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  1. does anyone know what that message at the begining of 145 meant?
  2. deftones anyone? [font=Verdana][color=blue][b]Edit:[/b][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]For future reference, please try to answer questions in complete sentences with proper grammar. What you said there doesn't really spark much conversation and will most likely lead to a yes or no answer.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=#0000ff]- Petie[/color][/font]
  3. im sorry if this offends any non christians but suicide is wrong theres only one being that gets to decide when you die
  4. hey my names corey too! well lets see i fall in with the popular crowd i was starting quarterback my junior and senior year of highschool i a closet otaku my gf who i live with doesnt even know i guess im the guy who people expect to be a stuck up jerk but ill hang with anybody thats how i got into anime also something unique about me im 1/2 irish 1/2 korean
  5. hello all im new i just thought id warn you that i tend to sound like an ***hole and pick on people. but just know that its all in good fun, i dont mean any of it if i offend anyone just pm me my mouth has gotten me baned twice now :animesigh people without a sence of humor [COLOR=Red]Edit: I had to edit your post for foul language. Introduction threads are not allowed on the OB. Please re-read the rules page to prevent your account from being banned a 3rd time. If you have questions, ask the administrators or moderators for help. -Panda[/COLOR]
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