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About FlamesFirebrand

  • Birthday 04/04/1989

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    Flames Firebrand
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  • Biography
    I like anime and videogames
  • Occupation
    Writer and/or Webdesigner

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  1. lost in blue and meteos are the 2 best right now IMO. Tramua center ahh cant wait..but it comes out right before ACDS ...cRAP!
  2. I want to learn how to draw! I can never hold a pencil/Pen steady my hand always shakes. I cant really draw stright lines. If possible would someone help me get a book or help teach me how to draw? Im really getting desprate :animecry:
  3. Winry from Full Metal alchemist. I dont know why I just like hyper active girls that like taking everything apart. Second I know its not anime but how Can I resist. Princess Peach She seems sweet and loveable and I love a girl who wears a huge dress lol ^^"
  4. When I first heard of elfen Lied I saw a huge breasted women on the cover. I said is this a porno? I put it back. I took a look at it on anime network. WHILE eating dinner. I basicly lost my whole appetite but I have to say this anime reminds me of .hack and some other shows that come to mind. One thing I noticed though was that in one eposide some girl said....I wont spoil any of it. But to make a notice it was distuging but I like voilent anime and having a cute girl in it helps alot to. Anyway I give this anime a 4 out of 5 :P
  5. Turn it to the site. It looks like a old NES controller no? Anyway on tokyo gameshow 05' interview they are creating a port where you can plug the controller in if you dont like to swing it around.
  6. sq33k l337! my otaku is faster than ever o.o! Even more is that it showed up at school. Know what that means ^^" My speed > School speed. Hurrah! I can update at last!
  7. Its been 3 1/2 hours and my otaku is still loading..wait just finshed..YAY!
  8. Im still waiting for myotaku to load D: ..I should check for spyware and does anyone else have any more suggestions into speeding it up? Eg delete files
  9. sorry for bugging you all with this..ill go away..
  10. Iam gettign around every other site fine. Maybe its just firefox?
  11. The server is pretty bad? or is it just my connection? It takes 10 minutes to load one page o.o!
  12. *cry* T.T My dad had a last minute change of heart and we arent going to go! *tear* at least I can still go to the comic con it nov...Ill meet mr.miyamoto one day....
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh why fight with cards when you can just kick his ***
  14. Thank you very much [color=navy][size=1]You're quite welcome, but there's no need to make an entire separate post thanking me. The next time you want to add a little snippet like this, just edit it into one of your previous posts. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  15. Thats funny. I already saw trigun..(lol) anymore?
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