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Lady Halo

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About Lady Halo

  • Birthday 11/20/1992

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  • Biography
    ........I like Skittles?..............um............stop reading!.............fine...........I like wolves................Happy? Now leave me alone!
  • Occupation
    Middle school student

Lady Halo's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Ok your excepted Raze.....But no more exceptions!
  2. Ok well your alll excepted well ere gonna start as soon as possible! :catgirl:
  3. Great another year of school, Mimi thought to herself. Mimi hated school, she was going to 9th grade this year, because she was always the new kid because her family were transferred all around the world so she had no real time to make long-lasting friends. They had moved to the United states and her mother was saying the would stay, but she knew we would end up moving. "Mimi! Get dressed the bus will be comeing soon!" Her mother yelled up the stairs. Mimi scratched her head and ruffled her hair as her kid brother walked into the room. "What do you want dweb!?" She angrely said covering herself with her covers. "Mom said for me to wake you up and tell you you're lunch is packed!" He said snobishly and with that he left her room. Mimi stood up and got dressed in her new school dress. Mimi was going to a Boarding school for specialy gifted students so she would get her uniform later on in the day. Mimi was an A+ student but was alttle ditsy, but her mom may have took it alittle to far. Mimi stood at the front door holding her luggage and her kissed her on her check, wich she quikly wiped away and stepped out the door. ____________________________________________________________________ This RP is about a young girl named Mimi who is going to a boarding school for the gifted. She is hasn't figured out yet why her mother sent her but she will soon enough. Will she stays at the school she makes new friends and foes. But when a great evil trys to take over her new school. The students will band together to fight this evil menance. ____________________________________________________________________ (No god modeing) (up to 2 caracters per person) Bio sign up sheet: Name: Age:(13 to 19) Gender: Power: (two powers!) (like elemental powers, etc..) Personality: PBio Appearance: (pic and/or description) ____________________________________________________________________ My bio sheet: Name: Mimi Age: 15 Gender: Female Power: Abilitie to talk to animals and control animals Personality: She is shy and ditzy but an A+ student. Bio: When mimi was little she would always be found near some type of animal but as she grew up she became closer to animals and her mother found her one day haveing a conversation with an animal and when Mimi was sad and animal would be right beside her of protecting her. Thing is Mimi doesn't really find it strange so when she found out she was going to a school for the gifted she thought her mom was sending her to a stupid school. Appearance: (bottum of page) Name: Rini Age: 15 Gender: Female Power: She can create and manipulate fire Personality: She is a hyper, friendly, and a really hot temper but she's a B student Bio: When Rini was a little kid, of 5 years old, she learned to snap her fingers and her house bursted into flames but she wasn't hurt but her family were killed. She lived at the shcool since then, learning to control her powers and homeing her skills. Appearance: Bottum of page This is a picture of Rini (blonde hair) and Mimi (pink hair): [url] http://www.animecubed.com/animegirls/pics/675.jpg[/url]
  4. (this is going to be complicating but i can deal with it :animeswea ) Name: JiEun/Rebecca Age: 15 (thats how old in my country) Personality: JiEun is a very protective of her friends and she will go to the lengths to protect them. Background Info: JiEun lived in Korea all her life and she became best friends with haeyong when they meet in class.
  5. :catgirl: Hey these are great entries your all excepted and Ghostchick, Half angels are excepted but only a few, and Latharix_sama, of course you can use a scyth no problem and thanks again for signing up! :D
  6. My account can't access those sites i hope I can still join. Name - Rukin Pronunciation - same as its writen Age - 18 Sex - female Race - Half demon and Half angel Height - 5 feet and 9 inches Weight - 120 pounds Hair color - Purple with tints of black Hair style - long to her rear and manga like Eyes - Brown Body - well built Weapons - War wrangler blade Clothes - Tanish brown war dress Distinguished marks - faint Halo appears over head when she stands still and Black dragon wings sprout out of her back Special Powers - Soul Purify: She can purify the evilest soul Soul steal: She can steal a soul for health Bat wings: Her bat wings sprout out of her back so she is able to fly Handicaps - Transformations - Pure demon or pure angel Special Moves - Demon Claw: one of Her hands become devilish andextremily sharp Angel Talon: Her sword turns into double blades that curve around her arms Bio - Rukin was put down in her village and they never trusted her heritage so they tried to kill her and she returned the favor by murdering them all. She wandered the planet to find her true meaning besides killing people. She always is carefull were she lies at night because she doesn't want any one to kill her in her sleep because she might come back as something...................very bad or good. [url]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls71.jpg[/url] This is a picture of her with her faint halo, over her head, and her bat wings that are faint also.
  7. Name: Ebony Gender: Female Race: Half vampire, Half human Position: both Ability: Speed, a natural seductruss, and carrys a black shotgun with extra ammo Appearance: Long sleek black hair that reaches her rear, black leather trench coat, black leather long sleeved shirt, Pale white skin, brown eyes, black baggy leather pants, and black combat boots. Oh and she has a black kitten with a white star on its chest named Shindow Personality: Secretive, mysterious,and lethal. She doesn't trust many, exept her dearest friends. Character Snippets: ::Ebony lay staring at the stary sky cursed, her shotgun lay across her stomach. A rustle came from a bush near by. She jumped up landing on her feet catching the shotgun in mide air and pointing it towards the bush.:: "Address your self, ..........being!" ::She demanded and a black kitten with a white star on its chest . She put her shot gun in its sling on her back and she bent over the kitten and picked it up. The kitten happily and playfully nipped her fingure.:: "Shindow! What did you find?" ::She said talking to the black kitten, Shindow:: 'meow!' ::shindow jumped out of her arms and it walked back behind the bush and came back out with a note and layed it at Ebony's feet, then curled up in the shade of and oak tree near by. Ebony bent over and sat down while picking up the note and read it, it said ' Dearest Ebony, How dare you go against us. Oh well i know where you are, look in the tree Shindow is laying under. Sincerely, Flinder' ::Ebony stood up dropping the note and drawing her shotgun again and walking slowly towards the tree Shindow lay under. A nija star flew at Ebony and she duvked but it caght a piece of her black trench coat. She cussed and she shot into the tree a branch feel because of the power of her shotgun. No one was there it was sent from somw where else. Ebony scoped up Shindow and turned around and left the clearing. Going were ever the wind takes her::
  8. "AAAAHHHHH!" ::Crap she said in her mind as she ran down the blackened corridor. Fear raced through her. Someone more of something was chaseing her. She turned her head around and...:: ************************ ::She jerked up from her sleeping bag, breathing heavily and sweat speckled her face. She wiped the sweat off of her white face and mumered to herself:: "that wasn't good not good at all" ::She sliped out off her sleeping bag, making sure her arm didn't fall out of her sling, and stood up surounding her was a vast forest. All of the sudden a rustling sound cam from a green leaf covered branch..:: *************************** ::Ther stood the grim reaper.:: "NO" ::She yelled and thrusted up her arm to protect herself. Her arm was deformed it was HUGE and metallic like, the fingers were like daggers (there sharp), great for defence and offence:: ::The grim reaper rose his scyth and she closed her eyes and screamed. Th reaper had disapeared with a couple words to think on:: "Don't think I'll forget you, .........daughter" ************************ ::A little squirrel ran out from the protection of the bush and she sighed a sigh of relief. She thought to her self, I thought it was him. She sat back down and sliped back into her sleeping bag and feel fast asleep, Not knowing someone was watching her.:: ____________________________________________________________________ Its is year 2039 and the devil is mad. The grim reaper has fallen out of dutie and mated with a human and had a daughter, so the devil ordered the grim reaper to kill his daughter and the devil is ordering his demons to take over this world that was supposed to take over years ago but some demons also strayed and mated with humans and created offspring ,half-human and half-demon. So th grom reaper's daughter, Derongjita aka Maya, travel's the world to search for these Half breeds like herself, to save this world they live in and hold so dear. ____________________________________________________________________ (NO GODS!) Sign up sheet: Name: (be creative!) Age: Gender: (Male-Female) Race: (Human, Half-Demon,etc.) Bio: Personality: Weapon: Powers: Appearance: (detailed description, picture, or both) ____________________________________________________________________ Here's my sign up sheet: Name: Derongjita A.K.A Maya Age: 119 (looks 18) Gender: Female Race: Half Grim reaper and half human Bio: Maya was always shun all her life because of her arm so she always acts as if its broken and she would bandage it up and put it in a sling. Her father, The grim reaper, loves and hates his daughter but he is only loyal to the devil and the devil ordered him to kill her, so she fled to earth in search of help that she had heard of and she searches for it and noticed earth is changeing to as the demons invade the world turns dark and evil. So she now is searchinf for this help and trying to save the earth. Personality: Solitary and mysterious but around people she trusts she is friendly Weapon: Blood Lust Skull Scyth Powers: Soul steeling (can only use once a day), hovers some over the ground, and has an evil form. Apperance:
  9. Is any one thereZ????????? :animecry: I thought alot of people would do this :animedepr But I guess oh well :huh:
  10. I hope i can join. I will add my picture to my post. If I'm not aloud to I'll just change it. Name: Lida Age: 119 (appears 18) Race: Wolf Demon Clan: Mariquo Rank Of Clan: Follower Bio: Lida is a Maraquo because she believes this war is extremily, But she fights for her clan and the safety of her friends and family. Lida was born a warrior and went through harsh training to become the warrior she is know. One warning, if you get Lida mad you might want to start to run. Persanality: Mystarious, loyal, and suspicuos. Lida is peace loving but when push comes the shove she can be a war loveing person. Weapon: Master Bow staff Appearance:
  11. Name: Osidai Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Ninja Weapon: Ko-kuroken (black wolf assasin blade) and Large Bladed star (like in the pic.) Fighting style: Ninjitsu, weapons Appearances:
  12. I can see your pics. perfectly fine Do I need to repost Rai's pic??
  13. A war started over thousands of years ago and it was between The werewolves, demons, and vampires, with the humans stuck in the middle. But some Werewolves, demons, and vampires wished to end the war and created half breeds that could end this horrible war. It still goes on today but Humans pay no attention to it as it rages around them and the desendents have nearly forgoten there pupose but as the war becomes worse they begin to remember and fight to end it once more as there ancestors did. ____________________________________________________________________ 2 characters max The Bio sheet: Name: Age: Race: Gender: Weapons and/or powers: Personality: Bio: Appearance: (Picture or you can type what your character look like) ____________________________________________________________________ Name: Mace Age: 15 Race: Half cat dragon demon, Half human Gender: Female Weapon: Cat Dragon blade Personality: Hyper but is quite serious at moments and a fighting spirit Bio: When mace was young she was transmorted from this world to the demon world leaving her family behind. She grew up in a small allying village, were she was taught to fend off evil and she became a warrior and sent to earth to help save it from the war were she meet Zai (who you meet next) and she curantly fighting the war. Appearance: Name: Zai Age:16 Race: Half Werewolf, Half human Gender: Female Power: Wolf like figure nail claws, sharp teeth, and wolf likeness Personality: Energetic, loyal, and peppy yet mysterious Bio: Zai was 10 when she meet Mace and found out she was a half werewolf. She was going to school at the time and they became quick best friends. Zai fights the war beside Mace and Mace and her never seem to part unless she's at school and Mace is at her home. Zai grows a wolf tail and ears when she battles (when she isn't in werewolf form) Appearance:
  14. Bio sheet: Name: Ami "Mimi" Age: 14 Gender: Female Involvement with the war: Decendent of a great spirit assasin Weapon: 2 mythril master Ko kurokens (Black Wolf assasin blades) and master throwing stars Personality: Happy, joyfull, and ditzy at many moments, but her alter ego is solitary, mysterious, and deadily. Ami would rather site on the sidelines but her alter ego takes over and fights like the wind. Bio: When Ami was little she lived in a very superstitues village. So much, that they killed Ami's whole family, only Ami survived because of her pet dog that was part wolf. She was so sad that she had an alter ego that was a deadly assasin. As the years went on she began to control her alter ego and she forgot all about it and became the happy school that she is now, But know all this is happening and her alter ego is comeing back. Her best friend is Rai. Appearence: Ami's alter ego: Name: Rai Age: 16 Gender: Male Spirit Animal: Panther Power: As long as the moon is shows at night, he can use panther likeness. (prowling, etc..) Weapon: Panther samarai blade Personality: He's quite, loyal, and mysteries but around friends he's really nice and sweet. People are drawn to him by his handsomeness but he pushess hem aside and says I already have someone in mind. Bio: When Rai turned 5 years of age, he's family disapeared without a trace. He was left alone. Rai grew up in the allies but also went to school. When Rai and Ami met in 3rd grade the became best friends and in time Rai began to fall for Ami but he never got to tell her. Rai now practices his sword manship and he is begining to notice his powers. Apperance:
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