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About Yukina123

  • Birthday 07/23/1990

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    poetic tears56
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    ^_^ not much to say. I'm kind, I pay attention, I'm loyal and tend to be pretty happy or calm.
  • Occupation
    Customer Service Rep.

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  1. Hey! Yukina123, here- giving a shout out to all otakus located in [B]UTAH!![/B] As most, or all of us know, [I]Anime Banzai[/I] is coming to town and word on the boards is that there are special group rates at the Sheraton. I am planning to volunteer and even though I am rather cheap:animeswea it would be nice to have some friends to chat with overnight. Anyone interested? Thanks!
  2. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The big question! IF you could only go to ONE convention,....................... [B]Anime Con[/B] or [B]Comic Con[/B]?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Witch Hunter Robin, but then again, I don't think I actually saw the ending, since I only watch anime on Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and I think I can speak for all when I say their scheduling sucks. [/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Starfire420']I don't know the line up but I mis the old line up I want them to bring back case closed,Lupin The 3rd,Witch Hunter Robin,and Wolve's Rain :([/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I couldn't agree more! Especially Witch Hunter Robin and Wolf's Rain. Maybe even some good eps of Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho!!! [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Having been on both sides of the situation, I can deffinately tell you that you hit the nail right on the head. It's a cry for attention. This, you have probably heard many times before. Recommending her to a counselor is truely the wisest action to be taken. But it IS up to her to decide if she wants to change. Without that will, counseling will do nothing for her. It's not considered a disease, so she can't be admitted to a mental institute or hospital unless she nearly kills herself or someone else. You've most likely fixed the problem by now and I am no use at all, but just you being there and counseling her yourself, I am betting makes her feel a lot better although she doesn't show it like she wishes she could. It's great of you to be there for her. Pleasant waves and good luck.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Okay, what I intended to say originally, was that I was crying during both movies. And I'm guessing you're a guy. Did you ever stop to look past the 'crappy acting' and think, 'jee, I wonder how many guys actually went to war while their girlfriends/wives were pregnant and never got to see their children. Granted, the love plot was a little sappy, but you seemed to be a little to high on your soap box to get the meaning of what the director was trying to get across. There were several scenes, like when the planes explode, the ships sink, the president stands and the sailors drown in the U.S.S Arizona! C'mon!!! If you imagine your brother, your father, your grandfather dying that way, I don't know why you wouldn't cry. It's rude to criticize people's opinions. Criticize the movie all you want, but basically saying that someone is shallow because they take a deeper look and that's THEIR opinion, not yours is just having your head too far up your butt.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I have no idea why [u][i]Pearl Harbor[/i][/u] was on tv, but it was and I watched the last half of it. It brought back a lot for me. Once, when I was in the 5th grade, I did my History Fair report on Pearl Harbor, and my dad had me sit and watch [u][i]Tora! Tora! Tora![/i][/u]. It was the most emotional experience I had when I was a kid. I told my dad after the movie that I hated the Japanese and they made me sick. For those of you that have read [u][i]To Kill A Mockingbird[/i][/u], my father is a lot like Atticus Finch, and he explained to me that it wasn't the fault of the Japanese people, but the Japanese government and I shouldn't hate the innocent Japanese people who were killed by our A-bombs. I think that paved the way for me to become so in love with the Japanese culture and the respect I have for it today. I can't tell you how hard I cried during the one scene when the U.S.S Arizona goes down, and they show the hands of the sailors through the holes in the ship as it filled with water and they died. I hope that people who watch this movie, and especially with the new movie, [i][u]Flight 93[/i][/u] will have a greater respect for what happened then and during 9/11. I see lots of protests going on now to bring our troops home. And whether I want it to or not, politics are coming into my house. my life. When it happened, i didn't cry. I didn't feel it really. I haven't cried for the people of those planes yet or the towers, but I know that one day, I will feel the impact of that day. And I will respect not only America, for it's politics, it's policies, and it's 'warmongering' but also for the people of the world. Pleasant waves. I love you all. [/COLOR]
  8. [color=darkorchid]As of late, I have been downloading music frpm this show frantically!!!! This is some quality music sweethearts. What do you think?[/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Nomura][COLOR=DarkRed][B] But you must drink from the cup of love Please don't be sober LOL, they were off the top of my brain. I need practice with off-the-top-of-my-head poems[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I write poems off of the top of my head all the time. And few of them come out as witty and interesting as that. ^_^ That's some real talent there. Work on it, whatever needs to be worked on, and you will go far. Thanks for posting it here. That's awsome. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]that's very beautiful and touching. it really defines the innermost insecurities of even the most self-sufficient and public figures of our generation. Thank you for posting that here. It doesn't go unnoticed. ~Yukina[/COLOR]
  11. [i][A tall, young woman with brunette hair flowing down her shoulders sits in the lounge chair of a cafe talking with a tall, thin young man with short, bleached hair typing on a laptop computer. They begin talking about High School. The man finds a picture of a school trip with the woman and starts a new topic in their conversation.][/i] ?Remember when we were kids?? ?Which time?? ?That year you had a crush on me.? ?Yes.? ?That scared me. It was weird. You were still a friend I didn?t know well.? ?Did you ever like me as more?? ?No. Jeez, you beat the crap out of me most of the time! But you got over it, right?? ?I never stopped loving you.? ?Yeah. Okay, well, this conversation just got awkward. I?m gonna go get more coffee, you want some?? ?Let me kiss you.? ?What?!? ?Please.? ?What!? Why!? No! We have work to do...? ?I know.? ?Oh, for...don?t look at me like that!? ?Like I?ve been looking at you for the last ten years?? ?What? What?re you talking about!? You?ve never looked at me like that before!? ?Maybe you just never took the time to really look me in the eye.? ?Of course I look at you! Brown hair, freckles, braces, you?ve had the same features your whole life!? ?Then what color are my eyes.? ?This is stupid. C?mon.? ?Tell me what color my eyes have been my entire life.? ?Okay, so maybe I don?t know what color your eyes are. That?s just a stupid question. Now can I go??? ?Your eyes are brown. You got glasses in 10th grade. You?ve always worn cargo pants and water shoes. I know your favorite style of art and the drinks that you hate. I know what bugs you and what makes you feel comfortable. I?m your friend. I always have been. But even friends can torture each other and still go out for coffee.? ?What?s wrong with you! I just....? ?You just don?t know how to deal with someone you care about, but not that way. It?s easy to reject someone you hate. And it?s easy to accept someone you love. You don?t want to hurt me, but I?ve been hurting since the day I looked into your eyes.? ?You?re talking like a juvenile delinquent.? ?Just kiss me dammit.? ?I can?t.? ?Then don?t ever ask me out for coffee. I care about you too much to memorize more of your habits that your children will have in the future, that mine won?t.?
  12. [QUOTE=Gun Preacher]1) i want to not take the blame from others who have heart you. 2) dont distance your self from me cause you think i'm like all the rest 3) dont make lame reasons for breaking up 4) say what you want to say i'm not a mind reader.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yes, women are REALLY bad at stating how they feel, but then again, those who state it too often are just plain annoying, right? But you can't necessarily be mad at someone for being afraid to love. It's like burning yourself on the stove and then going to the microwave. You know it's warm, but just how warm? Just how willing are you to find out? [/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='ilovekyonkichi']Yukina123, I love you, your great. Thanks for the support ^_^ I geuss it might be hard for someone to relate to this problem if they themselves have not ever really liked someone who doesn't exist. At least now I know that I'm not the only one(that gives me lots of comfort^^) Now, Nomad Tical, as for finding someone that I love more than Kyo? I'm not sure that that's possible. And I think that If I did meet Kyo*sigh* I think that we'd get along great(honestly), but of course, I can only imagine . . .[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]No problem hun. But I have to agree with Nomad Tical in that, eventually, it is possible you'll find someone who makes you feel like you rule the world. And they [i]do[/i] see you and can hold you. ^_^ He had a point there. I just wanted to say my peace. It's not fair to apply one's own life experiences and judgement to someone else just because you think they're silly. I've dated real men before, but you just can't fast forward to the cute scenes with them, like you can on anime. I'm always here for ya toots. ^_^ and I'm off![/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']Now, as for your problem, ilovekyonichi, the key is to find someone in the real world who you love even more than kyo. In fact, another thing that helps is to look at kyo's personality and your own and try to figure out what it would really be like if you met. You'll probably find that there's no way it would ever wprk out.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]You're just a little ray of sunshine. You make it sound as if it hurts less to love a fantasy than pine over someone for weeks on end, wondering if they like you, if they notice you, what they think you are, wondering what they do in their spare time, what they like and plotting how to get their attention. With anime, you can just see what they're like, who they like and they don't judge you. That's all I meant and I think i was perfectly in order to chew her butt out for posting on a thread that she just wanted to use to put down people with.[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=DarkRed']My advice? Stop watching, reading, doing anything that has to do with anime, manga, and video games. Spend time in the real world for once instead of worthless fantasies that will only depress you in the end. Snap out of it.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]WEll, honey, apparently you [b]have no life to begin with[/b] if all you're doing is picking on people who want comfort. So what if they're immature? Some of the most interesting people in history were/are the goofiest, most possibly insane people in the world! So get of your rickety little soap box and take a look around. If you haven't got something to be really passionate about, don't shoot down other people's passions. Got it? [/COLOR]
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