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Everything posted by Drifting soul
I'm a writer (at least that's what I call myself) but a terrible artist. I sometimes think that's a bad thing, that I'm creative with words but not pictures. Whenever something strikes me, I write it. So I end up writing fantasy, romance, comedy or all three. I'd love to be a film writer some day but I wouldn't mind being a novelist either. If there's anyone out there who is unsure of what to write- Just write about what you're passionate about!
I'm really looking foreward to this movie. Whenever I look at that promotional picture I go 'awww' and want to hug him, even though he's a robot. Pixar attempting a movie without speech is daring but daring films are the best.
I went to my first expo a few months ago and was so fascinated by the effort and detail people put into their cosplay costumes it made me want to do it too. But I'm not good at sewing or anything and the next expo I'm going to is in October and I haven't made a costume yet so maybe I've left it too late. I don't have a lot of money either and apparently it does cost a lot. I'm worried about my costume not being accurate enough considering how good 'professional' cosplayers costumes look. For instance, I can't afford to buy a wig. I know that cosplay is supposed to be about having fun not 100% accuracy but I'm a very paranoid person.
Sounds like a very interesting move. And that promotional poster (I'm assuming that's what it is) is very beautiful too. Thanks very much for bringing it to my attention. I'll be keeping an eye out for it now! :catgirl:
I have an LCD alarm clock thingy and for some odd reason I have to turn it so it isn't facing me when I go to sleep. I get annoyed by all those tiny little lights from the tv, laptop etc.
As it happens, I just got back from visiting my sister's student flat (British word for apartment). It's really basic student accomodation. The flat is made up of 5 seperate rooms, one for each student, a shared kitchen and 2 bathrooms. It's small, dingy and dirty but I could happily call it home! For some odd reason the thing I liked about my sister's room was it over looked the car park which was surrounded by 4 blocks of flats so you could see everyone who was coming and going. I know it's pretty strange that I like really small things like that. As for actually living, me and my little sister sleeping on the floor took up what little space there was but after living in a house and being bugged by my family for 18 years I actually like the idea of having all your worldly possessions in a small space where you can always reach them. I discovered that having good flat mates and neighbours is all down to luck. Sis's flatmates were all very nice and 'well behaved' and we had no problems with neighbours keeping us up (the airport nearby did that instead) but there were some very noisy people outside with music blasting that could be heard down in the street. Well I've never actually lived in an apartment so I can't offer as much insight but that's the viewpoint of someone who's just had a glimpse at it.
In response to the last post, some of the relationships in CCS are genuine love and not just close brotherly/sisterly love. Of course there are close sibling like relationships in the show there are some that go a bit further, even if you do have to constantly speculate about them. Also I agree with you that the Sakura/Li relationship is so cute!! The last scene in the second movie gets me every time.
This isn't really a purchase, it was a birthday present. But it's geeky none the less. In addition to my wonderful Chobits backpack I now also have a plushie of Chi from Chobits. Now that wouldn't be so bad except I took her to school with me and proudly displayed her in my pocket for the world to see. It's really hard to believe that i'm 18...
This is one of the few anime shows that both me and my boyfriend like (but he still hates the cuteness parts of it). It's pure comedic genious! Even though the plot is strange it's nice to have an anime that's 100% comedy. Even though i've watched it several times there are still some parts that have me cracking up laughing every time. And there are times when you already know that someone is going to say something or be hit on the head or whatever but it's dragged out brilliently and you're on the edge of your seat waiting for it to happen. Excellence!!
Apart from my half tonne of manga my geekiest purchase would have to be my Chobits backpack. What makes it really terrible is I use it at school.....And it's bright pink....And i'm in the highest year. There is no way i'm almost 18!!
My favourite pair of shoes are my cowboy boots. They cost £25 which is way more than I usually spend on shoes but I just love 'em! They have these cool dangly things and I just love to move my feet around to make them go 'swish swish'! Yeah I know that's weird. As for school shoes go I don't like just ordinary plain ones and look for ones with a little decoration like a flower or something (I'm kinda a hippie). But unfortunatly I can't find any of these types of shoes that fit me anymore :animedepr . And it doesn't help that I need to buy a new pair. As far as trainers (sneakers) go I have 2 pairs that I wear most of the time. One pair is slightly 'fancier' than the others. I don't believe in wasting good money on brand labels ever since I learnt about child labour. Plus wearing brands shows that you're owned by multinational companies in my opinion. But I can probably save that for a different thread :D
I had depression a few months ago. Well it was probably pretty mild compared to other people's cases but it was still terrible for me. It started when everyone at school started assuming that I fancied one of my friends and started spreading rumours that were ludicrously untrue. I started to wander why it was always me who gets picked on. It's been happening my whole life. I give my friend (whos name is Luke by the way) the occassional friendly hug but so do lots of people. So WHY was it ME that they picked on?! This lead to me thinking that I was a loser and bad at making friends like everyone else. When school ended and I was on study leave I started feeling better. I guess being away from the people who were making me depressed helped me since now after a month long break everyone's forgotten about those rumours. My tips for beating depression- 1. Watch anime and comedy to cheer you up. It works wonders. 2. Think carefully and you might realise that the things you think about yourself arn't really true. 3. As the REM song goes 'Take comfort in your friends.' In fact that entire song is good for depression. Hope this helped at least some of you! :catgirl:
We have the same problem here in the UK. Especially in my area which has very little racial variation. In some parts of London school classes are made up of 50% non-white (sorry, can't think of another word for it) children but in my college of about 120 people there are only 2 Asian people. Thankfully because all of us are aged 16-18 we're more mature so most people are nice to them, because they are very nice people, but I have heard the occasional racist remark. One of them who is in my group of friends was bullied because of it and was very upset. I think that it will be a long time before racism is no longer, even if that is a sad fact. I'm completly non-racist and see everyone as equal because I know God does too. I hate people who are racist and I was pretty disgusted by some of the stories you guys told. Racism is a pretty big issue in the Uk because we have so many different races here now. Most people, like me, don't mind and I in fact enjoy learing about other religions and beliefs and trying foreign food. It is the small majority of people with the opposite view point that let the rest of the country down. I know illegal immigrants cost the government a lot of money but that doesn't mean every middle eastern, asian etc person should be treated unfairly. As for not dating people outside of your own race, I think I'm actually the opposite of that. I don't really like most British boys of my age. My first real crush was on an Asian person and I am now madly in love with someone from Finland. Well....That's my two cents. Have a nice day! :catgirl:
Fine, I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off. That was not my intention. And I actually work my butt off both in lessons and in my own time to get good grades so don't accuse me of not taking school seriously because I do more than most people in my school. What I meant to say is it's scientifically impossible, for most people, to pay attention 100% of the time, especially over a long period of time. If you give yourself a short break every 20-30 mins then it's easier to concentrate. But my teachers don't do that so it's hard for any of us to write down every single one of our notes but it's not like it's our fault. I'm not the type of person who shoots spitwads, believe me. I've had enough crap from people at school recently and i'm getting pretty sick of it.
[quote name='Lord Dante']Oh, I don't know. You could always try getting on with, and focusing on your studies?[/quote] Of course all of us would like to do that, but you can't expect someone to pay full attention for 50 minuits or an hour and a half non stop with a monotonous teacher!!
Thankfully i've never had any dog related neighbour problems. I have had problems though. There's probably the most annoying family in britain living across the road from me. The kids are pretty bad and always leave their skateboards and bikes in the street but I suppose they're not much different from regular kids. Their mother is the really annoying one. When she yells at her kids to shut up she's about twice as loud as they are!! That doesn't help when i have my window open and i'm trying to study for my exams. Also she stole a trolley from the supermarket and one day my mum took it back. I don't know what exactly happened but I can tell it wasn't good since the two of them haven't spoken since. Not that I mind of course. The guests at their house make a lot of noise too. One time a kid that was visiting them stole a bag of cement from another neighbour and spilt it onto the street which was very dangerous to cars. My mother had a right go at him too. All I can say on the matter is go Mum!!
I used to be jealous of my friends quite a lot when I was younger and nowadays I still am at times. I know I really really shouldn't but I just can't help it. But recently I seem to be the one people are jealous of 'cause I get A's and B's in english and they don't. Apparently they've been saying stuff about me behind my back which really hurts. It's not my fault, I'm not the one who grades the english papers. I worked hard to earn those grades and they didn't work as hard. All of us got the grades we deserved didn't we? I think it's natural to think unfair or untrue things when you're jealous. So before you do anything nasty about your jealousy, think of the feelings of the person first. Thankies!! :catgirl:
Ah, now that takes me back. I used to watch it quite often along with Flint the time detective. They aired the ending in England 'cause I remember seeing it once. I wish they'd show it again. There's quite a lot of old shows that I miss. Anyway, I really loved Moochi cos he (was it a he?) was so adorable and Tiger cos he was wicked awesome and electric blue! The only thing I didn't like was the confusing stuff about Hollie and her dad. Did anyone else notice that the magic stone (or whatever it was called) always pointed foreward? You'd have thought they would have noticed.
I either poke my friends or daydream. But I really shouldn't do that 'cause I end up missing everything and have to ask my friends about it. But of course they won't tell me 'cause I just poked them! It's a never ending cycle.....So in other words dont' daydream. Wait, I didn't even solve the problem.....
I couldn't belive the people (sorry forgot who it was) who said girls shouldn't have sex unless they want to get pregnant. That's completly stupid!! Not everyone wants to have kids. People seem to forget that sex has 2 main functions and the other is to create a deep emotional bond between lovers. My boyfriend and I are planning on having pre-marital sex but only to prove our commitment and love to each other. I don't see anything wrong with that whether we're married or not. We've talked about it at length to make sure we'll only do it when we're both ready and will use all the right protection. I fully accept other people's beliefs and think people should just follow what they belief. One thing I can't stand if people who have sex just for the sake of having sex. It's sad how peer and media pressure affects people so much. I think the best solution to STD's and stuff is better sex education in schools and for couples to discuss sex before hand.
Anime What anime ending confused you?
Drifting soul replied to the Samaruimist's topic in Otaku Central
The ending of Fruits basket confused me. I mean, what was this [spoiler]core of the zodiac thing that Akito had?[/spoiler] Same thing goes for the ending of Shaman King. [spoiler]After god knows how many episodes no one actually became the shaman king! Ok, maybe that one actually annoyed rather than confused me[/spoiler] -
-The blood in the shower scene in 'Psycho' was Hershey's chocolate syrup - In the first few episodes of Star trek Dr McCoy's medical scanner was an ordinary salt shaker -Ants and humans are the only animals that wage war on their own kind -Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of where they grew up -The life expectancy of a toiloit is 50 years -Tic tacs contain the same ingredient used to make car polish -More cat food is bought in Britain each year than can be eaten by the number of cats in the country (makes me wander who [I]does[/I] eat it) -25% of Swedish woman have had sex with more than 50 men -The dead outnumber the living 25 to 1
What is the strangest thing you've ever eatten
Drifting soul replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
The vegetarian stuff I eat would be considered weird to non veggies. It looks and tastes like meat but it's made of fungus. Yes fungus! But believe me it's very tasty. I also ate a cat treat when I was 6 which was hard and very horrible. I felt incredible guilty afterwards as I thought I was going to get some horrible, cat related disease! :catgirl: -
I'm a religious person myself so normally i'd advise you to stick to your beliefs. Only they don't really seem like your beliefs, they seem more like your parents beliefs. Maybe you should figure our what your true beliefs are before you go ahead with anything. If not you'll probably just feel guilty. I'm having a problem that's quite similar so I know what you're going through (and also about the whole internet relationship thing). Good luck and sorry for using the word 'beliefs' so many times. My english teacher says I have to stop doing that! Tee hee hee...
This is completly different to everything else on this thread but another one came to me today- How come in The Simpsons Homer's car is pink and Marge's is red? I apologize for the randomness...