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  1. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Right now I'm listening to [B]Disturbed[/B] - [B]Just Stop[/B] I'm for any music that sounds GOOD & ROCKS!!! Listen to so far: As I Lay Dying - Shadows of Security (to any one who nows them this album is much better than there previous album Frail Words of Collapse) Dark Tranquillity - Character Cradle of Filth - Wages of Sin (CD 1 & 2) Biohazard - Means to An End Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists... -------------------------------------------- Any Metal genre can ROCK!! me to sleep :sleep: . I pretty musch listen to Jazz, Rock/Metal, Classical or just anything that sounds good to my taste of music.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]First,[/B] It would have to be [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B]. I pretty much heard the music from the anime before even watching it. I hooked on the music from then and until the present. I got mY self hooked on Anime. I'll watch it until the day I die. [B]Second[/B], Probably be a tie between [B]FLCL[/B] & [B]Samurai Champloo[/B] I would pretty much say the same for these two. Just like I did with Cowboy Bebop. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [The rest I just got hooked and couldn't let go...] [B]s.CRY.ed[/B] : Its getting better & better each episode I watch. [B]Robot Chicken[/B] : Its just freakin' hilarious... [B]Aqua Hunger Teen Force[/B] : I just can't describe on what to say.... [B]"This Show Freakin' Rocks!"[/B] [B]Family Guy[/B] : If you love watching [I]Family Guy[/I]. You gotta get the [B]Family Guy Live in Las Vegas [CD: Soundtrack][/B] it comes with [B][DVD: The Making of Family Guy][/B] Its hysterical off the wall. If your a fan its a must get CD. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I can't help myself I love music & art, so just call me freakin' Music / Art "NUT". To me Music & Art are like a drug to me. "Give Me More" ------------------------------------------------------------------- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Right now I'm listenin' to [B]Lament of A Mortal Soul Live[/B] by Arch Enemy. So far listen to: Audioslave (album: Out of Exile) Dir en grey (album: withering to death) Dope (album: American Apathy) Dark Tranquillity (album: Character) Avenged Sevenfold (album: City of Evil) last but not the least Opeth (album: Ghost Reveries). and more........the list would be to long[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_gaara.jpg[/IMG] Category: Naruto Name: Gaara [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_ibuki.jpg[/IMG] Category: Street Fighter Name: Ibuki [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_kamui.jpg[/IMG] Category: X/1999 Name: Kamui [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_sei.jpg[/IMG] Category: Burst Angel Name: Sei [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_spike-spiegel_01.jpg[/IMG] Category: Cowboy Bebop Name: Spike Spiegel [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_spike-spiegel_02.jpg[/IMG] Category: Cowboy Bebop Name: Spike Spiegel [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory_avator_-_ashura.jpg[/IMG] Category: Samurai Showdown Name: Ashura[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Awesome picture of [B]Spike[/B] from [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B] [SIZE=2][I]right[/I][/SIZE].[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B] [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Keep Up The Great Work.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman]no more all gone...sorry but I decided to get rid of them :([/FONT]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]When I first saw FuriKuri "FLCL" I was sayin' to myself what kinda of crazy story plot is this. Then it dawned to me that it didn't matter because this ANIME is just one CRAZY, WACKEDOUT, AWESOME & HAS SOME FREAKIN' COOL ROCK MUSIC behind it played by Pillows, The.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I cycle, gulf, play baseball & basketball. I use to play football but I decided on takin' up Tai Chi instead.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I pretty much prefer both. [A suggestion of one anime: [B]GTO the MANGA is AWESOME[/B], but the [B]ANIME is not worth buying[/B]] [URL=http://www.animenation.com/1931514933.html][IMG]http://store1.yimg.com/I/animenation_1853_115657443[/IMG] [/URL] [B]I just think that the MANGA is better than the ANIME.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I gotta throw two of my kunai knifes in. Man I just love this anime. [Naruto & Gang Kills Some Serious Butt] So far I've seen all episode up-to-date. from epi# 1-144 The next episode is #145 The OST 1,2,3 and the Movie OST are Awesome Too!!! I JUST CAN"T GET ENOUGH OF NARUTO!!!!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]I just love CLAMP'S work [the only one i never cared for was : card capture sakura] This are the ones I've collected the manga & anime of CLAMP. Tokyo Babylon :: 1990 - 1994 [manga & anime] Wish ::1996 - 1997 [manga] Clamp Campus Detectives :: 1992 [manga] Clamp Campus Police Duklyon :: 1993 [manga] Angelic Layer :: 2000 - 2002 [manga] Clover :: 1997 [manga] X/1999 :: 1992 - 2003 [manga & anime] Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle :: 2003 [manga & anime] I'm much more a music collector of anime then collectin' every episode. I RATHER LISTEN THEN WATCH THE ANIME SOMETIMES. I pretty much every OST of X/1999.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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