a waste of time and effort to me.[/COLOR]
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