[COLOR=DarkOrange]mine is very scary.....especially what happens when i woke up....i waz in this hotel with my mom on vacation or somthimg and were on the very top floor,and i looked out the window and i had a very strange feeling somthing very bad waz going to happen and sunddenly out of nowhere a big metior is heading for the earth(like how the dinousurs died)but i didn't say anything i just stood there looking at it headind toward us and then i asked my mom what we can we do and she says "nothing"....so we get out of the hotel and everyone is panicking and running and when it hits the earth i wake up....but thats not all.....here comes the scary part....the next morning when i wokeup...i heard the news and it said that a metior will hit the earth in 25years!!!!This is a true story...my dream :sleep: [/COLOR]