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About RavenDragon

  • Birthday 10/01/1989

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well, I'm a Demon, fighting on behalf my my King, Raizen. I'm close friends with Yusuke. And I despise Kuwabaka.
  • Occupation
    Demon/College student

Contact Methods

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  1. For Anime, I would have to be Yukina from Yu Yu Hakusho, and for Manga, I would be Demon Lord Raenef from Demon Diary (despite the fact that he's a boy) ;)
  2. My favorite Anime song is Rocketto Hanabi no Love song from Yu Yu Hakusho. It features Yukina and Kuwabara. Some of the translatoins are pretty funny. Here thy are: [Kazuma] Ore ni mo wakaranai su anata no koto omou to Kono mune ga kayui n' desu [Yukina] Ganbatte kudasai Yasegaman wa dame yo Tama ni nara asobimashou [Kazuma] Unknown to me when I think of you My heart gets itchy [Yukina] Please do your best Once in a while let's play [Yukina] Tabun anata no moete iru me wa Seigi no akashi [Yukina] Maybe your burning eyes are Proof of justice [Kazuma] Ai desu! [Yukina] Wakaranai [Kazuma] Honki desu! [Yukina] Fushigi na hito ne [both] Jounetsu ga oni gokko shite 'ru [Kazuma] Yume desu! [Yukina] Kimagure yo [Kazuma] Anata nara [Yukina] Shinkirou-mitai [both] Itsu wakariaeru [Kazuma] It's love! [Yukina] I don't understand [Kazuma] I am serious! [Yukina] What a wonderful man [both] Passions play a game of tag [Kazuma] It's a dream! [Yukina] It's a whim [Kazuma] If it is you [Yukina] It seems like a mirage [both] When shall we meet [Kazuma] Kinou made no ore wa kireru dake ga torie Akkenai roketto hanabi [Yukina] Da kedo shinjite iru anata no tsuyosa nara Yakudatete minna no tame [Kazuma] Until yesterday giving up's my only choice Rocket fireworks that don't open [Yukina] But I believe if it's your strength You can be of help for everyone's sake [Yukina] Itsu ka dame ni natchaisou na yoru Omoidashite ne [Yukina] Sometime recall that Seemingly no good night [Kazuma] Dame desu! [Yukina] Kanashii no? [Kazuma] Ikanai de! [Yukina] Mou furuenaide [both] Naze na no kekkan kiresou [Kazuma] Maji desu! [Yukina] Daijoubu? [Kazuma] Tomadoi ga [Yukina] Yosete wa kaesu [both] Futto mitsumeatta [Kazuma] It's no good! [Yukina] Are you sad? [Kazuma] It can't be! [Yukina] Don't shake anymore [both] For some reason it's like slashing veins [Kazuma] I'm serious! [Yukina] Are you all right? [Kazuma] The surprise I got [Yukina] I returned [both] Suddenly we stared [Kazuma] Ai desu! [Yukina] Wakaranai [Kazuma] Honki desu! [Yukina] Fushigi na hito ne [both] Jounetsu ga oni gokko shite 'ru [Kazuma] Yume desu! [Yukina] Kimagure yo [Kazuma] Anata nara [Yukina] Shinkirou-mitai [both] Itsu wakariaeru [Kazuma] It's love! [Yukina] I don't understand [Kazuma] I am serious! [Yukina] What a wonderful man [both] Passions play a game of tag [Kazuma] It is a dream! [Yukina] It's a whim [Kazuma] If it is you [Yukina] It seems like a mirage [both] When shall we meet [Kazuma] Ai desu! [Yukina] Futari wa itsu demo [Kazuma] Maji desu! [Yukina] Nazo kake darake no [Kazuma] Yume desu! [Yukina] Tokenai kuizu ne [Kazuma] It's love! [Yukina] Two always [Kazuma] I am serious! [Yukina] It's covered with puzzles [Kazuma] It's a dream! [Yukina] It's an unanswerable quiz
  3. I absolutely LOVE DDR. My favorite song from it is "Moonlight Shadow". What's yours? Post it here! :D
  4. Yes, the show ended when Yusuke died for the second time, and then Cartoon Network showed the first 5 or so episodes, and it hasn't been on since.......I miss watching the dubbed version, but the English subbed are just as good. I downloaded a few episodes after the one where Yusuke dies again. Some of it is really sad, come to think of it. Especially where they show you about Hiei's past. If you haven't seen any episodes after episode 89, message me, and I'll tell you what happens.
  5. I found OtakuBoards through MyOtaku. I thought it would be cool to join, and guess what? I'm having fun so far! :animesmil
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