Phil alskhf
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Everything posted by Phil alskhf
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] It's not my fault i closed his topics... there were rules, he should have followed them.... even James agreed with me.... he can mail bomb me, Yahoo will change it all anyway.... it'll either delete it or not let him send anymore... I have like 800 different accounts... and no one e-mails me, so I could care less, it'll be a waste of time on his fault or not.... And I would like to know why you 5 or 6 people don't like me, you are the only ones... everyone else doesn't seem to have a problem... D3 sounded nice enough... i don't see why he has a problem either... oh well... they do anything, they'll be banned and then reported to their ISP cause frankly it's against internet law, simple as that. [/B][/QUOTE] Seifers the only one who is planning to do somethign illegal to you Me and D3 aint... we were jsut gonne report the stuff that you did wrong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I dunno why you are getting banned..... i don't care either... i'm not banning you.... if I were I'd have banned this name of yours already... Just leave if you don't like it... And I don't believe you anymore... you've lied enough to me, and don't ask for examples... you know when you have, so don't play dumb.... Seifer doesn't like me for my views on somethings... thats his choice, I don't hold it against him.... however I don't believe he's out to get me... he seems to professional to act stupid and immature like that.... And no i've never heard of a Joke before.... people learn not to play jokes on me.... i take things VERY serious... I don't screw around.... it's why I don't like games.... esspecially ones involving me... [/B][/QUOTE] Dude ont believe me, but he is out to get you. D3 is part of it too(sorry) but he aint gonan do **** to you.Seifer is theone out to get you not me. He has the biggest grudege against your for closing and deleting topics.Hes out to get you not me.No i aint gonan leave. I like it here. I just wanna know why im getting banned all these time for doing nothing wrong that I am aware of.Word of advice if you end up getting a mail bomb or others do from your e-mail address, think back to this day when i warned you that it would happen.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I didnt even notice, but if they banned you im sure they have a good reason...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]:flaming: Cuz of a stupid lil AIM convo i had with Safer....I dun even know what i did wrong.....:flaming:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] So let me get this straight? You do what James tells you but you know he won't help you.... so why do you do it... I saw your exact words on your AIM conversation with Amethy***feline. GrmRpr456: i think that TN will be gone by the end of the year watch GrmRpr456: i think he gonna be gone by the end of the year GrmRpr456: im in the process of it now GrmRpr456: i think he gonna be goen by the end of the year GrmRpr456: he'll be gone GrmRpr456: wath GrmRpr456: watch* Those are exact quotes and to me that looks like you are simply out to get me. As far as talking about being gay, I told you, it's your choice to read it. it's not my fault you are too stupid to stop reading... Don't like? LEAVE! It's not that hard, my 6 month old niece could figure it out. You appolgize for doing what you do, then you go and do it again... I asked you to stop bothering me on AIM, and you didn't so I blocked you... then I unblocked you and you bothered me again.... I don't care why they banned you... they must have had a reason... you don't understand... i told you it's Adam and Jame's board, they can do what they want.... they make the rules, they add rles, they take away rules... it's theirs... they can ban you for whatever reason, you are just lucky James is a nice guy and so is Adam And I don't care what you do at Altron's board.. do I go there? Do I know what you do there? No... No no no... Do I care? No.... That has nothing to do with what you do here... Like I said, since you think everyone hates you, the door is wide open, you can leave.... nothing it stoppin you.... [/B][/QUOTE] have you heard the word joke dude??? I aint the one out to get you Seifer is the one. he was planning on getting into you e-mail acoun and sending mail bombs to all admisn and mods. Hes the one out to get you. I was covering for himk, but im through. Oh and i never said everyoen doesnt liek me. they dont liek me fine with me. All i want to know is why i keep getting banned for reasons unknown to me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]geez phil dont u think ur making a big deal outta this [/B][/QUOTE] No because when I get banned cuz of a AIM convo i deserve a right to know why i was banne dcuz of it. this isnt the only time ive gotten banend for ntohing. All the tmes ive been banned im am not aware of the reasoning to why i got banned. So im sick of it, i wanna know the TRUTH about why i keep gettign banned.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] you are basically being a pain in the @ss.... you say you report everything everyone does wrong, which basically means you are a tattletale and no one likes a tattletale. I've seen the conversations with you and others... you are always saying "I'll get rid of this or that" or "I don't like this or that" or whatever... I've seen constant thing about how you don't like me or you want to get rid of me... People don't like when you basically harass them on AIM.. and what you do on AIM reflects how you are treated here.... people obviously don't like your "whining" attitude.... Thats why James doesn't like you, thats why I don't like you, thats why Safer doesn't like you, and thats why alot of other people don't like you... thats the truth, if it hurts, sorry.... And James is the only admin because he takes care of the boards... Adam runs the site... and I've had MANY people just tell me that thay are being harassed by you... or whatever on AIM.... it's sickening... [/B][/QUOTE] AHHHH I love to goet a lecture. Did you no listen to me when i explained this too you? James told me to report what people do wrong, and I see you doing WRONG a lot. So i report you. Hmmm who is EVERYONE in your mind??? And the only person i talk trash about is 2 ppl. Wow everyone. Oh and you dotn have to announce your gay all the TIME. We know you are and you dont have to announce it publically ALL THE TIME. Yes they hate me cuz Im gettign banned. And what exactly am i getting banne for??? First time: Dont know Second time: Little AIM convo with James 3rd: AIM convo with Safer 4th: Cuz im banned already Yes Im only a pain in the *** to those who are a pain in the *** to me. Forte harassed me first, so I aint gonna sit by and let him do it, so i harass him back. Theonly oother person im an *** to is SSJChic. WOW DUDE THATS EVERYONE!Oh and i dont go aroudn saying i dont liek this or im gonna get rid of that.You dont know the truth. And i can make any bet the onyl reason you ppl dont liek me is cuz i am a leader of a spamming of Altrons boards(which im not)We were all friends but the bam when i spammed Altrons boards a bit, you all hate me. I say sorry FOR EVERYTHING I DO WRONG. Biut do you people care? Hell no. Im through
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] then don't b*tch about how he harassed you for four days.... [/B][/QUOTE] and the only reason i did cuz he harassed me first.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]lettme ask u this: do u really think james will stick on ur side?? [/B][/QUOTE] Stick on my side? No
heh cept you dotn seem to understand, James is the only one.......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Perhaps that should be taken as a clue you are doing something wrong.... [/B][/QUOTE] But you see the thign is I dont know what Im doign wrong here on teh boards.....Can you enlighten me to what Im doing?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Safer banned you for whatever reason... he didn't seem to be in a bad mood when he was talking to me.... and quite frankly if he bans you, your banned... you don't come back under a different name.... you sound like thimoc doing that.... Take it up with James... he's the only one that can unban you... or Adam... whoever... I banned your last name cause you were banned, you stay banned.... you don't keep comng back.... cause quite frankly it's all SPAM... and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to report every little thing you do wrong to James like you do everyone else.... I suggest stop posting, take it up with James and see what he does.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yes he was in a bad mood, he told me. Oh and James aint gonna listen to me no more.... So oh well, Guess ill jsut leave the boards. Would you be happier that way? Oh and Beans i dotn spam....:flaming:
That is the truth. He banned me cuz of that. Yes i agree with you that is letting power get to your head. yes he may have been in a bad mood before i began to talk to him, but it still aint give him the right to ban me cuz of a AIM convo. Oh and i trash talked you cuz you trash talked me first.
Ok here is why i was banned, i was venting anger out at Safer and he banned me. So now im gonna take this up with adam or James, cuz banning me cuz of a AIM convo is plain abusing power. that is the dumbest reason for getting banned, a AIM convo. And I told him that i was just venting anger.....James told me to talk to him if someone has done something wrong, Bam right there, getting banne dofr a convo on AIM. if i offended himin anyway im sorry.
why my name Matt R. was suddenly not working(banned i presumed)