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Everything posted by Yukina123

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] ^_^ Just curious to see who does what. Are you a manga-ka, or someone gifted with words more than shading techniques? Do you draw what you see, or see what you create? I, myself, am a writer. An aspiring Manga-ka I can't draw worth crap. lol. I try occassionally, but I do mostly abstract art. I have a friend who can draw really well and does mostly anime sketches, but I have seen mangas where the author and artist are two different people. So what's your interest and what are you good at? ^_^ Glad to see what you write!![/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='kagomefruitcup][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Does any one know who she gonna choose? :animeswea I mean she's pretty much stuck in the middle of 3 guyz and you can totally tell that Azusa in lov with her not to mention her now ex bro is in love with her to. That's pretty wierd some you thought as your brother wants to be your girlfriend.Also Ryoki's just trying to get Hatsumi to like him. Don't blame him cuz he's so stupid on Love topics. He thinks that it's all about having sex and stuff.(unless he's just another pervert :animenose ) AND what about Subaru and Akane (how do you her name pernonced anyway :animestun ) is anything gonna happen to them. I mean in #10 all did was just kiss ( :pyumm Chocolate) Then what happened Subaru & Akane are very confusing. I think Hatsumi should pick Ryoki cuz she's made-out with him awhole mess of times. So it is kind of wrong if she goes with someone else,but i'm not entirely sure,yet. (Oh Yeah what about Kazama,Asahi and Ryoki's old man :animesigh ) Doesn't anyone Know When this getts less confusing? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Pink]Oh I LOVE [/COLOR] [COLOR=Pink']HOT GIMMICK [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Okay, no, nobody knows who she's going to choose. Yeah, she is stuck in the middle. Yeah, I don't blame him either if you read most of my posts. Subaru and Akane...wow, what a subject. Well, they didn't JUST kiss, it was a romantic kiss. It's a significant step for them in their developmental relationship. It's a lot more than just a kiss for them. ^_^ lol. Just because she's made out with Ryoki a lot, doesn't necessarily justify their going out. He really needs to get the basics of women down. It's not wrong for her to go with someone else. It's just, an opinion of who she feels would love her most. It'll get less confusing when you read it more throroughly.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Pommiesmanga']lol kk, you didnt make me give up i just thought of it a different way, cause azusa...i dunno ryo kinda deserves hatsumi more than azusa cause i think that ryo would have never done that no matter what ya kno?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Yes, that's what I said once. Ryo would never do something so horrible. He came close once, but, as I said, gave up in the long run out of respect. ^_^ I would not say that I respect Ryoki for anything he does or has done, but I would say that I would respect his person. He has good character and needs to learn ethics and responsibility as well as some morals. It's a really deep manga. ^_~ Great discussion![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] ^_^ Well, I would say I'm most likely, the least experienced of yaoi readers here. As for the situations in mangas being taken in public schools. I'm sorry they burned it. You could've taken that to federal court. Although they have the right to question you without reading you the "Miranda", it's still unlawful to burn someone's personal property, even on campus. Sorry that happened so long ago. As for bookstores, yes, it's true that very few stores that operate based in Utah sell anime/manga, but in the public library and stores like that, I've never had a problem like that before. As a matter of fact, it's been excatly the opposite. ^_^ Reading manga has actually made me friends in public places, of all ages and even a few guys have hit on me for it. lol. The point is, I'm sorry you encountered such hardships in your pursuit of manga/anime. It's a good thing that you still read it. Hopefully people won't be so harsh where you live now. ^_~ Especially in Utah.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Filipinorocker1']What is the very first manga you ever read? Mine was Ragnarok. After reading that manga I just couldnt stop going into bookstores and looking at which manga looks interesting. Ever since then I started reading D.N. Angel, Escaflowne and Negima and I started buying anime magazines. Hah, I sound like an obsessed nerd. But im not. So just post you answer. :animesmil[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] I don't remember. It's been so long since I started reading them. It might have been Gundam Wing. I have a friend who is obsessed with it and I think she showed me her first. I really don't remember. ^_^ But I know that the first managa I really loved was Fruits Basket. Pleasant waves!!!![/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=Kato_Ama]*looks around suspiciously* I...might like it. Someone might have lent me theirs and I might have read all of them and enjoyed them. Maybe... :animeshy:[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]...Okay, don't know why you'd be ashamed of it or try to hide it, but I got a good chuckle out of it. ^_^ I love this manga a lot. Pleasant waves![/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Pommiesmanga']noo!!! he was regrettin it while he was doing it too!!! he loves hatsumi!!! and ya i give up....she should stay with ryo bc hes still a learner ands still learning how to love so ya and azusa already knos how to "love" so ya i think she should go with ryo, i think she'll soften him up a bit[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]^_^ hmhm. I'm not trying to make you give up. However I am glad that you're willing to see it from my point of view. I guess I'm being a little hard headed. Like I said, it's extremely difficult for me to imagine how Azusa could do that, and feel any kind of pain whatsoever. It's almost as if it's a foreign concept. ^_^ But I guess that's what discussions like these do. Open our eyes and our hearts to new propositions. I'll go re-read it and see if I feel any differently. Pleasant waves![/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=indifference]I think Dagger has it correct in that yaoi is merely a label and does not truely represent what someone likes. It is truly ironic as here in Utah the state does not allow porographic materials to be sold at the stores. I get tired of the rude comments from fellow Utahans when I purchase a disk from a series like Gravation as they are too un-educated to realize it isn't pornograhy. And to stubborn to educate themselves. It's too bad more people can't adapt the attitude of I'm not against you, but I don't support you either. Tolerance is something that many people here in Utah are sorely lacking.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Then you're living in the wrong part of Utah, sport. ^_^ I've been in Utah, and although they may have a few sticks up their butts, they're pretty nice people and if you give them a chance and explain to them, they generally get the idea. As for maleducation, you're picking on the wrong state. BYU and UofU are two of the highest respected universities outside of the Ivyleague. So just like you are generalizing Utahns, so are a lot of people generalizing yaoi. Stereotypes. You've got to look beyond the outter layer of what is presented to you and find what really makes it what it is. Don't just assume that the entire population of one area feels the same way. ^_~ It's all about the little things.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='UsagiYouko23][FONT=Arial]I love it![/FONT][SIZE=2]I love it![/SIZE][FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT][COLOR=Blue]undefined[/COLOR'] I love Hot Gimmick it is super awesome. I have collected most of the manga and love what I see. If I could love it any more I would burst. I especially love the weirdo love triangle of Ryoki, Shingu, and Azusa with Hatsumi. It is impossible to sum all of this up so I'm just gonna' finish and say I LOVE HOT GIMMICK! :D[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] wow. okay then. ^_^ Sounds like we all agree![/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger]Part of the problem lies with the terminology. Some American companies use "yaoi" as an umbrella term for everything from light BL to really uber explicit material; others market their manga as shounen-ai. It seems pretty random to me--from what I can tell, only DMP is consistent about it; they've done a good job of making their yaoi brand distinct and easily recognizable. Tokyopop's new Blu line might turn out to be something similar. Fans often try to distinguish between shounen-ai and yaoi, saying that yaoi is the gay subdivision of hentai and that shounen-ai is the stuff with, you know, characters & a story. Personally I feel that by now the terms have become hopelessly confused; some people will pounce on you if you use yaoi to mean anything other than a category of hentai, while others pretty much refuse to admit the fact that plenty of BL is indeed just a specialized form of hentai. Boys' love is the term used most commonly in Japan, and it functions better than yaoi as a sort of catch-all phrase. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]I agree with what everyone has said here, i mean yoai is starting to become more popular amung girls and we can't forget boys as well. Although most people agree that there are two sides to Yaoi there is the non-sexual side and the just plain people doint it throught the whole thing. I like both but i can stand a yaoi or shouen comic that is just boring, the only one that i can think of that is like that is a manga that i read about a boy who had an accident and lost both of his parents and is now living with his doctor who is also his lover. It was a good story, but there was too much talking in it and it was very hard to follow.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]^_^ Both of you have great points. I most agree with Dagger. The terminology is all wrong, as I said in the first post. Hopefully this will help a lot of people get is straight. Thanks for laying it out Dagger![/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial Narrow][size=2] So I was wondering about you, the anime fans, point of view. What is it, specifically, that attracts you to anime rather than -- oh, you know, [i]Neighbours [/i]or [i][Insert Country] Idol[/i]? [Let me make it clear that I don't watch either of those, haha]. Is it the style or the characters or...what, specifically? [/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Because it's the history and style of the whole genre. ^_^ It's what makes it what it is. The drama and the storyline are completely different from any other kind of show. I mean, could you see [Instert Country] Idol having supernatural powers and falling in love? Sometimes it's just the art. It's an escape from every day life. Or even a book that depicts the actual dealings of people today. There's just a magic that Actors and Actresses can't portray. Maybe it's the allure of the ability of the artists to create such emotion. Or maybe it's just the sweet fight scenes that you can't do without 50,000,000 sticks of dynamite and a fire-proof cast. lol. It's really just a matter of perspective. ^_^ Hope that answered your question.[/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='duoikari']Yaoi is not just two men having it off with each other, it goes deeper then that. But I would like to point out that no one ever complains about Hentai?, or yuri?, Yaoi is just the same as them but it is aimed at gays and girls more.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Agreed. It's not all about sex, but that is the main objective. Hentai and yuri are what we are addressing. Yaoi is an easier word to remember, so it has a broader meaning than just manxman. Hentai, is very different. That is japanese porn. Okay? That has nothing to do with romance or emotion. That's pure erotica and should be paid no mind. ^_^ Good to hear someone who likes it is open about it![/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] ^_^ Okay. This one's bound to be a heated one. SO please, state your opinion in a calm manner so the admins don't get mad at us. ^_^ I think I'm taking quite a risk by putting this up, period. :animeswea hehe. ^_^ I've made a banner for people like me on MyOtaku if you wish to see it. Basically, what I'm trying to say with it is, "I'm not against you, but I don't support you." I'm what you would call neutral. I'm biased, neither for, nor against, yaoi and the like. Personally, I don't think it's a bad thing. ^_^ People are allowed to feel how they want to towards whoever they want to. But that doesn't mean that at some level it's violating natural law. I'm not going to go into religion. I think that many people who don't like it, don't like it for the wrong reasons, but I think that some people may have valid reasons to dislike it. Sometimes it makes people uncomfortable. People who support it, tend to be a little too open with it and shove it in people's faces. That isn't nice. Just because one is proud of one's opinion, doesn't mean one should harm another's feelings with it. ^_^ I hope I'm making any sense at all. And I hope I don't get any flaming private messages for this. Thanks for your time.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] ^_^ Well, I think that Hanajima and Uotani are probably my favorite characters. They just define so much of High School Girls (side laughter) and are characteristic on their own. Not to mention the love they share for Tohru without it being completely creepy, discusting, whatever you choose.( -.- if that sounds anti-yaoi to you, I'm starting another thread about that one.) ^_^ Shigure and Ayame and Hatori tie as my favorite trio too. Because Hatori is just, plain awsome and his past makes him even better. Ayame is hilarious to listen to/watch and Shigure just adds that little comic relief. ^_^ He's a cutie that one. Tohru really needs to mature a bit. She's too busy with her head in the clouds to see the tumultuous issues surrounding her. She's gonna break someone's heart and she better be aware of it when she does it. That's about it![/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='kayutori_sama]Hot Gimmick is a manga that can "jerk" you around in a sense. Hatsumi's feelings for Ryoki, Azusa and Shinogu are all different, but the same in a way. She loves her brother, but is she ready to really[I] love[/I'] her brother. Incest is and always will be a hard topic, but maybe that is how the manga will end. She could end up with Ryoki. Even though he can be harsh at times it's obvious that he does care for Hatsumi, and then there is Azusa . Now he can't hate Hatsumi, her slate is clean. The possibilities of who Hatsumi will end up with are endless.( even though I do have a bias as to who she should end up with ^_^ heh)[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Oh really? ^_^ I'm interested to find out who you favor. It's true that the possibilities are endless for this poor girl. But first, I think she should grow up a little. This series is deffinately not going to end at 15. Like Fruits Basket, which is well into it's 20th manga, Tohru and Hatsumi are similiar in their desire to make everyone happy and lean on certain people for support. They rarely take action themselves because it's not in their personalities, but I'll leave that to the other thread. As some would say, Hatsumi needs to get a grip. I think that she's just been sheltered by her friends and family for too long. I, myself being a brazen girl, find it hard to comprehend someone not being able to decide for themselves that someone is a bad person or a good person, depending on what they've done to me. ^_^ But that's just me, right? So it's hard to ask Hatsumi to pick, when she's so young and so unprepared mentally and emotionally. I believe this manga is going to take a while to develop. ^_~ Later.[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='kayutori_sama']I fully agree with your opinion. I'm staying with this manga until the the end. Finding out who Hatsumi chooses will be quite intersting, and as for the whole relationship situation with Shinogu, time will tell.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]^_^ I think that's a great thing to do. Staying with it until the end. Calm and quiet is a nice way to view this manga.[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Pommiesmanga']SHINOGU?!!!!! no way!! she will never, or i hope , go out with him!! he was like her brother!!! i would feel weirdly grossed out goin out with my bro!! true they arent related but i mean, she has always all these yrs thot of him like a bro and now shes just sposed to think of him as a boyfrend? i couldnt do that!!! and i dont think she should have to either, every1s puttin pressure on her, poor hatsumi[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Goodness, no need to be so dramatic. Yes, it would be odd to even consider kissing your brother, let alone dating him. That's why he moved out. But he's obviously in a lot of pain. One should be gentle when addressing such issues of the heart. The poor guy. Love is like a river, it goes where it pleases, eroding whatever stands in its way. I think that poor shinogu is just trapped in that kind of a world. As for Azusa, I stand firm in the opinion that he should rot in hell. No one should ever do that to anyone under any circumstances. It is unforgivable. Harumi was traumatized by that....and Ryoki was shameless in his attempts, but he had a conscience and stopped when she was drunk. Asuza had no pains whatsoever sicking his friends on her, and only did he regret it AFTER he found out that it wasn't her father!! AFTER!!!! And only did he regret it when he realized that he was doing it to someone who was innocent. That is a black heart to me. Yes, poor Hatsumi...this is one story, where I don't think she should date anyone. ^_^ Opinion stated.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Pommiesmanga']true, true......but so is she....kinda....fine pair they make too huh, but i mean, azusa deserves her more....hes liked her like since WAY back....im sure ryo did too but still.....i think azusa deserves her more.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] HA!!! yeah right. He's so wrapped up in his own mother, he'd have 6 other guys do his crush, just to get back at her old man. right...ther'es real love for ya. ^_~ Next time a hot childhood friend wants his friends to do me, I'll know it's because he deserves me, right? Yes, I think that she and ryo may be a good pair. Not forever, but at least for the first few stepping stones. Azusa, oh, he's outta my book. Rawr!![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Okay! Who has read Kare First Love? ^_^ The minute I read the first volume, I decided it was deffinately a keeper and I bought it. Same with [B]Mars[/B] and [B]Hana-kimi[/B]. Has anyone read any of these mangas? ^_^ They're all interesting romances. Hopefully you do and don't worry, I love spoilers!!! Feel free to pm them to me. ^_~ On another side-note. [B]Full Moon wo Sagashite[/B] is a great anime. ^_^ I only just read the manga, so I won't say which one is better or worse until I've seen further. Thanks for visiting! ^_~ Don't forget to drop a hello or visit the otaku site!! Thanks again!!![/COLOR]
  20. Okay, Ryoki, I pity. The poor guy. He's been living out of books since he was little! Give him a break. For goodness sakes. Then, he actually falls in love. Really, it's not fair to be so mean to the poor guy. He's new to this. ^_^ Personally, I think he's like Satoshi from DN Angel. He just needs to learn how to love before he can do it right. ^_~ lol.
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