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Anime What anime/manga character would you go out with?
duStAnDteArS replied to punk alchemist's topic in Otaku Central
hmmm.. i am not sure.... maybe Spike from cowboy bebop.... or Kurama or hiei from yyh or goku from sayuki.... or Haru from fruits basket..... porbably him he has a cute bad side.... not to mention he is the cutest thing ever but then there is ed.. from FMA.. gosh this is really hard.... my final answer: Haru -
My luck is absolutely horrid. Especially with women.
duStAnDteArS replied to a topic in General Discussion
my advice track down her friends.. i don't think you should stop looking for her i mean what if she wasn't moving that far. even though the T-shirt kinda would mean that she would be moving though. i am sure you'll find her don't give up. i no my post is late... oh well.. -
[COLOR=Indigo]hMMM this is a HARd question!! i don't know why i like anime??? i have always liked it since i was younger over other "normal cartoons" as our nonanime liking friends would say.. i think it might be because of the difference in culture, because i used ot have a facination for japanese. its also because of the different storylines and the way it veers from the usual reality of things without actully leaving reality, its different and i am attracted to difference. most have action that makes you just want to get up and go. And then theres the cute guys in it which totally! makes it worth while and some animes have hidden themes that makes the plot even more interesting because of the good message behind all the other "stuff".. thats just my opinion^.^ its the first thing that came to mind hmmm so yea!~.~ tootles for now!!! long live anime!!!!! woo hoo!! :animenose[/COLOR]
... i dunno.. i wouldn't be able to choose favorites..... how is that possible ! i like BOTH ofThEm !!! they are both very good!! how can anyone say either is better!! i say both!!!!! ^.^ but i guess it just depends on the person watching them :animesmil ...
Anime what is the first anime you watch? how does it impact on you?
duStAnDteArS replied to domyoji's topic in Otaku Central
my first anime would probably have to be digmon... i was like seven and i didn t no i watched "anime" till i was in the seventh grade :animesmil ... all i knew is i liked a certain type of cartoon and i have been a fan since didgimon... but my truly obsesseive first anime(knowing it was anime) was yu yu hakusho... :catgirl: :animestun before that i watched all kinds of other very common shows and stuff.. right now my fav shows in hayao miyazaki's creations!! they are so inspiring!! :D ;) but i watched all of them... so i need a new anime .. any one wiht ideas !! i am open to suggestions..LOTS of them :p ok i am done my long boring comment .... sooo yea bye now :rolleyes: -
[QUOTE=Sage]I'm sorry, but you just lost the respect I had for you, Ilium (although I think you couldn't care less). :( You have the [I]nerves[/I] to say to a little kid (that Tearsanddust obviously is) that taking some drugs will make his/her life that much better?! That's sickening in it's wrongness! Although your "shrooms and weed" might not be as bad as the heavier drugs, they're right up there with alcohol. They DO have a lasting effect, although it's not instantly visible. They cause damage to braincells, lungs and other organs. They make your mind dizzy and affect your senses. In an underdeveloped kid the effects are many times worse! I don't care if you want to get kicks out of toxins, but I strongly advice you not to spread "the good word" around or you'll find yourself in deep ****, in real life as well as in this here forum! [B]To Tearsanddust[/B], my advice to get out of depression is simply a change of attitude. Think positive, it's as simple as that! It's not always easy, but you don't have to be happy-go-lucky all the time. ;) Inspiration comes when it comes, you can't really rush it. You can seek it though, in things that interest you. Or you can just relax and let your imagination flow, the best ideas come out that way. ;D[/QUOTE] umm excuse me! im not al little kid for your F.Y.I. i know a hell of a lot more then you about how it can screw up a persons life ... fro life so get off my case ok both of yall or idiots im sry to be so rude but its true.... :mad: [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I've edited all the inappropriate language out from your post. Please read my comment below. - Hack Helba.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed]Personally, I'd suggest Shrooms or Weed. I know all that hubub about how Drugs are bad and such, but if you stay away from coke, heroin, and PCP, you should be fine. Shrooms and weed. They do wonders for the immagination. But if you live in the US drugs are punishable by a hefty fine (In Canada they just make you share) so if you want to avoid that, try looking into new music or reading some new genre books. Or don't. Shrooms and Weed. Pick up some Pink Floyd and let the bells ring n' ring n' ring n' ring... If you need somthing new that is the way to go. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
why are we so scared to believe in God? you can't be totally self sufficeint , you can't show God humans can evolve wihtout him! the guy that made up the thoery of evolution also hated god and wanted to prove him wrong and his real father too! guess what? evolution is stil JUST a THEORY, its not proven its a THeory. if you don't believe in god it shows your ignorance, and you refuse to be open minded about it. you are only hurting your selves! what do we have to lose by believe in the father, jesus christ and every other frickin so called saint? NOTHING. God loves you and will give you evrythign you could ever want and need . don't be a hypocrit and close the eyes of your heart to unseen beauty of the world! did you ever think of death, what willhapen when you die? do you believe that we just die seep into the ground,? picture it in your mind the smallest child who dies at birth(and dont say god killed his own child1.) everythign bad in this world coems from the devil and it is up to us to face him and fight him 2.) the child is w/ god now anyhow) , somethign so small and innocent will just cease to exist? no. we have a soul that give us life and spirit to this dirty piece of flesh we call a body! i believe in god, i am a christian , i belong to no religion but my own.... you can contradict me all you want! say what you think is right, but your life will always be missing something till you find the creator! gods words are sharper then any two=edged sword so try and defeat me1!!!!!!!!!! you can't.
Lately life seems to be dragging on for me, and there is no excitement in anything(not even anime or books). i have been depressed alot, i have all the sighs of it( accept drug abuse and suicide and such). . I still need to know how to get over this, how do i live again. its continuely off and on, i guess i'm just tired of my life and i'm looking for inspiration to keep fighting. Does anyone know what i am saying? if you have ever felt this, i hope you can connect. i just need some advice on what to do, tell me if you have any ideas...i need inspiration, inspire me! what inspires us to write, to draw , to live?.... writing ,dreams, and courage used to be my life...a life i'm longing for...
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
duStAnDteArS replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
:animeknow i believe i am most like yusuke from yu yu hakusho(though i'm a lady ;) ) we both tend to do things that need to be done in the present but forget to think ahead to the future , so we just firgure out what to do when we get there :animeswea .. and most of the tiem we come out ahead :animenose ... he likes action and adventure so do i... we can be slightly impulsive, and stick our foots in our mouths :animeangr ... :p we both hate school :sleep: :mad: , but still believe in doing the right thing :D .... yusuke's awesome if he was real he would be mine... :cool: .. stupid keiko*pouts :animecry: oh well can't blame any one if they call itan "accident" *accidently pour bleach and ammiona down her throat [color=#6699cc]Please work to adhere to the standard or post quality we have here at OtakuBoards. As fun as smilies are, they're not a subsitute for proper capitalisation and punctuation. If you continue to post in this manner, you may be subject to a ban warning. -Lore[/color] -
[COLOR=Indigo]YAy! there are still followers... now that it has finished i miss it :animedepr ... but i started to watch full metal panic and weiss kreuz... it just can't be replaced :animecry: ... i miss kurama, and yusuke and hiei and kurama... ;) :D i thinkl i will watch all the yyh dvds i own tonight :animesigh guess i'll be up for a while... does anyone know where to get any good yyh icons , and stuff.... :( they are hard to find though i have found a few good ones :cool: .. but don't ask me where :animestun i dont remember.... keep up the fandom my friends :animesmil toot-a-loo>,> By the way, thank u dagger for tellign maverickwarrior whats what.. so i didn t have too :p yyh is an awesome anime, everything is so umm original and the ending was good, too.. at least the maker stuck w/ his series til the end... you would have to get into teh series,i guess to really like it :animeknow :catgirl: thanks guys[/COLOR]
When is it acceptable to still be a virgin?
duStAnDteArS replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=doukeshi03][SIZE=1]Okay, now I don't want any of this "do it when you feel ready" crap, we've heard it all before, don't try and be sensetive, I want the gods honest truth from you people. ok all i can tell you is that unless you want to have a kid or something else with someone you don't really know... :animestun then don't have sex until you ABSOLUTLY know you "love " that person or your married... i personally want to save myself for the person(if i ever find the bastard :animeangr ) i love, i really don't care if he is avirgin or not as long as he is clean and doesn't have a disease.. but it all truth it is really hard to find that one special person when most of the smart *** guys around you all act liek jerks an stare at me as i pass by :animeshy: ..... nothing against any good guys on this forum..... plus i think it would be more,how should i put it to all the non-believers, [I]moral[/I] to remain chase till you are ready to give your whole heart and soul to someone! (can you imagine what woulds happen if they broke it :animedepr ) well anyway just don't go screwing around with the worng person , think of the kids...... :rolleyes: :p -
I was just wondering, is anyone as sad as me that the last yuyu hakusho dvd came out?I cried when i found out,but i have been watchign it for like three to four years... Does anyone think that it is one of the best animes??? [I]and [/I] still like it because i don't see as many things about it as much as i used to! but all great things must come to an end at sometime.. just wondering :animecry: :animedepr :animestun