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Kazuma alter

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Everything posted by Kazuma alter

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]yes one of my fav.....although i've never seen the anime before but i've read it all the way to the 8th...and that waz awsome!!!!I can't wait till next month when the 9th book is realeased...i sooooooo have to read it!!!I want to see the manga though soo many ppl tell me it good...hopfully i'll get it some day :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]i actully started using it early because my dad let me for some reason.....like when i waz about 5....and all i went to really is nickolodian.com and disneychannel...but i wanted to know more and eventully i knew how to use the internet by myself and when i read my first manga i wanted to know more and thats when i used alot...and i got into anime and all....i used to go to neopets....but the only reason i did is because i wanted to talk anime and manga to someone....i don't have any friends to talk to about that kinda stuff so ya.....thats my story[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]does anyone like this beside me.....i know alot of ppl who don't like it i want to talk to someone who actully likes it because alot of ppl don't like it[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  4. Fruits Basket...(obbviose).....i like it because it's not like any other manga i've ever read before...it really touches your heart....it leaves an impact on you...i really like the charecters...each one has a story.....my fav. manga of all time and always will be.................
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]mine is very scary.....especially what happens when i woke up....i waz in this hotel with my mom on vacation or somthimg and were on the very top floor,and i looked out the window and i had a very strange feeling somthing very bad waz going to happen and sunddenly out of nowhere a big metior is heading for the earth(like how the dinousurs died)but i didn't say anything i just stood there looking at it headind toward us and then i asked my mom what we can we do and she says "nothing"....so we get out of the hotel and everyone is panicking and running and when it hits the earth i wake up....but thats not all.....here comes the scary part....the next morning when i wokeup...i heard the news and it said that a metior will hit the earth in 25years!!!!This is a true story...my dream :sleep: [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I waz just wondering....i don't know exactly who i would go out with...maybe Kyo from Furuba....anywayswhat show and who???[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  7. [COLOR=Purple]To tell the truth....it's for both....i mean look at pokemon....ya for younger ages and look at mature shows...they were kinda made for older ages....but alot of young kids still watch it....it's really for all the thind is just the rating of some shows....i watch things i'm not even really alowed to see and i still do it ya know?So ya....it's really for both...but i really think more kids watch it than adults[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  8. I just LOVE this show!!!! :catgirl:
  9. That is one of my all time fav. anime and manga :animeswea i waz just wondering if anybody else liked it?
  10. :catgirl: I love that saying too.....yes i L-O-V-E FB.....you can tell by my avatar.. ;) I've never seen the anime but....i've read the manga i've already read to book 8 and will keep on going!!!!! :animesmil
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]undefined[/COLOR][IMG]1805-20040314042220[/IMG] :animesmil I LOVE DNAngel!Dark is soooooooooo HAWT!My fav.of there manga is number 8.I just read it.I love it!I got to read 9,and 10 next.Can someone tell me what happens?!
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