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Everything posted by Karma_Deciever

  1. OOC:Hi Yes it is Me I have Returned with new ideas.... Tero Karma's Charater is Mine it start as a little coil between me and Ringmaster but now, It's between you and me.... IC: *I get back up and say"Is that the Best you got Mortal!!??* *Talon Look's down at me * Talon:You Got to be Kidding me. I'm just Warming up!!! *Talon Flies Down After me with a attack* *But I counter it with a side kick to the face and a Punch to the Face.The battle gets fast and furyful My kicks makes contect with his and punches connect with mine.....>>>
  2. *Karma walks over to the wall* Karma:who am I verusing? *Karma moves his finger down to his macth* Karma:Huh....So I verus some chick named Shimmira,Last match in at first round,huh. *Karma walk back to Ring to see him get in the ring* Karma:good luck. Ring:huh,you to Karma.I'll see you later. *Karma::demon: * Karma:forget Tero,I have a new target........Ring! OOC:Hi,guys it's me Karma D, I going help you like you and then you'll like me,I'll you,and I help You like you.:toothy:
  3. OOC:Hi guys,did you miss me?I see that Tero Is still the host huh? I can't see how you humans depened on your leader so much...... Tala and Talais......Useing magic to defeat your enemy show weakness it your Skills as a fighter......I came here to fight one and only one man...........TERO! This is the End........ and I asore you......It will be PAINFUL....... HAHAHAHAHA........ P.S. Ring Don't get I my Way........ your Super Nature power will not work on me......
  4. So your Tero Valor huh.Your Weak!And to think......your the Host! I think they need a new Host for this Board.I think it should be me.you're all Weak!Tero,Talon,Tala,Talais,Raiha,NanakiXII,Forte, Ringmaster!All of you Weak! But I will write on this board.
  5. OOC:I'm New but I'll join so here gos....I'm Karma look at the bottom Duh! *As Gohan and Piccolo fight the warrors senice a powerful presents* Goku:How is That? Tero:what the hell he look's like me.?? *I look down at Tero* -He looks like me.??- *Gohan and Piccolo fight a long time,Piccolo blasts a beam called Makousapa!!!Gohan does the same move but douges piccolo's beam and hits him with he's...* Spaker:Piccolo is KOed the winner is Gohan! Gohan:are you okay Piccolo!!!??? Piccolo:yeah,I'm OK Kid. *Piccolo and Gohan Smile at each other * *The next is up* So you like my enternce...... :smirk:
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